
Halle synagogue shooting

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HalleSynagoge 01

== Halle Synagogue Shooting ==

The Halle synagogue shooting was a far-right terrorist attack that occurred on October 9, 2019, in Halle (Saale), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The attack targeted the synagogue in Halle on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism. The perpetrator, armed with multiple firearms and explosives, attempted to enter the synagogue but failed due to the security measures in place. He then proceeded to attack a nearby kebab shop, resulting in the deaths of two individuals and injuries to two others.

Background[edit | edit source]

The attack took place during Yom Kippur, a significant day of atonement and fasting in the Jewish calendar. The synagogue in Halle was filled with worshippers observing the holiday. The attack is part of a broader trend of rising antisemitism and far-right extremism in Germany and other parts of the world.

The Attack[edit | edit source]

The attacker, identified as Stephan Balliet, live-streamed the assault on the platform Twitch. He first attempted to breach the synagogue's doors using firearms and homemade explosives but was unsuccessful. Frustrated, he turned his attention to a nearby kebab shop, where he shot and killed two people. The entire incident lasted approximately 35 minutes before Balliet was apprehended by the police.

Perpetrator[edit | edit source]

Stephan Balliet, a 27-year-old German national, was motivated by far-right extremist ideologies. He expressed antisemitic, xenophobic, and misogynistic views in his manifesto, which he published online before the attack. Balliet's actions were influenced by similar attacks, such as the Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

The attack prompted widespread condemnation from political leaders and communities worldwide. It led to increased security measures at Jewish institutions in Germany and a renewed focus on combating far-right extremism. The trial of Stephan Balliet began in July 2020, and he was subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment in December 2020.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]



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