IBA Official Cocktails

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IBA Official Cocktails are a selection of drinks that have been designated by the International Bartenders Association (IBA) for use in the annual World Cocktail Competition (WCC) in bartending. These cocktails are divided into three categories: Unforgettables, Contemporary Classics, and New Era Drinks. The list is used as a definitive guide to the most important classic cocktails in the global bartending industry, ensuring a standard for cocktail preparation on an international level.

History[edit | edit source]

The IBA was established in 1951 as a way to represent the bartenders' guilds from different countries. The creation of the IBA Official Cocktails list was one of the organization's initiatives to standardize cocktails and their recipes globally. This was aimed at ensuring that wherever a cocktail from the list is ordered, it would taste the same, regardless of the country. The list has been updated several times over the years to reflect trends in drinking and new cocktail creations.

Categories[edit | edit source]

The IBA Official Cocktails are categorized into three main groups, each reflecting a different aspect or era of cocktail culture.

Unforgettables[edit | edit source]

The Unforgettables category is a homage to the timeless classics that have stood the test of time. These cocktails are considered the foundation of the bartending industry and include drinks like the Martini, Manhattan, and Negroni.

Contemporary Classics[edit | edit source]

The Contemporary Classics category features cocktails that have gained widespread popularity more recently and have been embraced by the bartending community and the public alike. Examples include the Cosmopolitan, Mojito, and Caipirinha.

New Era Drinks[edit | edit source]

The New Era Drinks category includes innovative cocktails that reflect modern trends and the creativity of bartending. These drinks often incorporate new techniques and ingredients, showcasing the evolving nature of the cocktail industry.

Significance[edit | edit source]

The IBA Official Cocktails list serves several important functions in the bartending and hospitality industry. It provides a standardized set of recipes that bartenders around the world can follow, ensuring consistency and quality in cocktail preparation. It also serves as an educational tool for bartenders, helping them to learn the art and science of cocktail making. Furthermore, the list promotes the craft of bartending and the cocktail culture globally, encouraging innovation and excellence in the field.

World Cocktail Competition[edit | edit source]

The World Cocktail Competition (WCC) is an annual event organized by the IBA where bartenders from around the world compete in making cocktails from the IBA Official Cocktails list. The competition is highly regarded in the industry and winning or even participating can significantly boost a bartender's career.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The IBA Official Cocktails list is more than just a collection of drink recipes; it is a global standard that promotes consistency, education, and innovation in the bartending profession. It reflects the rich history and evolving nature of cocktail culture, making it an essential resource for bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts alike.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD