David Bernier

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David Bernier in 2014

David Bernier is a notable figure in the political and professional landscape of Puerto Rico. Born on September 21, 1977, in Patillas, Puerto Rico, Bernier has made significant contributions in various capacities, including sports, politics, and civil service. His multifaceted career reflects a commitment to public service and excellence in every field he has ventured into.

Early Life and Education[edit | edit source]

David Efrén Bernier Rivera was raised in a family deeply rooted in the values of hard work and community service. He pursued his education with a focus on achieving excellence both academically and in sports. Bernier attended the University of Puerto Rico, where he excelled in his studies and became a distinguished athlete in the sport of table tennis. His prowess in table tennis earned him national recognition and he represented Puerto Rico in numerous international competitions, including the Central American and Caribbean Games and the Pan American Games.

Career[edit | edit source]

Sports Career[edit | edit source]

Bernier's sports career is marked by his achievements in table tennis. His dedication and skill in the sport brought him accolades and established him as one of Puerto Rico's top athletes in the discipline. His participation in international competitions not only showcased his talent but also served to promote the sport within Puerto Rico.

Public Service[edit | edit source]

After retiring from professional sports, David Bernier transitioned into public service, where he has held several key positions. His roles have spanned various capacities, including Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of State and President of the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee. As Secretary of State, Bernier was responsible for overseeing the island's foreign relations and played a crucial role in the administration of electoral processes. His tenure at the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee was marked by efforts to enhance the support and development of athletes across a wide range of sports.

Political Career[edit | edit source]

Bernier's foray into politics has been characterized by his advocacy for social justice, economic development, and the enhancement of Puerto Rico's autonomy. A member of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD), he has been a vocal proponent of maintaining and enhancing Puerto Rico's status as a commonwealth, advocating for greater self-governance while retaining the island's association with the United States. In 2016, Bernier ran for Governor of Puerto Rico. His campaign focused on addressing the island's fiscal crisis, promoting economic growth, and improving the education system. Despite his efforts, Bernier was not elected, but he remains an influential figure in Puerto Rican politics, advocating for policies that aim to benefit the island's residents and its socio-economic landscape.

Personal Life[edit | edit source]

David Bernier is known to value his privacy, but it is public knowledge that he is married and has children. He often cites his family as his greatest support and inspiration.

Legacy and Influence[edit | edit source]

David Bernier's legacy is multifaceted, reflecting his contributions to sports, public service, and politics in Puerto Rico. His journey from an athlete to a public servant and politician exemplifies a commitment to excellence and a dedication to serving the people of Puerto Rico. Bernier continues to be an influential figure in Puerto Rican society, advocating for progress and the well-being of its people.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD