Flag of Norfolk Island

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The flag of Norfolk Island was adopted on 17 January 1980. The flag features a vertical triband of green, white, and green with a green Norfolk Island pine tree centred in the white band. The proportions of the flag are 1:2.

Design[edit | edit source]

The design of the flag consists of three vertical bands. The outer bands are green, and the central band is white. In the middle of the white band is a green silhouette of the Norfolk Island pine tree, which is native to the island and a significant symbol of its natural heritage.

Symbolism[edit | edit source]

The green color represents the rich vegetation and the natural beauty of Norfolk Island. The white symbolizes peace and harmony. The Norfolk Island pine tree is an iconic symbol of the island, representing its unique flora and the island's identity.

History[edit | edit source]

Norfolk Island, an external territory of Australia, adopted its flag on 17 January 1980. Prior to this, the island did not have an official flag. The adoption of the flag was part of a broader movement to establish a distinct identity for the island and its residents.

Usage[edit | edit source]

The flag is used to represent Norfolk Island at official events and is flown on public buildings and other significant locations on the island. It is also used by the Norfolk Island Regional Council and other local institutions.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD