Flag of Nauru

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== Flag of Nauru ==

The Flag of Nauru

The Flag of Nauru was adopted on 31 January 1968, the same day that the island nation gained its independence from Australia. The flag's design is a symbolic representation of the country's geographical location and its history.

Design[edit | edit source]

The flag features a blue field with a narrow, horizontal yellow stripe across the center and a white twelve-pointed star in the bottom left corner. The blue field represents the Pacific Ocean, which surrounds the island. The yellow stripe symbolizes the Equator, as Nauru is located just one degree south of it. The white star represents the island itself, and its twelve points stand for the twelve original tribes of Nauru.

Symbolism[edit | edit source]

  • **Blue Field**: Represents the Pacific Ocean.
  • **Yellow Stripe**: Symbolizes the Equator.
  • **White Star**: Represents the island of Nauru.
  • **Twelve Points**: Stand for the twelve original tribes of Nauru.

History[edit | edit source]

Before the adoption of the current flag, Nauru was under the administration of Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom as a United Nations Trust Territory. The design of the flag was chosen through a local competition, and the winning design was created by a resident of Nauru.

Usage[edit | edit source]

The flag is used as the national flag and ensign. It is flown on government buildings, schools, and other public institutions. It is also used during national holidays and events to signify national pride and unity.

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