Giliana Berneri

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Giliana Berneri (1919–1998) was an Italian anarchist and anti-fascist activist. She was the daughter of prominent anarchists Camillo Berneri and Giovanna Caleffi. Giliana Berneri played a significant role in the anarchist movement in Italy and was involved in various political activities throughout her life.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Giliana Berneri was born in 1919 in Florence, Italy. Her parents, Camillo Berneri and Giovanna Caleffi, were well-known anarchists who were actively involved in the anti-fascist movement. Growing up in a politically charged environment, Giliana was exposed to anarchist ideas from a young age.

Political Activism[edit | edit source]

During the Spanish Civil War, Giliana's father, Camillo Berneri, was assassinated in Barcelona in 1937. This event had a profound impact on her and further solidified her commitment to the anarchist cause. Giliana Berneri continued her parents' legacy by participating in various anarchist activities and organizations.

In the post-World War II period, Giliana Berneri was actively involved in the Italian anarchist movement. She contributed to several anarchist publications and was a member of various anarchist groups. Her work focused on promoting anarchist principles and opposing fascism and authoritarianism.

Later Life and Legacy[edit | edit source]

Giliana Berneri remained active in the anarchist movement until her death in 1998. She is remembered for her dedication to the cause of anarchism and her efforts to continue the work of her parents. Her contributions to the anarchist movement in Italy have left a lasting impact.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Related Pages[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD