
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology

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European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) is a leading international scientific society dedicated to the study and research of human reproduction and embryology. Founded in 1985, ESHRE promotes understanding, education, and research in the field of reproductive medicine, including infertility, assisted reproductive technologies (ART), genetics, and embryology. The society is committed to facilitating the exchange of information and expertise among clinicians, scientists, and other professionals in reproductive health through its annual meetings, publications, and educational activities.

Mission and Objectives[edit | edit source]

The primary mission of ESHRE is to advance the quality of reproductive care worldwide. Its objectives include:

  • Promoting research and disseminating research findings in the field of reproductive medicine and science.
  • Encouraging the improvement and standardization of clinical practices and laboratory procedures in the field of assisted reproduction.
  • Providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge and expertise among professionals in reproductive health.
  • Advocating for the interests of reproductive health professionals and patients at the European and global levels.

Activities and Programs[edit | edit source]

ESHRE organizes a wide range of activities and programs to fulfill its mission, including:

  • An Annual Meeting that gathers thousands of professionals from around the world to share the latest research findings, clinical practices, and technological advancements in reproductive medicine.
  • Publication of the Human Reproduction journal, along with other scientific journals such as Human Reproduction Update, Molecular Human Reproduction, and Reproductive BioMedicine Online, which disseminate high-quality research in the field.
  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) focusing on specific areas within reproductive medicine and science, such as endometriosis, reproductive genetics, and fertility preservation.
  • Educational workshops, online courses, and training programs designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of professionals in reproductive health.

Membership[edit | edit source]

ESHRE offers membership to individuals who are professionals in the field of reproductive medicine and science, including clinicians, researchers, nurses, and laboratory personnel. Members benefit from reduced registration fees for the annual meeting, access to ESHRE's journals and educational resources, and opportunities to participate in SIGs and committees.

Ethical and Legal Considerations[edit | edit source]

ESHRE is committed to promoting ethical practices in reproductive medicine and science. The society has developed guidelines and recommendations to address ethical, legal, and social issues related to assisted reproduction, such as informed consent, embryo research, and the welfare of the child.

Impact[edit | edit source]

Through its activities, ESHRE has significantly contributed to the advancement of reproductive medicine and science. The society's guidelines and recommendations have influenced clinical practices and policies worldwide, ensuring that reproductive technologies are used responsibly and ethically. ESHRE's research initiatives have also led to important discoveries and innovations in the field, improving outcomes for individuals and couples facing reproductive challenges.


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