Foliate papillae

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Foliate Papillae

The foliate papillae are one of the four types of lingual papillae found on the human tongue, primarily involved in the sensation of taste. Located on the lateral aspects of the posterior tongue, these papillae are characterized by their series of folds or ridges. They are named "foliate" for their leaf-like appearance, with "foliate" being derived from the Latin word "folium," meaning leaf.

Structure[edit | edit source]

Foliate papillae are situated on the sides of the tongue, near the base, appearing as vertical folds and grooves. They are covered by squamous epithelium, which houses taste buds on its lateral surfaces. Each papilla contains several taste buds, with the number decreasing with age. The unique structure of foliate papillae increases their surface area, enhancing their sensitivity to taste stimuli.

Function[edit | edit source]

The primary function of foliate papillae is taste perception. They contain taste buds that are sensitive to various chemical compounds, allowing the detection of taste modalities such as sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. The taste buds within the foliate papillae are innervated by the facial nerve (Cranial Nerve VII) for the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and by the glossopharyngeal nerve (Cranial Nerve IX) for the posterior one-third, facilitating the transmission of taste signals to the brain.

Clinical Significance[edit | edit source]

Changes in the appearance or sensation of the foliate papillae can indicate underlying health issues. Inflammation of the papillae, known as papillitis, can occur due to various causes, including poor oral hygiene, infections, and nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, some systemic diseases may manifest symptoms in the oral cavity, including alterations in the foliate papillae, making them of interest in medical diagnostics.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD