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Cherpumple is a dessert that epitomizes the concept of excess in American cuisine. It is a novelty dish that combines three different types of pies and cakes into one towering confection. The name "Cherpumple" is a portmanteau of the pies it traditionally contains: cherry, pumpkin, and apple. Each pie is baked inside a different flavor of cake, creating a layered dessert that is both a culinary challenge and a spectacle.

Origin[edit | edit source]

The Cherpumple was created by Charles Phoenix, a humorist and pop culture aficionado, who was inspired by the excess of holiday meals and the American tradition of serving pie after dinner. Phoenix sought to combine the holiday meal's dessert course into a single, monumental dish that would both awe and amuse. The Cherpumple "monster" pie cake first gained attention in 2010, quickly becoming a viral sensation as people shared their attempts to recreate this culinary behemoth online.

Composition[edit | edit source]

A traditional Cherpumple consists of three layers:

  • The bottom layer is an apple pie baked inside a spice cake.
  • The middle layer is a pumpkin pie baked inside a yellow cake.
  • The top layer is a cherry pie baked inside a white cake.

Each pie is first fully baked, then placed into a cake batter and baked again within the cake. The layers are then stacked on top of each other, often with frosting or whipped cream between each layer and on the outside, creating a dessert that is as tall as it is wide.

Preparation Challenges[edit | edit source]

The preparation of a Cherpumple requires patience, skill, and a bit of culinary bravery. The challenge lies in baking the pies within the cakes without overcooking or undercooking any component. The dessert's sheer size and complexity also make it difficult to bake evenly, and it requires a long cooling period to set properly before it can be sliced.

Cultural Significance[edit | edit source]

The Cherpumple stands as a testament to the playful side of American culinary innovation, where more is often considered better. It reflects a culture that loves to experiment with food, combining flavors and textures in new and unexpected ways. The Cherpumple also speaks to the American tradition of celebratory excess, particularly around holidays and family gatherings where food plays a central role.

Variations[edit | edit source]

While the classic Cherpumple flavors are cherry, pumpkin, and apple, many bakers have created their own variations, substituting different types of pies and cakes to suit their tastes or to celebrate other occasions. These variations maintain the spirit of the original by combining multiple desserts into one.

Reception[edit | edit source]

The Cherpumple has received mixed reactions. Some view it as a delightful culinary adventure, a fun and whimsical way to enjoy multiple desserts at once. Others see it as an example of overindulgence and a symbol of culinary excess. Regardless of one's opinion, the Cherpumple has carved out its niche in the world of novelty foods.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD