Five Alive

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Five Alive is a brand of fruit juice blends created by the Coca-Cola Company. It was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1981 and has since become available in numerous countries worldwide. The beverage is well-known for its combination of five fruit juices, typically including orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemon juice, tangerine juice, and lime juice. Over the years, Five Alive has expanded its range to include various flavor combinations, but its core identity remains centered around the original concept of blending five different fruit juices.

History[edit | edit source]

The introduction of Five Alive in the early 1980s marked the Coca-Cola Company's entry into the fruit juice market, diversifying its portfolio beyond carbonated beverages. The brand quickly established itself with its vibrant packaging and the promise of a refreshing taste derived from the mix of five different fruit juices. Its marketing campaigns emphasized vitality and the health benefits of consuming fruits, aligning with growing consumer interest in healthier beverage options.

Product Range[edit | edit source]

Over the years, Five Alive has expanded its product range to include a variety of flavors beyond the original citrus blend. These have included tropical and berry mixes, each maintaining the brand's signature approach of combining five fruit flavors. The products are available in different packaging options, including cartons, bottles, and cans, catering to various consumer preferences and occasions.

Nutritional Information[edit | edit source]

Five Alive is marketed as a source of Vitamin C and other essential nutrients, making it a popular choice among health-conscious consumers. However, like many fruit juices, it can be high in sugar, which has led to some criticism from nutritionists and health advocates. The brand has responded to these concerns by introducing lower-sugar versions of some of its products.

Cultural Impact[edit | edit source]

Five Alive has made a notable impact on popular culture, particularly in the markets where it has a significant presence. Its memorable advertising campaigns and distinctive packaging have made it a recognizable brand among consumers. Additionally, the concept of blending multiple fruit juices has influenced other beverage products in the market.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD