
Cercospora capsici

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Cercospora capsici

Cercospora capsici is a plant pathogenic fungus that causes leaf spot disease in pepper plants. It is a common fungal pathogen that affects a wide range of pepper varieties, leading to significant yield losses in affected crops.

Symptoms[edit | edit source]

The symptoms of Cercospora capsici infection typically manifest as small, circular lesions on the leaves of pepper plants. These lesions may initially appear as water-soaked spots that later develop into distinct necrotic areas with characteristic dark brown margins. In severe cases, the lesions can coalesce, leading to extensive defoliation and reduced photosynthetic capacity in the plant.

Disease Cycle[edit | edit source]

Cercospora capsici overwinters in infected plant debris and soil, serving as a source of inoculum for subsequent growing seasons. The fungus produces conidia, which are dispersed by wind, rain, or irrigation water to infect new plant tissues. Under favorable environmental conditions, such as high humidity and moderate temperatures, the disease can spread rapidly within a pepper crop.

Management[edit | edit source]

Effective management strategies for controlling Cercospora capsici include cultural practices, such as crop rotation and sanitation, to reduce the buildup of inoculum in the field. Fungicides may also be used to protect plants from infection, although resistance development is a concern with repeated applications. Planting disease-resistant pepper varieties can help mitigate the impact of Cercospora capsici on crop yields.

References[edit | edit source]


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