Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust

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Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust is a UK-based charity organization that aims to support young people in their recovery from cancer through sailing and other outdoor activities. Founded by Ellen MacArthur in 2003, the trust provides opportunities for young cancer survivors to rebuild their confidence, self-esteem, and independence after undergoing treatment.

History[edit | edit source]

Ellen MacArthur, a renowned British sailor, established the trust after her own experiences with cancer and sailing inspired her to help others in similar situations. Since its inception in 2003, the trust has grown to become a leading organization in the field of cancer recovery support for young people.

Programs[edit | edit source]

The trust offers various programs and activities designed to empower young cancer survivors. These programs include sailing trips, outdoor adventures, and personal development workshops. By participating in these activities, young people can develop new skills, build lasting friendships, and gain a sense of achievement.

Impact[edit | edit source]

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust has had a significant impact on the lives of many young cancer survivors. Participants often report increased confidence, improved well-being, and a greater sense of hope for the future. The trust's holistic approach to recovery has been praised by healthcare professionals and families alike.

Fundraising[edit | edit source]

To support its programs and activities, the trust relies on donations, sponsorships, and fundraising events. Through the generosity of individuals and organizations, the trust is able to continue its vital work in helping young people affected by cancer.

Recognition[edit | edit source]

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust has received recognition for its innovative approach to supporting young cancer survivors. The trust has been honored with awards for its impact on the community and its dedication to improving the lives of those affected by cancer.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD