Crossed extensor reflex

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Crossed extensor reflex is a reflex action that occurs in response to a painful stimulus. It is a type of withdrawal reflex that involves the coordination of both sides of the body to maintain balance and posture. This reflex is an important component of the nervous system and plays a crucial role in locomotion and protective reflexes.

Mechanism[edit | edit source]

The crossed extensor reflex is initiated when a painful stimulus, such as stepping on a sharp object, activates nociceptors in the skin. The sensory neurons transmit the pain signal to the spinal cord, where it synapses with interneurons. These interneurons then activate motor neurons on both sides of the body.

On the side of the body that received the painful stimulus (the ipsilateral side), the reflex causes the flexor muscles to contract and the extensor muscles to relax, resulting in the withdrawal of the limb from the painful stimulus. Simultaneously, on the opposite side of the body (the contralateral side), the reflex causes the extensor muscles to contract and the flexor muscles to relax, which helps to support the body's weight and maintain balance.

Components[edit | edit source]

The crossed extensor reflex involves several key components:

Clinical Significance[edit | edit source]

The crossed extensor reflex is an important diagnostic tool in neurology. It can be used to assess the integrity of the spinal cord and the functioning of the nervous system. Abnormalities in this reflex may indicate damage to the spinal cord or other neurological disorders.

Related Reflexes[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD