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I-CreI dimer DNA 2


I-CreI is a naturally occurring homodimeric endonuclease enzyme that is known for its ability to recognize and cleave specific DNA sequences. This enzyme is derived from the algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and has been extensively studied for its potential applications in genetic engineering and biotechnology.

Discovery[edit | edit source]

I-CreI was first discovered in the early 1990s during research on the genetics of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Scientists found that this enzyme plays a crucial role in the algae's genome maintenance by cleaving intron sequences from the nuclear genome.

Structure and Function[edit | edit source]

The I-CreI enzyme is composed of two identical subunits that come together to form a functional homodimer. Each subunit contains a catalytic domain responsible for recognizing and cleaving the specific DNA sequence targeted by the enzyme. The cleavage activity of I-CreI results in the formation of double-strand breaks in the DNA molecule.

Applications[edit | edit source]

Due to its high specificity and efficiency in cleaving DNA, I-CreI has been widely used in genetic engineering and gene editing applications. Researchers have utilized this enzyme to create precise modifications in the DNA sequences of various organisms, including plants, animals, and bacteria. The ability of I-CreI to target specific DNA sequences with high accuracy makes it a valuable tool for manipulating genetic information.

Future Directions[edit | edit source]

Ongoing research is focused on further understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the function of I-CreI and exploring its potential applications in various fields, such as gene therapy, biotechnology, and synthetic biology. By elucidating the structure-function relationships of this enzyme, scientists aim to enhance its efficiency and specificity for targeted genome editing purposes.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD