Critical closing pressure

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Critical closing pressure (CCP) is a concept in physiology and biomedical engineering that refers to the pressure at which a blood vessel or tubule collapses or closes. This is a significant factor in the regulation of blood flow and can have important implications in conditions such as hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The concept of critical closing pressure was first introduced in the field of cardiovascular physiology to explain the phenomenon of blood flow cessation at a certain pressure level. It is a key parameter in the Windkessel effect, which models the human circulatory system as a simple electrical circuit.

Determination[edit | edit source]

The critical closing pressure can be determined experimentally by gradually reducing the pressure in a vessel or tubule until it collapses. This is typically done in a laboratory setting using microscopy and pressure transducers. The CCP can also be estimated using mathematical models that take into account the physical properties of the vessel or tubule, such as its elasticity and wall thickness.

Clinical significance[edit | edit source]

In the human body, the critical closing pressure is an important factor in the regulation of blood flow. If the pressure in a blood vessel falls below the CCP, the vessel will collapse, potentially leading to ischemia or other complications. This can occur in conditions such as hypertension, where the increased pressure can cause the vessels to become more rigid and thus increase the CCP.

In addition, the CCP can be a useful parameter in the diagnosis and treatment of various cardiovascular diseases. For example, it can be used to assess the severity of atherosclerosis, as the buildup of plaque in the arteries can increase the CCP and thus reduce blood flow.

See also[edit | edit source]

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD