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Folketing (Danish: Folketinget) is the national parliament of Denmark. It is located in the Christiansborg Palace on the islet of Slotsholmen in central Copenhagen. The Folketing is the supreme legislative body of Denmark, and it is responsible for enacting laws, approving the budget, and overseeing the work of the government.

History[edit | edit source]

The Folketing was established in 1849 when Denmark became a constitutional monarchy with the adoption of the Danish Constitution. Initially, it was one of the two chambers of the Rigsdag, the other being the Landsting. In 1953, a constitutional reform led to the abolition of the Landsting, making the Folketing the sole chamber of the Danish parliament.

Structure and Function[edit | edit source]

The Folketing consists of 179 members, including two representatives each from the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Members are elected for a four-year term through a system of proportional representation. The Folketing is presided over by the Speaker of the Folketing, who is elected by the members.

The primary functions of the Folketing include:

  • Enacting legislation
  • Approving the state budget
  • Supervising the government
  • Ratifying international treaties

Committees[edit | edit source]

The Folketing operates through a system of standing committees, each responsible for specific areas of policy. These committees play a crucial role in the legislative process by examining bills, conducting hearings, and making recommendations to the full assembly.

Legislative Process[edit | edit source]

The legislative process in the Folketing involves several stages: 1. **Proposal**: A bill can be proposed by the government or by individual members of the Folketing. 2. **First Reading**: The bill is introduced and debated in the Folketing. 3. **Committee Stage**: The bill is referred to a relevant committee for detailed examination. 4. **Second Reading**: The bill is debated again, and amendments may be proposed. 5. **Third Reading**: The final version of the bill is debated and voted on. 6. **Royal Assent**: If passed, the bill is sent to the monarch for royal assent, after which it becomes law.

Elections[edit | edit source]

Elections to the Folketing are held every four years, but the Prime Minister can call for early elections. The electoral system is based on proportional representation, ensuring that the distribution of seats reflects the overall vote share of the political parties.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]

Categories[edit | edit source]

Template:Parliaments of Europe


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