ICD 11 codes page 3

From WikiMD.com Medical Encyclopedia

ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases and ICD 11 is the 11th revision.

ICD 11 Code ICD 11 Description
Diseases of the ear or mastoid process
- Diseases of external ear
- - Otitis externa
- - - Infectious diseases of external ear
AA00 - - - - Abscess of external ear
AA01 - - - - Cellulitis of external ear
AA02 - - - - Malignant otitis externa
AA03 - - - - Otomycosis
AA04 - - - - Perichondritis of external ear
AA0Y - - - - Other specified infectious diseases of external ear
AA0Z - - - - Infectious diseases of external ear, unspecified
- - - Noninfectious inflammation of external ear
AA10 - - - - Seborrhoeic otitis externa
AA11 - - - - Acute noninfectious otitis externa
AA12 - - - - Chondrodermatitis nodularis
AA13 - - - - Chronic otitis externa
AA1Y - - - - Other specified noninfectious inflammation of external ear
AA1Z - - - - Noninfectious inflammation of external ear, unspecified
AA3Z - - - Otitis externa, unspecified
- - Noninflammatory disorders of the external ear
AA40 - - - Acquired deformity of external auditory canal
AA40.0 - - - - Exostosis of external auditory canal
AA40.1 - - - - Acquired stenosis of external auditory canal
AA40.2 - - - - Cholesteatoma of external auditory canal
AA40.Y - - - - Other specified acquired deformity of external auditory canal
AA41 - - - Acquired deformity of pinna
AA41.0 - - - - Cauliflower ear
AA41.Y - - - - Other specified acquired deformity of pinna
AA42 - - - Impacted cerumen
AA4Y - - - Other specified noninflammatory disorders of the external ear
AA4Z - - - Noninflammatory disorders of the external ear, unspecified
AA6Z - - Diseases of external ear, unspecified
- Diseases of middle ear or mastoid
- - Otitis media
- - - Nonsuppurative otitis media
AA80 - - - - Acute serous or mucoid otitis media
AA81 - - - - Acute nonserous nonsuppurative otitis media
AA82 - - - - Chronic serous or mucoid otitis media
AA83 - - - - Noninfected otitis media with effusion
AA8Z - - - - Nonsuppurative otitis media, unspecified
- - - Suppurative otitis media
AA90 - - - - Acute suppurative otitis media
AA91 - - - - Chronic suppurative otitis media
AA91.0 - - - - - Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media
AA91.1 - - - - - Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media
AA91.2 - - - - - Other chronic suppurative otitis media
AA91.Z - - - - - Chronic suppurative otitis media, unspecified
AA9Y - - - - Other specified suppurative otitis media
AA9Z - - - - Suppurative otitis media, unspecified
AB00 - - - Acute otitis media
AB01 - - - Chronic otitis media
AB0Y - - - Other specified otitis media
AB0Z - - - Otitis media, unspecified
AB10 - - Disorders of Eustachian tube
AB10.0 - - - Diverticulum of Eustachian tube
AB10.1 - - - Patulous Eustachian tube
AB10.2 - - - Eustachian salpingitis
AB10.3 - - - Obstruction of Eustachian tube
AB10.Y - - - Other specified disorders of Eustachian tube
AB10.Z - - - Disorders of Eustachian tube, unspecified
AB11 - - Mastoiditis or related conditions
AB11.0 - - - Acute mastoiditis
AB11.1 - - - Chronic mastoiditis
AB11.2 - - - Petrositis
AB11.3 - - - Mastoiditis, not elsewhere classified
AB11.Y - - - Other specified mastoiditis or related conditions
AB11.Z - - - Mastoiditis or related conditions, unspecified
AB12 - - Cholesteatoma of middle ear
AB13 - - Perforation of tympanic membrane
AB13.0 - - - Central perforation of tympanic membrane
AB13.1 - - - Attic perforation of tympanic membrane
AB13.2 - - - Other marginal perforations of tympanic membrane
AB13.Y - - - Other specified perforation of tympanic membrane
AB13.Z - - - Perforation of tympanic membrane, unspecified
AB14 - - Acute myringitis
AB15 - - Chronic myringitis
AB16 - - Tympanosclerosis
AB17 - - Adhesive middle ear disease
AB18 - - Discontinuity or dislocation of ear ossicles
AB19 - - Acquired abnormalities of ear ossicles not related to discontinuity or dislocation
AB1A - - Polyp of middle ear
AB1A.0 - - - Aural polyp
AB1A.Y - - - Other specified polyp of middle ear
AB1A.Z - - - Polyp of middle ear, unspecified
AB1B - - Middle ear cicatrix
AB1Y - - Other specified diseases of middle ear or mastoid
AB1Z - - Diseases of middle ear or mastoid, unspecified
- Diseases of inner ear
AB30 - - Acute vestibular syndrome
AB30.0 - - - Vestibular neuritis
AB30.1 - - - Labyrinthitis
AB30.Y - - - Other specified acute vestibular syndrome
AB30.Z - - - Acute vestibular syndrome, unspecified
AB31 - - Episodic vestibular syndrome
AB31.0 - - - Meniere disease
AB31.1 - - - Vestibular migraine
AB31.2 - - - Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo
AB31.3 - - - Superior canal dehiscence syndrome
AB31.4 - - - Disembarkment syndrome
AB31.5 - - - Autoimmune inner ear disease
AB31.6 - - - Vestibular paroxysmia
AB31.7 - - - Vertiginous syndromes
AB31.Y - - - Other specified episodic vestibular syndrome
AB31.Z - - - Episodic vestibular syndrome, unspecified
AB32 - - Chronic vestibular syndrome
AB32.0 - - - Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness
AB32.1 - - - Chronic unilateral idiopathic vestibulopathy
AB32.2 - - - Persistent unilateral vestibulopathy after vestibular neuronitis
AB32.3 - - - Unilateral vestibulopathy due to schwannoma
AB32.4 - - - Unilateral vestibulopathy after medical intervention
AB32.5 - - - Chronic bilateral vestibulopathy
AB32.Y - - - Other specified chronic vestibular syndrome
AB32.Z - - - Chronic vestibular syndrome, unspecified
AB33 - - Otosclerosis
AB34 - - Disorders of vestibular function
AB34.0 - - - Idiopathic bilateral vestibulopathy
AB34.1 - - - Other peripheral vertigo
AB34.Y - - - Other specified disorders of vestibular function
AB34.Z - - - Disorders of vestibular function, unspecified
AB35 - - Labyrinthine fistula
AB36 - - Labyrinthine dysfunction
AB37 - - Noise effects on inner ear
AB3Y - - Other specified diseases of inner ear
AB3Z - - Diseases of inner ear, unspecified
- Disorders with hearing impairment
AB50 - - Congenital hearing impairment
AB50.0 - - - Congenital conductive hearing loss
AB50.1 - - - Congenital sensorineural hearing loss
AB50.2 - - - Congenital mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
AB50.Y - - - Other specified congenital hearing impairment
AB50.Z - - - Congenital hearing impairment, unspecified
AB51 - - Acquired hearing impairment
AB51.0 - - - Acquired conductive hearing loss
AB51.1 - - - Acquired sensorineural hearing loss
AB51.2 - - - Acquired mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
AB51.Y - - - Other specified acquired hearing impairment
AB51.Z - - - Acquired hearing impairment, unspecified
AB52 - - Deafness not otherwise specified
AB53 - - Ototoxic hearing loss
AB54 - - Presbycusis
AB55 - - Sudden idiopathic hearing loss
AB56 - - Hereditary hearing loss
AB57 - - Auditory synaptopathy or neuropathy
AB5Y - - Other specified disorders with hearing impairment
AB5Z - - Disorders with hearing impairment, unspecified
- Disorders of ear, not elsewhere classified
AB70 - - Otalgia or effusion of ear
AB70.0 - - - Otorrhoea
AB70.1 - - - Otorrhagia
AB70.2 - - - Otalgia
AB71 - - Degenerative or vascular disorders of ear
AB72 - - Disorders of acoustic nerve
AB72.0 - - - Acoustic neuritis
AB72.Y - - - Other specified disorders of acoustic nerve
AB72.Z - - - Disorders of acoustic nerve, unspecified
AB73 - - Atrophy ear
AB7Y - - Other specified disorders of ear, not elsewhere classified
- Postprocedural disorders of ear or mastoid process
AB90 - - Recurrent cholesteatoma of postmastoidectomy cavity
AB91 - - Mucosal cyst of postmastoidectomy cavity
AB92 - - Granulation of postmastoidectomy cavity
AB93 - - Chronic inflammation of postmastoidectomy cavity
AC0Y - Other specified diseases of the ear or mastoid process
AC0Z - Diseases of the ear or mastoid process, unspecified
Diseases of the circulatory system
- Hypertensive diseases
BA00 - - Essential hypertension
BA00.0 - - - Combined diastolic and systolic hypertension
BA00.1 - - - Isolated diastolic hypertension
BA00.2 - - - Isolated systolic hypertension
BA00.Y - - - Other specified essential hypertension
BA00.Z - - - Essential hypertension, unspecified
BA01 - - Hypertensive heart disease
BA02 - - Hypertensive renal disease
BA03 - - Hypertensive crisis
BA04 - - Secondary hypertension
- Hypotension
BA20 - - Idiopathic hypotension
BA21 - - Orthostatic hypotension
BA2Y - - Other specified hypotension
BA2Z - - Hypotension, unspecified
- Ischaemic heart diseases
- - Acute ischaemic heart disease
BA40 - - - Angina pectoris
BA40.0 - - - - Unstable angina
BA40.1 - - - - Stable angina
BA40.Y - - - - Other specified angina pectoris
BA40.Z - - - - Angina pectoris, unspecified
BA41 - - - Acute myocardial infarction
BA41.0 - - - - Acute ST elevation myocardial infarction
BA41.1 - - - - Acute non-ST elevation myocardial infarction
BA41.Z - - - - Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified
BA42 - - - Subsequent myocardial infarction
BA42.0 - - - - Subsequent myocardial infarction, STEMI
BA42.1 - - - - Subsequent myocardial infarction, NSTEMI
BA42.Z - - - - Subsequent myocardial infarction, unspecified
BA43 - - - Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction
BA4Z - - - Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified
- - Chronic ischaemic heart disease
BA50 - - - Old myocardial infarction
BA51 - - - Ischaemic cardiomyopathy
BA5Z - - - Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified
BA60 - - Certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.0 - - - Dressler syndrome
BA60.1 - - - Other pericarditis as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.2 - - - Ventricular aneurysm as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.3 - - - Ventricular septal defect as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.4 - - - Cardiac rupture as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.5 - - - Pulmonary embolism as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.6 - - - Rupture of papillary muscle or chordae tendineae as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.7 - - - Mural thrombus as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.8 - - - Arrhythmia as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.9 - - - Cardiogenic shock, unrelated to mechanical complications, as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.Y - - - Other specified current complications following acute myocardial infarction
BA60.Z - - - Certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction, unspecified
BA6Z - - Ischaemic heart diseases, unspecified
- Diseases of coronary artery
BA80 - - Coronary atherosclerosis
BA80.0 - - - Coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery
BA80.1 - - - Coronary atherosclerosis of autologous bypass graft
BA80.2 - - - Coronary atherosclerosis of non-autologous bypass graft
BA80.Z - - - Coronary atherosclerosis, unspecified site
BA81 - - Coronary artery aneurysm
BA81.0 - - - Coronary artery aneurysm with perforation
BA81.1 - - - Coronary artery aneurysm with rupture
BA81.2 - - - Coronary artery aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture
BA82 - - Coronary artery dissection
BA83 - - Coronary artery fistula, acquired
BA84 - - Chronic total occlusion of coronary artery
BA85 - - Coronary vasospastic disease
BA85.0 - - - Silent coronary vasospastic disease
BA85.Y - - - Other specified coronary vasospastic disease
BA85.Z - - - Coronary vasospastic disease, unspecified
BA86 - - Coronary microvascular disease
BA8Y - - Other specified diseases of coronary artery
BA8Z - - Diseases of coronary artery, unspecified
- Pulmonary heart disease or diseases of pulmonary circulation
BB00 - - Pulmonary thromboembolism
BB00.0 - - - Acute pulmonary thromboembolism
BB00.1 - - - Chronic pulmonary thromboembolism
BB00.Z - - - Pulmonary thromboembolism, unspecified
BB01 - - Pulmonary hypertension
BB01.0 - - - Pulmonary arterial hypertension
BB01.1 - - - Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease
BB01.2 - - - Pulmonary hypertension due to lung disease or hypoxia
BB01.3 - - - Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
BB01.4 - - - Pulmonary hypertension with multifactorial mechanism
BB01.5 - - - Cor pulmonale
BB01.Z - - - Pulmonary hypertension, unspecified
BB02 - - Certain specified diseases of pulmonary vessels
BB02.0 - - - Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels
BB02.1 - - - Aneurysm of pulmonary artery
BB02.10 - - - - Aneurysm of pulmonary artery with perforation
BB02.11 - - - - Aneurysm of pulmonary artery with rupture
BB02.12 - - - - Aneurysm of pulmonary artery without mention of perforation or rupture
BB02.1Y - - - - Other specified aneurysm of pulmonary artery
BB02.1Z - - - - Aneurysm of pulmonary artery, unspecified
BB02.2 - - - Rupture of pulmonary vessels
BB02.3 - - - Acquired pulmonary arterial tree abnormality
BB02.30 - - - - Postprocedural pulmonary trunk stenosis
BB02.3Y - - - - Other specified acquired pulmonary arterial tree abnormality
BB02.3Z - - - - Acquired pulmonary arterial tree abnormality, unspecified
BB03 - - Acquired pulmonary venous abnormality
BB03.0 - - - Acquired pulmonary venous obstruction
BB03.Y - - - Other specified acquired pulmonary venous abnormality
BB03.Z - - - Acquired pulmonary venous abnormality, unspecified
BB0Y - - Other specified pulmonary heart disease or diseases of pulmonary circulation
BB0Z - - Pulmonary heart disease or diseases of pulmonary circulation, unspecified
- Pericarditis
BB20 - - Acute pericarditis
BB20.0 - - - Infectious pericarditis
BB20.1 - - - Neoplastic pericarditis
BB20.2 - - - Myopericarditis
BB20.Y - - - Other specified acute pericarditis
BB20.Z - - - Acute pericarditis, unspecified
BB21 - - Chronic rheumatic pericarditis
BB22 - - Constrictive pericarditis
BB23 - - Cardiac tamponade
BB24 - - Haemopericardium
BB25 - - Pericardial effusion
BB2Y - - Other specified pericarditis
BB2Z - - Pericarditis, unspecified
- Acute or subacute endocarditis
BB40 - - Acute or subacute infectious endocarditis
BB41 - - Myoendocarditis
BB42 - - Periendocarditis
BB4Y - - Other specified acute or subacute endocarditis
BB4Z - - Acute or subacute endocarditis, unspecified
- Heart valve diseases
- - Mitral valve disease
BB60 - - - Mitral valve stenosis
BB60.0 - - - - Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis
BB60.1 - - - - Nonrheumatic mitral valve stenosis
BB60.Z - - - - Mitral valve stenosis, unspecified
BB61 - - - Mitral valve insufficiency
BB61.0 - - - - Rheumatic mitral valve insufficiency
BB61.Y - - - - Other specified mitral valve insufficiency
BB61.Z - - - - Mitral valve insufficiency, unspecified
BB62 - - - Mitral valve prolapse
BB62.0 - - - - Rheumatic mitral valve prolapse
BB62.1 - - - - Degenerative mitral valve prolapse
BB62.Y - - - - Other specified nonrheumatic mitral valve prolapse
BB62.Z - - - - Mitral valve prolapse, unspecified
BB63 - - - Mitral valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB63.0 - - - - Rheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency
BB63.1 - - - - Nonrheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency
BB63.Z - - - - Mitral valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified
BB64 - - - Mitral valvar abscess
BB65 - - - Mitral valve rupture
BB6Y - - - Other specified mitral valve disease
BB6Z - - - Mitral valve disease, unspecified
- - Aortic valve disease
BB70 - - - Aortic valve stenosis
BB70.0 - - - - Rheumatic aortic valve stenosis
BB70.1 - - - - Nonrheumatic aortic valve stenosis
BB70.Z - - - - Aortic valve stenosis, unspecified
BB71 - - - Aortic valve insufficiency
BB71.0 - - - - Rheumatic aortic valve insufficiency
BB71.Y - - - - Other specified nonrheumatic aortic valve insufficiency
BB71.Z - - - - Aortic valve insufficiency, unspecified
BB72 - - - Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB72.0 - - - - Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency
BB72.1 - - - - Nonrheumatic aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB72.Z - - - - Aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified
BB73 - - - Aortic valvar abscess
BB74 - - - Aortic valvar prolapse
BB7Y - - - Other specified aortic valve disease
BB7Z - - - Aortic valve disease, unspecified
- - Tricuspid valve disease
BB80 - - - Tricuspid valve stenosis
BB80.0 - - - - Rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis
BB80.Y - - - - Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis
BB80.Z - - - - Tricuspid valve stenosis, unspecified
BB81 - - - Tricuspid valve insufficiency
BB81.0 - - - - Rheumatic tricuspid valve insufficiency
BB81.Y - - - - Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve insufficiency
BB81.Z - - - - Tricuspid valve insufficiency, unspecified
BB82 - - - Tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB82.0 - - - - Rheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB82.Y - - - - Other specified nonrheumatic tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB82.Z - - - - Tricuspid valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified
BB83 - - - Tricuspid valvular abscess
BB84 - - - Tricuspid valve rupture
BB8Y - - - Other specified tricuspid valve disease
BB8Z - - - Tricuspid valve disease, unspecified
- - Pulmonary valve disease
BB90 - - - Pulmonary valve stenosis
BB90.0 - - - - Rheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis
BB90.Y - - - - Other specified nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis
BB90.Z - - - - Pulmonary valve stenosis, unspecified
BB91 - - - Pulmonary valve insufficiency
BB91.0 - - - - Rheumatic pulmonary valve insufficiency
BB91.Y - - - - Other specified nonrheumatic pulmonary valve insufficiency
BB91.Z - - - - Pulmonary valve insufficiency, unspecified
BB92 - - - Pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB92.0 - - - - Rheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB92.1 - - - - Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency
BB92.Z - - - - Pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency, unspecified
BB93 - - - Pulmonary valvar abscess
BB9Y - - - Other specified pulmonary valve disease
BB9Z - - - Pulmonary valve disease, unspecified
BC00 - - Multiple valve disease
BC01 - - Prosthetic valve disease
BC0Z - - Heart valve diseases, unspecified
BC20 - Chronic rheumatic heart diseases, not elsewhere classified
BC20.0 - - Rheumatic diseases of endocardium, valve unspecified
BC20.1 - - Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified
BC20.Y - - Other specified chronic rheumatic heart disease
BC20.Z - - Chronic rheumatic heart disease, unspecified
- Diseases of the myocardium or cardiac chambers
BC40 - - Acquired atrial abnormality
BC40.0 - - - Acquired interatrial communication
BC40.Y - - - Other specified acquired atrial abnormality
BC40.Z - - - Acquired atrial abnormality, unspecified
BC41 - - Acquired ventricular abnormality
BC41.0 - - - Acquired interventricular communication
BC41.Y - - - Other specified acquired ventricular abnormality
BC41.Z - - - Acquired ventricular abnormality, unspecified
BC42 - - Myocarditis
BC42.0 - - - Giant cell myocarditis
BC42.1 - - - Infectious myocarditis
BC42.2 - - - Hypersensitivity myocarditis
BC42.3 - - - Rheumatic myocarditis
BC42.30 - - - - Rheumatic cardiomyopathy
BC42.3Y - - - - Other specified rheumatic myocarditis
BC42.3Z - - - - Rheumatic myocarditis, unspecified
BC42.Y - - - Other specific myocarditis
BC42.Z - - - Myocarditis, unspecified
BC43 - - Cardiomyopathy
BC43.0 - - - Dilated cardiomyopathy
BC43.00 - - - - Familial-genetic dilated cardiomyopathy
BC43.01 - - - - Nonfamilial dilated cardiomyopathy
BC43.0Z - - - - Dilated cardiomyopathy, unspecified
BC43.1 - - - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
BC43.10 - - - - Familial-genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
BC43.11 - - - - Non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
BC43.12 - - - - Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
BC43.1Y - - - - Other specified hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
BC43.1Z - - - - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, unspecified
BC43.2 - - - Restrictive cardiomyopathy
BC43.20 - - - - Nonfamilial restrictive cardiomyopathy
BC43.2Y - - - - Other specified restrictive cardiomyopathy
BC43.2Z - - - - Restrictive cardiomyopathy, unspecified
BC43.3 - - - Endocardial fibroelastosis
BC43.4 - - - Cardiomyopathy due to drugs or other external agents
BC43.5 - - - Stress-induced cardiomyopathy
BC43.6 - - - Arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy
BC43.7 - - - Diabetic cardiomyopathy
BC43.Y - - - Other specified cardiomyopathy
BC43.Z - - - Cardiomyopathy, unspecified
BC44 - - Noncompaction cardiomyopathy
BC45 - - Cardiomegaly
BC46 - - Intracardiac thrombosis
BC4Y - - Other specified diseases of the myocardium or cardiac chambers
BC4Z - - Diseases of the myocardium or cardiac chambers, unspecified
- Cardiac arrhythmia
BC60 - - Atrial premature depolarization
BC61 - - Junctional premature depolarization
BC62 - - Accessory pathway
BC63 - - Conduction disorders
BC63.0 - - - Atrioventricular block, first degree
BC63.1 - - - Atrioventricular block, second degree
BC63.10 - - - - High-grade second degree atrioventricular block
BC63.1Y - - - - Other specified atrioventricular block, second degree
BC63.1Z - - - - Atrioventricular block, second degree, unspecified
BC63.2 - - - Complete atrioventricular block
BC63.20 - - - - Congenital complete atrioventricular block
BC63.21 - - - - Acquired complete atrioventricular block
BC63.2Z - - - - Complete atrioventricular block, unspecified
BC63.3 - - - Right bundle branch block
BC63.4 - - - Left bundle branch block
BC63.40 - - - - Left anterior fascicular block
BC63.41 - - - - Left posterior fascicular block
BC63.4Z - - - - Left bundle branch block, fascicle unspecified
BC63.5 - - - Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay
BC63.Y - - - Other specified conduction disorders
BC63.Z - - - Conduction disorders, unspecified
BC64 - - Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome
BC65 - - Cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder
BC65.0 - - - Long QT syndrome
BC65.1 - - - Brugada syndrome
BC65.2 - - - Short QT syndrome
BC65.3 - - - Early repolarisation syndrome
BC65.4 - - - Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation
BC65.5 - - - Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
BC65.Y - - - Other specified cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder
BC65.Z - - - Cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder, unspecified
- - Ventricular rhythm disturbance
BC70 - - - Ventricular premature depolarization
BC71 - - - Ventricular tachyarrhythmia
BC71.0 - - - - Ventricular tachycardia
BC71.00 - - - - - Right outflow tract ventricular tachycardia
BC71.01 - - - - - Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
BC71.02 - - - - - Sustained ventricular tachycardia
BC71.03 - - - - - Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia
BC71.0Y - - - - - Other specified ventricular tachycardia
BC71.0Z - - - - - Ventricular tachycardia, unspecified
BC71.1 - - - - Ventricular fibrillation
BC71.2 - - - - Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia
BC71.Y - - - - Other specified ventricular tachyarrhythmia
BC71.Z - - - - Ventricular tachyarrhythmia, unspecified
BC7Y - - - Other specified ventricular rhythm disturbance
BC7Z - - - Ventricular rhythm disturbance, unspecified
- - Supraventricular rhythm disturbance
BC80 - - - Supraventricular bradyarrhythmia
BC80.0 - - - - Sinus pause
BC80.1 - - - - Sinus bradycardia
BC80.2 - - - - Sinus node dysfunction
BC80.20 - - - - - Sick sinus syndrome
BC80.21 - - - - - Sinoatrial block
BC80.2Y - - - - - Other specified sinus node dysfunction
BC80.2Z - - - - - Sinus node dysfunction, unspecified
BC80.Y - - - - Other specified supraventricular bradyarrhythmia
BC80.Z - - - - Supraventricular bradyarrhythmia, unspecified
BC81 - - - Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia
BC81.0 - - - - Ectopic atrial tachycardia
BC81.1 - - - - Junctional ectopic tachycardia
BC81.2 - - - - Macro reentrant atrial tachycardia
BC81.20 - - - - - Cavotricuspid isthmus dependent macroreentry tachycardia
BC81.21 - - - - - Non-scar, non-isthmus dependent macro reentrant atrial tachycardia
BC81.22 - - - - - Scar mediated macro reentrant atrial tachycardia
BC81.2Y - - - - - Other specified macro reentrant atrial tachycardia
BC81.2Z - - - - - Macro reentrant atrial tachycardia, unspecified
BC81.3 - - - - Atrial fibrillation
BC81.30 - - - - - Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
BC81.31 - - - - - Persistent atrial fibrillation
BC81.32 - - - - - Permanent atrial fibrillation
BC81.33 - - - - - Preexcited atrial fibrillation
BC81.3Y - - - - - Other specified atrial fibrillation
BC81.3Z - - - - - Atrial fibrillation, unspecified
BC81.4 - - - - Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
BC81.5 - - - - Sinus node reentrant tachycardia
BC81.6 - - - - Inappropriate sinus tachycardia
BC81.7 - - - - Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia
BC81.70 - - - - - Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, orthodromic
BC81.71 - - - - - Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, antidromic
BC81.7Y - - - - - Other specified atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia
BC81.7Z - - - - - Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia, unspecified
BC81.8 - - - - Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia
BC81.Y - - - - Other specified supraventricular tachyarrhythmia
BC81.Z - - - - Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, unspecified
BC8Y - - - Other specified supraventricular rhythm disturbance
BC8Z - - - Supraventricular rhythm disturbance, unspecified
BC90 - - Rhythm disturbance at level of atrioventricular junction
BC91 - - Pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator battery at end of battery life
BC9Y - - Other specified cardiac arrhythmia
BC9Z - - Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified
- Heart failure
BD10 - - Congestive heart failure
BD10.0 - - - Biventricular failure
BD10.Y - - - Other specified congestive heart failure
BD10.Z - - - Congestive heart failure, unspecified
BD11 - - Left ventricular failure
BD11.0 - - - Left ventricular failure with preserved ejection fraction
BD11.1 - - - Left ventricular failure with mid range ejection fraction
BD11.2 - - - Left ventricular failure with reduced ejection fraction
BD11.Z - - - Left ventricular failure, unspecified
BD12 - - High output syndromes
BD13 - - Right ventricular failure
BD1Y - - Other specified heart failure
BD1Z - - Heart failure, unspecified
- Diseases of arteries or arterioles
BD30 - - Acute arterial occlusion
BD30.0 - - - Acute upper limb arterial occlusion
BD30.00 - - - - Acute thromboembolic upper limb arterial occlusion
BD30.01 - - - - Acute thrombotic upper limb arterial occlusion
BD30.0Y - - - - Other specified acute upper limb arterial occlusion
BD30.0Z - - - - Acute upper limb arterial occlusion, unspecified
BD30.1 - - - Acute aortoiliac occlusion
BD30.10 - - - - Acute thromboembolic aortoiliac occlusion
BD30.11 - - - - Acute thrombotic aortoiliac occlusion
BD30.1Y - - - - Other specified acute aortoiliac occlusion
BD30.1Z - - - - Acute aortoiliac occlusion, unspecified
BD30.2 - - - Acute lower limb arterial occlusion
BD30.20 - - - - Acute thromboembolic lower limb arterial occlusion
BD30.21 - - - - Acute thrombotic lower limb arterial occlusion
BD30.2Y - - - - Other specified acute lower limb arterial occlusion
BD30.2Z - - - - Acute lower limb arterial occlusion, unspecified
BD30.Y - - - Other specified acute arterial occlusion
BD30.Z - - - Acute arterial occlusion, unspecified
- - Chronic arterial occlusive disease
BD40 - - - Atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease
BD40.0 - - - - Lower limb atherosclerosis
BD40.00 - - - - - Lower limb atherosclerosis with intermittent claudication
BD40.0Y - - - - - Other specified lower limb atherosclerosis
BD40.0Z - - - - - Lower limb atherosclerosis, unspecified
BD40.1 - - - - Atherosclerosis of aorta
BD40.2 - - - - Atherosclerosis of renal artery
BD40.3 - - - - Aortic bifurcation syndrome
BD40.Y - - - - Other specified atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease
BD40.Z - - - - Atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified
BD41 - - - Non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease
BD41.0 - - - - Arterial fibromuscular dysplasia
BD41.Y - - - - Other specified non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease
BD41.Z - - - - Non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified
BD42 - - - Raynaud phenomenon
BD42.0 - - - - Primary Raynaud disease
BD42.1 - - - - Secondary Raynaud phenomenon
BD42.Z - - - - Raynaud phenomenon, unspecified
BD4Y - - - Other specified chronic arterial occlusive disease
BD4Z - - - Chronic arterial occlusive disease, unspecified
BD50 - - Aortic aneurysm or dissection
BD50.0 - - - Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch
BD50.00 - - - - Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch with perforation
BD50.01 - - - - Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch with rupture
BD50.02 - - - - Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch without mention of perforation or rupture
BD50.0Y - - - - Other specified thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch
BD50.0Z - - - - Thoracic aortic dissection, ascending aorta dissection and propagation beyond arch, unspecified
BD50.1 - - - Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch
BD50.10 - - - - Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch with perforation
BD50.11 - - - - Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch with rupture
BD50.12 - - - - Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch without mention of perforation or rupture
BD50.1Y - - - - Other specified ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch
BD50.1Z - - - - Ascending aorta dissection not beyond arch, unspecified
BD50.2 - - - Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation
BD50.20 - - - - Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation with perforation
BD50.21 - - - - Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation with rupture
BD50.22 - - - - Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation without mention of perforation or rupture
BD50.2Y - - - - Other specified descending aorta dissection and distal propagation
BD50.2Z - - - - Descending aorta dissection and distal propagation, unspecified
BD50.3 - - - Thoracic aortic aneurysm
BD50.30 - - - - Thoracic aortic aneurysm with perforation
BD50.31 - - - - Thoracic aortic aneurysm with rupture
BD50.32 - - - - Thoracic aortic aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture
BD50.3Y - - - - Other specified thoracic aortic aneurysm
BD50.3Z - - - - Thoracic aortic aneurysm, unspecified
BD50.4 - - - Abdominal aortic aneurysm
BD50.40 - - - - Abdominal aortic aneurysm with perforation
BD50.41 - - - - Abdominal aortic aneurysm with rupture
BD50.4Y - - - - Other specified abdominal aortic aneurysm
BD50.4Z - - - - Abdominal aortic aneurysm, unspecified
BD50.5 - - - Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm
BD50.50 - - - - Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with perforation
BD50.51 - - - - Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with rupture
BD50.52 - - - - Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm without mention of perforation or rupture
BD50.5Y - - - - Other specified thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm
BD50.5Z - - - - Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, unspecified
BD50.Z - - - Aortic aneurysm or dissection, unspecified
BD51 - - Arterial aneurysm or dissection, excluding aorta
BD51.0 - - - Aneurysm or dissection of carotid artery
BD51.1 - - - Aneurysm or dissection of vertebral artery
BD51.2 - - - Aneurysm or dissection of other precerebral arteries
BD51.3 - - - Aneurysm or dissection of artery of upper extremity
BD51.4 - - - Aneurysm or dissection of renal artery
BD51.5 - - - Aneurysm or dissection of iliac artery
BD51.6 - - - Aneurysm or dissection of artery of lower extremity
BD51.Y - - - Aneurysm and dissection of other artery, excluding aorta
BD51.Z - - - Aneurysm and dissection of unspecified artery
BD52 - - Certain specified disorders of arteries or arterioles
BD52.0 - - - Segmental arterial mediolysis
BD52.1 - - - Arteriovenous fistula, acquired
BD52.2 - - - Stricture of artery
BD52.3 - - - Rupture of artery
BD52.4 - - - Necrosis of artery
BD52.5 - - - Coeliac artery compression syndrome
BD52.Y - - - Other specified disorders of arteries or arterioles
BD53 - - Secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles
BD53.0 - - - Arterial cystic medial diseases
BD53.1 - - - Hypothenar hammer syndrome
BD53.2 - - - Iliac artery arteriopathy
BD53.3 - - - Popliteal entrapment syndrome
BD53.Y - - - Other specified secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles
BD53.Z - - - Secondary disorders of arteries and arterioles, unspecified
BD54 - - Diabetic foot ulcer
BD55 - - Asymptomatic stenosis of intracranial or extracranial artery
BD56 - - Asymptomatic occlusion of intracranial or extracranial artery
BD57 - - Cholesterol atheroembolism to skin
BD5Y - - Other specified diseases of arteries or arterioles
BD5Z - - Diseases of arteries or arterioles, unspecified
- Diseases of veins
BD70 - - Superficial thrombophlebitis
BD70.0 - - - Superficial thrombophlebitis of lower limbs
BD70.1 - - - Superficial thrombophlebitis of upper limbs
BD70.2 - - - Thrombophlebitis migrans
BD70.3 - - - Mondor disease
BD70.Y - - - Other specified superficial thrombophlebitis
BD70.Z - - - Superficial thrombophlebitis, unspecified
BD71 - - Deep vein thrombosis
BD71.0 - - - Upper limb deep vein thrombosis
BD71.1 - - - Vena caval thrombosis
BD71.2 - - - Renal vein thrombosis
BD71.3 - - - Iliac vein thrombosis
BD71.4 - - - Lower limb deep vein thrombosis
BD71.Y - - - Other specified deep vein thrombosis
BD72 - - Venous thromboembolism
BD73 - - Acquired systemic vein abnormality
BD73.0 - - - Acquired inferior caval vein abnormality
BD73.1 - - - Acquired superior caval vein abnormality
BD73.2 - - - Systemic vein obstruction
BD73.20 - - - - Obstruction of peripheral vein
BD73.21 - - - - Obstruction of visceral vein
BD73.2Y - - - - Other specified systemic vein obstruction
BD73.2Z - - - - Systemic vein obstruction, unspecified
BD73.3 - - - Acquired coronary sinus abnormality
BD73.Y - - - Other specified acquired systemic vein abnormality
BD73.Z - - - Acquired systemic vein abnormality, unspecified
BD74 - - Chronic peripheral venous insufficiency of lower extremities
BD74.0 - - - Uncomplicated lower limb venous hypertension
BD74.1 - - - Lower limb varicose veins
BD74.10 - - - - Varicose veins with great saphenous reflux
BD74.11 - - - - Varicose veins with small saphenous reflux
BD74.12 - - - - Varicose veins with non-truncal reflux
BD74.1Z - - - - Lower limb varicose veins, not further specified
BD74.2 - - - Lipodermatosclerosis
BD74.3 - - - Venous leg ulcer
BD74.30 - - - - Primary venous leg ulcer
BD74.31 - - - - Recurrent venous leg ulcer
BD74.32 - - - - Healed venous leg ulcer
BD74.3Z - - - - Venous leg ulcer, unspecified
BD74.Z - - - Chronic peripheral venous insufficiency of lower extremities, unspecified
BD75 - - Venous varicosities of sites other than lower extremity
BD75.0 - - - Sublingual varices
BD75.1 - - - Scrotal varices
BD75.2 - - - Vulval varices
BD75.3 - - - Pelvic varices
BD75.Y - - - Venous varicosities of other specified sites
BD75.Z - - - Venous varicosities of unspecified site
BD7Y - - Other specified diseases of veins
BD7Z - - Diseases of veins, unspecified
- Disorders of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes
BD90 - - Lymphadenitis
BD90.0 - - - Acute lymphadenitis
BD90.1 - - - Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis
BD90.2 - - - Chronic lymphadenitis
BD90.20 - - - - Chronic cervical lymphadenitis
BD90.21 - - - - Chronic axillary lymphadenitis
BD90.22 - - - - Chronic inguinal lymphadenitis
BD90.2Y - - - - Other specified chronic lymphadenitis
BD90.2Z - - - - Chronic lymphadenitis, unspecified
BD90.Y - - - Other specified lymphadenitis
BD90.Z - - - Lymphadenitis, unspecified
BD91 - - Lymphangitis
BD92 - - Lymphangiectasia
BD92.0 - - - Intestinal lymphangiectasia
BD92.1 - - - Cutaneous lymphangiectasia
BD93 - - Lymphoedema
BD93.0 - - - Primary lymphoedema
BD93.1 - - - Secondary lymphoedema
BD93.10 - - - - Lymphoedema due to venous insufficiency
BD93.11 - - - - Lymphoedema due to dependency and immobility
BD93.12 - - - - Lymphoedema due to obesity
BD93.13 - - - - Lymphoedema due to lymphatic filariasis
BD93.14 - - - - Lymphoedema due to podoconiosis
BD93.15 - - - - Lymphoedema due to malignant infiltration
BD93.1Y - - - - Lymphoedema secondary to other specified cause
BD93.1Z - - - - Secondary lymphoedema, unspecified
BD93.Y - - - Other specified forms of lymphoedema
BD93.Z - - - Lymphoedema, unspecified
BD9Y - - Other specified disorders of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes
BD9Z - - Disorders of lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes, unspecified
- Postprocedural disorders of circulatory system
BE10 - - Postcardiotomy syndrome
BE11 - - Other functional disturbances following cardiac surgery
BE12 - - Postprocedural valve disorders
BE12.0 - - - Postprocedural mitral valve stenosis
BE12.1 - - - Postprocedural mitral valve insufficiency
BE12.2 - - - Postprocedural aortic valve stenosis
BE12.3 - - - Postprocedural aortic valve insufficiency
BE12.4 - - - Postprocedural tricuspid valve stenosis
BE12.5 - - - Postprocedural tricuspid valve insufficiency
BE12.6 - - - Postprocedural pulmonary valve stenosis
BE12.7 - - - Postprocedural pulmonary valve insufficiency
BE13 - - Postprocedural true or false aortic aneurysm
BE14 - - Postprocedural disorder of circulatory system following repair of congenital anomaly
BE14.0 - - - Stenosis of the neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin
BE14.1 - - - Insufficiency of the neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin
BE14.2 - - - Endocarditis of the neoaortic valve of pulmonary origin
BE14.3 - - - Congenital heart or great vessel related acquired abnormality
BE14.4 - - - Acquired abnormality of the neopulmonary valve
BE14.40 - - - - Neopulmonary valve stenosis
BE14.41 - - - - Neopulmonary valve regurgitation
BE14.42 - - - - Endocarditis of neopulmonary valve
BE14.Y - - - Other specified postprocedural disorder of circulatory system following repair of congenital anomaly
BE14.Z - - - Postprocedural disorder of circulatory system following repair of congenital anomaly, unspecified
BE15 - - Postprocedural pulmonary arterial tree complication
BE16 - - Postprocedural pulmonary venous complication
BE17 - - Postprocedural residual or recurrent interatrial communication
BE18 - - Postprocedural ventricular septal defect complication
BE19 - - Postprocedural ventricular abnormality
BE1A - - Cardiac transplant associated coronary allograft vasculopathy
BE1B - - Lymphoedema due to surgery or radiotherapy
BE1B.0 - - - Postmastectomy lymphoedema syndrome
BE1B.Y - - - Lymphoedema due to other surgery
BE1C - - Inferior caval vein obstruction due to foreign body
BE1D - - Superior caval vein obstruction due to foreign body
BE1E - - Postprocedural right atrial complication
BE1E.0 - - - Postprocedural right atrial perforation
BE1E.1 - - - Right atrial erosion due to implanted device
BE1E.Y - - - Other specified postprocedural right atrial complication
BE1E.Z - - - Postprocedural right atrial complication, unspecified
BE1F - - Postprocedural left atrial complication
BE1F.0 - - - Postprocedural left atrial perforation
BE1F.1 - - - Left atrial erosion due to implanted device
BE1F.Y - - - Other specified postprocedural left atrial complication
BE1F.Z - - - Postprocedural left atrial complication, unspecified
BE2Y - Other specified diseases of the circulatory system
BE2Z - Diseases of the circulatory system, unspecified
Diseases of the respiratory system
- Upper respiratory tract disorders
CA00 - - Acute nasopharyngitis
CA01 - - Acute sinusitis
CA02 - - Acute pharyngitis
CA02.0 - - - Acute pharyngitis due to other bacteria
CA02.1 - - - Acute viral pharyngitis
CA02.10 - - - - Pharyngitis due to Adenovirus
CA02.1Y - - - - Other specified acute viral pharyngitis
CA02.1Z - - - - Acute viral pharyngitis, unspecified
CA02.Y - - - Other specified acute pharyngitis
CA02.Z - - - Acute pharyngitis, unspecified
CA03 - - Acute tonsillitis
CA03.0 - - - Streptococcal tonsillitis
CA03.Y - - - Other specified acute tonsillitis
CA03.Z - - - Acute tonsillitis, unspecified
CA04 - - Acute laryngopharyngitis
CA05 - - Acute laryngitis or tracheitis
CA05.0 - - - Acute laryngitis
CA05.1 - - - Acute tracheitis
CA05.2 - - - Acute laryngotracheitis
CA05.Y - - - Other specified acute laryngitis or tracheitis
CA05.Z - - - Acute laryngitis or tracheitis, unspecified
CA06 - - Acute obstructive laryngitis or epiglottitis
CA06.0 - - - Acute obstructive laryngitis
CA06.1 - - - Acute epiglottitis
CA06.Y - - - Other specified acute obstructive laryngitis or epiglottitis
CA06.Z - - - Acute obstructive laryngitis or epiglottitis, unspecified
CA07 - - Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites
CA07.0 - - - Acute upper respiratory infection, site unspecified
CA07.1 - - - Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites
CA07.Y - - - Other specified acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites
CA07.Z - - - Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites, unspecified
CA08 - - Vasomotor or allergic rhinitis
CA08.0 - - - Allergic rhinitis
CA08.00 - - - - Allergic rhinitis due to pollen
CA08.01 - - - - Allergic rhinitis due to other seasonal allergens
CA08.02 - - - - Allergic rhinitis due to house dust mite
CA08.03 - - - - Other allergic rhinitis
CA08.0Z - - - - Allergic rhinitis, unspecified
CA08.1 - - - Non-allergic rhinitis
CA08.10 - - - - Non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophils
CA08.1Y - - - - Other specified non-allergic rhinitis
CA08.1Z - - - - Non-allergic rhinitis, unspecified
CA08.2 - - - Mixed rhinitis
CA08.3 - - - Vasomotor rhinitis
CA08.Y - - - Mixed allergic and non-allergic rhinitis
CA08.Z - - - Rhinitis, unspecified whether allergic or nonallergic
CA09 - - Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis or pharyngitis
CA09.0 - - - Chronic rhinitis
CA09.1 - - - Chronic nasopharyngitis
CA09.2 - - - Chronic pharyngitis
CA09.Y - - - Other specified chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis or pharyngitis
CA09.Z - - - Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis or pharyngitis, unspecified
CA0A - - Chronic rhinosinusitis
CA0A.0 - - - Samter syndrome
CA0A.Y - - - Other specified chronic rhinosinusitis
CA0A.Z - - - Chronic rhinosinusitis, unspecified
CA0B - - Silent sinus syndrome
CA0C - - Cyst or mucocele of nose or nasal sinus
CA0D - - Deviated nasal septum
CA0E - - Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates
CA0F - - Chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids
CA0F.0 - - - Hypertrophy of tonsils
CA0F.1 - - - Hypertrophy of adenoids
CA0F.Y - - - Other specified chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids
CA0F.Z - - - Chronic diseases of tonsils or adenoids, unspecified
CA0G - - Chronic laryngitis or laryngotracheitis
CA0H - - Diseases of vocal cords or larynx, not elsewhere classified
CA0H.0 - - - Paralysis of vocal cords or larynx
CA0H.1 - - - Polyp of vocal cord or larynx
CA0H.2 - - - Nodules of vocal cords
CA0H.3 - - - Oedema of larynx
CA0H.4 - - - Laryngeal spasm
CA0H.5 - - - Stenosis of larynx
CA0H.Y - - - Other specified diseases of vocal cords or larynx, not elsewhere classified
CA0H.Z - - - Diseases of vocal cords or larynx, not elsewhere classified, unspecified
CA0J - - Nasal polyp
CA0J.0 - - - Polypoid sinus degeneration
CA0J.Y - - - Other specified nasal polyp
CA0J.Z - - - Nasal polyp, unspecified
CA0K - - Abscess of upper respiratory tract
CA0K.0 - - - Retropharyngeal or parapharyngeal abscess
CA0K.1 - - - Peritonsillar abscess
CA0K.Y - - - Other specified abscess of upper respiratory tract
CA0K.Z - - - Abscess of upper respiratory tract, unspecified
CA0Y - - Other specified upper respiratory tract disorders
CA0Z - - Upper respiratory tract disorders, unspecified
- Certain lower respiratory tract diseases
CA20 - - Bronchitis
CA20.0 - - - Acute noninfectious bronchitis
CA20.1 - - - Chronic bronchitis
CA20.10 - - - - Simple chronic bronchitis
CA20.11 - - - - Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
CA20.12 - - - - Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
CA20.13 - - - - Protracted bacterial bronchitis
CA20.1Y - - - - Other specified chronic bronchitis
CA20.1Z - - - - Chronic bronchitis, unspecified
CA20.Y - - - Other specified bronchitis
CA20.Z - - - Bronchitis, unspecified
CA21 - - Emphysema
CA21.0 - - - MacLeod syndrome
CA21.1 - - - Panlobular emphysema
CA21.2 - - - Centrilobular emphysema
CA21.Y - - - Other specified emphysema
CA21.Z - - - Emphysema, unspecified
CA22 - - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CA22.0 - - - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified
CA22.1 - - - Certain specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CA22.Z - - - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified
CA23 - - Asthma
CA23.0 - - - Allergic asthma
CA23.00 - - - - Allergic asthma with exacerbation
CA23.01 - - - - Allergic asthma with status asthmaticus
CA23.02 - - - - Allergic asthma, uncomplicated
CA23.0Z - - - - Allergic asthma, unspecified
CA23.1 - - - Non-allergic asthma
CA23.10 - - - - Non-allergic asthma with exacerbation
CA23.11 - - - - Non-allergic asthma with status asthmaticus
CA23.12 - - - - Non-allergic asthma, uncomplicated
CA23.2 - - - Other specified forms of asthma or bronchospasm
CA23.20 - - - - Aspirin-induced asthma
CA23.21 - - - - Exercise-induced bronchospasm
CA23.22 - - - - Cough variant asthma
CA23.3 - - - Unspecified asthma
CA23.30 - - - - Unspecified asthma with exacerbation
CA23.31 - - - - Unspecified asthma with status asthmaticus
CA23.32 - - - - Unspecified asthma, uncomplicated
CA24 - - Bronchiectasis
CA25 - - Cystic fibrosis
CA25.0 - - - Classical cystic fibrosis
CA25.1 - - - Atypical cystic fibrosis
CA25.2 - - - Subclinical cystic fibrosis
CA25.Z - - - Cystic fibrosis, unspecified
CA26 - - Chronic bronchiolitis
CA26.0 - - - Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis
CA26.1 - - - Diffuse panbronchiolitis
CA26.Y - - - Other specified chronic bronchiolitis
CA26.Z - - - Chronic bronchiolitis, unspecified
CA27 - - Tracheobronchitis
CA27.0 - - - Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica
CA27.1 - - - Tracheobronchomegaly
CA27.Y - - - Other specified tracheobronchitis
CA27.Z - - - Tracheobronchitis, unspecified
CA2Y - - Other specified lower respiratory tract disease
CA2Z - - Lower respiratory tract disease, unspecified
- Lung infections
CA40 - - Pneumonia
CA40.0 - - - Bacterial pneumonia
CA40.00 - - - - Pneumonia due to Chlamydophila pneumoniae
CA40.01 - - - - Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli
CA40.02 - - - - Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae
CA40.03 - - - - Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae
CA40.04 - - - - Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
CA40.05 - - - - Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa
CA40.06 - - - - Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus
CA40.07 - - - - Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
CA40.08 - - - - Pneumonia due to Beta-haemolytic streptococcus
CA40.0Y - - - - Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria
CA40.0Z - - - - Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified
CA40.1 - - - Viral pneumonia
CA40.10 - - - - Pneumonia due to Adenovirus
CA40.11 - - - - Pneumonia due to Respiratory syncytial virus
CA40.12 - - - - Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus
CA40.13 - - - - Pneumonia due to Human metapneumovirus
CA40.1Y - - - - Pneumonia due to other specified virus
CA40.1Z - - - - Viral pneumonia, unspecified
CA40.2 - - - Fungal pneumonia
CA40.20 - - - - Pneumonia due to pneumocystis
CA40.2Y - - - - Other specified fungal pneumonia
CA40.2Z - - - - Fungal pneumonia, unspecified
CA40.Y - - - Other specified pneumonia
CA40.Z - - - Pneumonia, organism unspecified
CA41 - - Acute bronchiolitis
CA41.0 - - - Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus
CA41.Y - - - Other specified acute bronchiolitis
CA41.Z - - - Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified
CA42 - - Acute bronchitis
CA42.0 - - - Acute bronchitis due to Streptococcus
CA42.1 - - - Acute bronchitis due to Rhinovirus
CA42.2 - - - Acute bronchitis due to Respiratory syncytial virus
CA42.3 - - - Acute bronchitis due to Parainfluenza virus
CA42.4 - - - Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae
CA42.5 - - - Acute bronchitis due to Coxsackievirus
CA42.Y - - - Other specified acute bronchitis
CA42.Z - - - Acute bronchitis, unspecified
CA43 - - Abscess of lung or mediastinum
CA43.0 - - - Gangrene or necrosis of lung
CA43.1 - - - Abscess of lung with pneumonia
CA43.2 - - - Abscess of lung without pneumonia
CA43.3 - - - Abscess of mediastinum
CA43.Y - - - Other specified abscess of lung or mediastinum
CA43.Z - - - Abscess of lung or mediastinum, unspecified
CA44 - - Pyothorax
CA45 - - Respiratory infections, not elsewhere classified
CA4Y - - Other specified lung infections
CA4Z - - Lung infections, unspecified
- Lung diseases due to external agents
CA60 - - Pneumoconiosis
CA60.0 - - - Pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica
CA60.00 - - - - Pneumoconiosis due to talc dust
CA60.0Y - - - - Other specified pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica
CA60.0Z - - - - Pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica, unspecified
CA60.1 - - - Coal worker pneumoconiosis
CA60.2 - - - Pneumoconiosis due to mineral fibres including asbestos
CA60.3 - - - Pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis
CA60.4 - - - Aluminosis of lung
CA60.5 - - - Bauxite fibrosis of lung
CA60.6 - - - Berylliosis
CA60.7 - - - Graphite fibrosis of lung
CA60.8 - - - Siderosis
CA60.9 - - - Stannosis
CA60.Y - - - Other specified pneumoconiosis
- - Pneumonitis
CA70 - - - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust
CA70.0 - - - - Farmer lung
CA70.1 - - - - Bagassosis
CA70.2 - - - - Bird fancier lung
CA70.3 - - - - Suberosis
CA70.4 - - - - Malt worker lung
CA70.5 - - - - Mushroom worker lung
CA70.6 - - - - Maple bark stripper lung
CA70.7 - - - - Air conditioner or humidifier lung
CA70.Y - - - - Other specified hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust
CA70.Z - - - - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust, unspecified
CA71 - - - Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids
CA71.0 - - - - Pneumonitis due to inhalation of food or vomit
CA71.1 - - - - Pneumonitis due to oils or essences
CA71.2 - - - - Pneumonitis due to aspiration of blood
CA71.3 - - - - Lipoid pneumonitis
CA71.Y - - - - Other specified pneumonitis due to solids and liquids
CA71.Z - - - - Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids, unspecified
CA72 - - - Mendelson syndrome
CA7Y - - - Other specified pneumonitis
CA7Z - - - Pneumonitis, unspecified
CA80 - - Airway disease due to specific organic dust
CA80.0 - - - Byssinosis
CA80.1 - - - Flax-dresser disease
CA80.2 - - - Cannabinosis
CA80.Y - - - Other specified airway disease due to specific organic dust
CA80.Z - - - Airway disease due to specific organic dust, unspecified
CA81 - - Respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours
CA81.0 - - - Bronchitis or pneumonitis due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours
CA81.1 - - - Pulmonary oedema due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours
CA81.2 - - - Upper respiratory inflammation due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours, not elsewhere classified
CA81.Y - - - Other specified respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours
CA81.Z - - - Respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes or vapours, unspecified
CA82 - - Respiratory conditions due to other external agents
CA82.0 - - - Acute pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
CA82.1 - - - Chronic or other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
CA82.2 - - - Acute drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
CA82.3 - - - Chronic drug-induced interstitial lung disorders
CA82.4 - - - Aspergillus-induced allergic or hypersensitivity conditions
CA82.Y - - - Other specified respiratory conditions due to other external agents
CA82.Z - - - Respiratory conditions due to other external agents, unspecified
CA8Y - - Other specified lung diseases due to external agents
CA8Z - - Lung diseases due to external agents, unspecified
- Respiratory diseases principally affecting the lung interstitium
CB00 - - Acute respiratory distress syndrome
CB01 - - Pulmonary oedema
CB02 - - Pulmonary eosinophilia
CB02.0 - - - Asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia
CB02.1 - - - Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonitis
CB02.10 - - - - Idiopathic acute eosinophilic pneumonitis
CB02.11 - - - - Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonitis
CB02.1Y - - - - Other specified idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonitis
CB02.1Z - - - - Idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonitis, unspecified
CB02.2 - - - Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
CB02.Y - - - Other specified pulmonary eosinophilia
CB02.Z - - - Pulmonary eosinophilia, unspecified
CB03 - - Idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis
CB03.0 - - - Acute interstitial pneumonitis
CB03.1 - - - Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema syndrome
CB03.2 - - - Cryptogenic organizing pneumonitis
CB03.3 - - - Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis
CB03.4 - - - Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
CB03.5 - - - Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
CB03.6 - - - Respiratory bronchiolitis - interstitial lung disease
CB03.Y - - - Other specified idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis
CB03.Z - - - Idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis, unspecified
CB04 - - Primary interstitial lung diseases specific to infancy or childhood
CB04.0 - - - Diffuse pulmonary developmental disorders
CB04.1 - - - Pulmonary lymphatic dysplasia syndromes
CB04.2 - - - Disorders of surfactant metabolism
CB04.3 - - - Alveolar or peri-alveolar conditions
CB04.30 - - - - Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
CB04.31 - - - - Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
CB04.3Y - - - - Other specified alveolar or peri-alveolar conditions
CB04.3Z - - - - Alveolar or peri-alveolar conditions, unspecified
CB04.4 - - - Pulmonary capillaritis
CB04.5 - - - Brain-lung-thyroid syndrome
CB04.6 - - - Chronic pneumonitis of infancy
CB04.7 - - - Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy
CB04.Y - - - Other specified primary interstitial lung diseases specific to infancy or childhood
CB04.Z - - - Primary interstitial lung diseases specific to infancy or childhood, unspecified
CB05 - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic diseases
CB05.0 - - - Diffuse alveolar damage
CB05.1 - - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with connective tissue diseases
CB05.2 - - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with granulomatous diseases
CB05.3 - - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with metabolic diseases
CB05.4 - - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic vasculitides
CB05.40 - - - - Respiratory disorders in Churg-Strauss syndrome
CB05.41 - - - - Respiratory disorders in microscopic polyangiitis
CB05.4Y - - - - Other specified interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic vasculitides
CB05.4Z - - - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic vasculitides, unspecified
CB05.5 - - - Secondary pulmonary haemosiderosis
CB05.Y - - - Other specified interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic diseases
CB05.Z - - - Interstitial lung diseases associated with systemic diseases, unspecified
CB06 - - Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
CB07 - - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
CB07.0 - - - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis associated with tuberous sclerosis complex
CB07.1 - - - Sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis
CB07.Y - - - Other specified lymphangioleiomyomatosis
CB07.Z - - - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, unspecified
CB0Y - - Other specified respiratory diseases principally affecting the lung interstitium
CB0Z - - Respiratory diseases principally affecting the lung interstitium, unspecified
- Pleural, diaphragm or mediastinal disorders
CB20 - - Pleural plaque
CB21 - - Pneumothorax
CB21.0 - - - Spontaneous tension pneumothorax
CB21.1 - - - Other spontaneous pneumothorax
CB21.Y - - - Other specified pneumothorax
CB21.Z - - - Pneumothorax, unspecified
CB22 - - Diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified
CB22.0 - - - Fibrosing mediastinitis
CB22.Y - - - Other specified diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified
CB22.Z - - - Diseases of mediastinum, not elsewhere classified, unspecified
CB23 - - Disorders of diaphragm
CB24 - - Chylous effusion
CB25 - - Fibrothorax
CB26 - - Haemothorax
CB27 - - Pleural effusion
CB2Y - - Other specified pleural, diaphragm or mediastinal disorders
CB2Z - - Pleural, diaphragm or mediastinal disorders, unspecified
CB40 - Certain diseases of the respiratory system
CB40.0 - - Ciliary dyskinesia
CB40.1 - - Young syndrome
CB40.2 - - Pulmonary collapse
CB40.3 - - Interstitial emphysema
CB40.4 - - Compensatory emphysema
CB40.Y - - Other specified diseases of the respiratory system
CB41 - Respiratory failure
CB41.0 - - Acute respiratory failure
CB41.00 - - - Acute respiratory failure, Type I
CB41.01 - - - Acute respiratory failure, Type II
CB41.0Z - - - Acute respiratory failure, unspecified
CB41.1 - - Chronic respiratory failure
CB41.10 - - - Chronic respiratory failure, Type I
CB41.11 - - - Chronic respiratory failure, Type II
CB41.1Z - - - Chronic respiratory failure, unspecified
CB41.2 - - Respiratory failure, unspecified as acute or chronic
CB41.20 - - - Respiratory failure, unspecified, Type I
CB41.21 - - - Respiratory failure, unspecified, Type II
CB41.2Z - - - Respiratory failure, unspecified
- Postprocedural disorders of the respiratory system
CB60 - - Tracheostomy malfunction
CB61 - - Chronic pulmonary insufficiency following surgery
CB62 - - Postprocedural subglottic stenosis
CB63 - - Postprocedural stenosis of the trachea
CB64 - - Transfusion related acute lung injury
CB7Z - Diseases of the respiratory system, unspecified
Diseases of the digestive system
- Diseases or disorders of orofacial complex
DA00 - - Disorders of lips
DA00.0 - - - Cheilitis
DA00.1 - - - Self-induced lip trauma
DA00.2 - - - Pigmentary abnormalities of lips
DA00.3 - - - Lip fissure
DA00.Y - - - Other specified disorders of lips
DA01 - - Disorders of oral mucosa
DA01.0 - - - Disturbances of oral epithelium
DA01.00 - - - - Leukoplakia
DA01.01 - - - - Hairy leukoplakia
DA01.02 - - - - Wandering rash of the mouth
DA01.0Y - - - - Other specified disturbances of oral epithelium
DA01.1 - - - Noninfectious erosive or ulcerative disorders of oral mucosa
DA01.10 - - - - Oral aphthae or aphtha-like ulceration
DA01.11 - - - - Oral mucositis
DA01.12 - - - - Chronic ulcerative stomatitis
DA01.13 - - - - Erythema multiforme with oral ulceration
DA01.14 - - - - Drug-induced oral ulcer
DA01.15 - - - - Mouth ulcers
DA01.1Y - - - - Other specified noninfectious erosive or ulcerative disorders of oral mucosa
DA01.2 - - - Granuloma or granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa
DA01.20 - - - - Giant cell granuloma, central
DA01.21 - - - - Orofacial granulomatosis
DA01.2Y - - - - Other specified granuloma or granuloma-like lesions of oral mucosa
DA01.3 - - - Infections of lips or oral mucosa
DA01.30 - - - - Cellulitis or abscess of soft tissues of the mouth
DA01.3Y - - - - Other specified infections of lips or oral mucosa
DA01.4 - - - Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa
DA01.40 - - - - Papillary hyperplasia of oral mucosa
DA01.41 - - - - Denture hyperplasia
DA01.42 - - - - Oral fibroepithelial polyp
DA01.4Z - - - - Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa, unspecified
DA01.Y - - - Other specified disorders of oral mucosa
DA02 - - Miscellaneous specified disorders of lips or oral mucosa
DA02.0 - - - Genetic or developmental disorders involving lips or oral mucosa
DA02.1 - - - Xerostomia
DA02.2 - - - Oral submucous fibrosis
DA02.3 - - - Contact gingivostomatitis
DA02.30 - - - - Allergic contact gingivostomatitis
DA02.31 - - - - Irritant contact gingivostomatitis
DA03 - - Diseases of tongue
DA03.0 - - - Glossitis
DA03.1 - - - Geographic tongue
DA03.2 - - - Atrophy of tongue papillae
DA03.3 - - - Median rhomboid glossitis
DA03.4 - - - Hypertrophy of tongue papillae
DA03.5 - - - Macroglossia
DA03.Y - - - Other specified diseases of tongue
DA04 - - Diseases of salivary glands
DA04.0 - - - Atrophy of salivary gland
DA04.1 - - - Hypertrophy of salivary gland
DA04.2 - - - Sialoadenitis
DA04.3 - - - Abscess of salivary gland
DA04.4 - - - Sialolithiasis
DA04.5 - - - Mucocele of salivary gland
DA04.6 - - - Disturbances of salivary secretion
DA04.7 - - - Sialophagia
DA04.8 - - - Sialoschesis
DA04.Y - - - Other specified diseases of salivary glands
DA04.Z - - - Diseases of salivary glands, unspecified
DA05 - - Cysts of oral or facial-neck region
DA05.0 - - - Developmental odontogenic cysts
DA05.1 - - - Developmental nonodontogenic cysts of oral region
DA05.Y - - - Other specified cysts of oral or facial-neck region
DA05.Z - - - Cysts of oral or facial-neck region, unspecified
DA06 - - Certain specified diseases of jaws
DA06.0 - - - Inflammatory conditions of jaws
DA06.1 - - - Alveolitis of jaw
DA06.2 - - - Exostosis of jaw
DA06.3 - - - Stafne mandibular bone cavity
DA07 - - Disorders of tooth development or eruption
DA07.0 - - - Fluoride related opacities or lesions
DA07.1 - - - Nonfluoride enamel opacities
DA07.2 - - - Enamel hypoplasia
DA07.3 - - - Disturbances in tooth formation
DA07.4 - - - Root anomaly
DA07.5 - - - Cementum dysplasia
DA07.6 - - - Disturbances in tooth eruption
DA07.60 - - - - Teething syndrome
DA07.61 - - - - Ankylosis of teeth
DA07.6Y - - - - Other specified disturbances in tooth eruption
DA07.6Z - - - - Disturbances in tooth eruption, unspecified
DA07.7 - - - Embedded teeth
DA07.8 - - - Impacted teeth
DA07.Y - - - Other specified disorders of tooth development or eruption
DA07.Z - - - Disorders of tooth development or eruption, unspecified
DA08 - - Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
DA08.0 - - - Dental caries
DA08.1 - - - Certain specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth
DA08.10 - - - - Excessive attrition of teeth
DA08.11 - - - - Abrasion of teeth
DA08.12 - - - - Erosion of teeth
DA08.13 - - - - Abfraction
DA08.14 - - - - Pathological resorption of teeth
DA08.15 - - - - Posteruptive colour changes of dental hard tissues
DA08.2 - - - Chronic dental injuries
DA08.3 - - - Nontraumatic fracture of tooth
DA08.4 - - - Deposits on teeth
DA08.Y - - - Other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth
DA08.Z - - - Diseases of hard tissues of teeth, unspecified
DA09 - - Diseases of pulp or periapical tissues
DA09.0 - - - Pulpitis
DA09.1 - - - Necrosis of pulp
DA09.2 - - - Pulp abscess
DA09.3 - - - Phoenix abscess
DA09.4 - - - Pulp degeneration
DA09.5 - - - Abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp
DA09.6 - - - Periapical abscess
DA09.60 - - - - Periapical abscess with facial involvement
DA09.61 - - - - Periapical abscess with sinus
DA09.62 - - - - Periapical abscess without sinus
DA09.6Y - - - - Other specified periapical abscess
DA09.6Z - - - - Periapical abscess, unspecified
DA09.7 - - - Periapical periodontitis
DA09.70 - - - - Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin
DA09.71 - - - - Chronic apical periodontitis
DA09.7Y - - - - Other specified periapical periodontitis
DA09.7Z - - - - Periapical periodontitis, unspecified
DA09.8 - - - Radicular cyst
DA09.Y - - - Other specified diseases of pulp or periapical tissues
DA09.Z - - - Diseases of pulp or periapical tissues, unspecified
DA0A - - Certain specified disorders of teeth or supporting structures
DA0A.0 - - - Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes
DA0A.1 - - - Loss of teeth due to accident, extraction or local periodontal disease
DA0A.2 - - - Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge
DA0A.3 - - - Retained dental root
DA0A.Y - - - Other specified disorders of teeth and supporting structures
DA0A.Z - - - Unspecified disorders of teeth and supporting structures
DA0B - - Gingival diseases
DA0B.0 - - - Allergic gingivitis
DA0B.1 - - - Catarrhal gingivitis
DA0B.2 - - - Eruptive gingivitis
DA0B.3 - - - Atrophic senile gingivitis
DA0B.4 - - - Acute multiple gingival abscesses
DA0B.5 - - - Developmental or acquired deformities or conditions of gingiva
DA0B.6 - - - Pericoronitis
DA0B.Y - - - Other specified gingival diseases
DA0B.Z - - - Gingival diseases, unspecified
DA0C - - Periodontal disease
DA0C.0 - - - Acute periodontitis
DA0C.1 - - - Aggressive periodontitis
DA0C.2 - - - Periodontosis
DA0C.3 - - - Necrotising periodontal diseases
DA0C.30 - - - - Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis
DA0C.31 - - - - Noma
DA0C.3Y - - - - Other specified necrotising periodontal diseases
DA0C.3Z - - - - Necrotising periodontal diseases, unspecified
DA0C.4 - - - Abscess of periodontium
DA0C.5 - - - Linear gingival erythema
DA0C.Y - - - Other specified periodontal disease
DA0C.Z - - - Periodontal disease, unspecified
DA0D - - Certain specified disorders of gingival or edentulous alveolar ridge
DA0D.0 - - - Gingival recession
DA0D.1 - - - Gingival enlargement
DA0D.2 - - - Gingival or edentulous alveolar ridge lesions associated with trauma
DA0D.3 - - - Hypoplasminogenaemia
DA0D.4 - - - Cotton-roll gingivitis
DA0D.5 - - - Gingival ulceration
DA0D.Y - - - Other specified disorders of gingival or edentulous alveolar ridge
DA0E - - Dentofacial anomalies
DA0E.0 - - - Major anomalies of jaw size
DA0E.00 - - - - Micrognathia
DA0E.0Y - - - - Other specified major anomalies of jaw size
DA0E.0Z - - - - Major anomalies of jaw size, unspecified
DA0E.1 - - - Anomalies of jaw-cranial base relationship
DA0E.2 - - - Anomalies of dental arch relationship
DA0E.3 - - - Anomalies of tooth position
DA0E.4 - - - Food impaction
DA0E.5 - - - Malocclusion
DA0E.50 - - - - Class II division 2 malocclusion
DA0E.51 - - - - Angle class I malocclusion
DA0E.5Y - - - - Other specified malocclusion
DA0E.5Z - - - - Malocclusion, unspecified
DA0E.6 - - - Dentofacial functional abnormalities
DA0E.7 - - - Dentofacial parafunctional disorders
DA0E.8 - - - Temporomandibular joint disorders
DA0E.Y - - - Other specified dentofacial anomalies
DA0E.Z - - - Dentofacial anomalies, unspecified
DA0F - - Sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex
DA0F.0 - - - Burning mouth syndrome
DA0F.Y - - - Other specified sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex
DA0F.Z - - - Sensory disturbances affecting orofacial complex, unspecified
DA0Y - - Other specified diseases or disorders of orofacial complex
DA0Z - - Diseases or disorders of orofacial complex, unspecified
- Diseases of oesophagus
DA20 - - Acquired anatomical alterations of the oesophagus
DA20.0 - - - Oesophageal obstruction
DA20.1 - - - Diverticulum of oesophagus, acquired
DA20.2 - - - Oesophageal web
DA20.3 - - - Perforation of oesophagus
DA20.30 - - - - Spontaneous rupture of oesophagus
DA20.3Y - - - - Other specified perforation of oesophagus
DA20.3Z - - - - Perforation of oesophagus, unspecified
DA20.Y - - - Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the oesophagus
DA20.Z - - - Acquired anatomical alterations of the oesophagus, unspecified
DA21 - - Motility disorders of oesophagus
DA21.0 - - - Achalasia
DA21.1 - - - Motility disorder of cervical or upper oesophagus
DA21.2 - - - Disorder of oesophageal peristalsis
DA21.20 - - - - Hypertensive peristalsis
DA21.21 - - - - Hypotensive peristalsis
DA21.22 - - - - Spastic peristalsis
DA21.2Y - - - - Other specified disorder of oesophageal peristalsis
DA21.2Z - - - - Disorder of oesophageal peristalsis, unspecified
DA21.3 - - - Disorder of lower oesophageal sphincter function
DA21.Y - - - Other specified motility disorders of oesophagus
DA21.Z - - - Motility disorders of oesophagus, unspecified
DA22 - - Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
DA22.0 - - - Non-erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
DA22.1 - - - Erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
DA22.Z - - - Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, unspecified
DA23 - - Columnar metaplastic epithelium of the oesophagus
DA23.0 - - - Barrett epithelium
DA23.1 - - - Dysplasia of Barrett epithelium
DA23.2 - - - Barrett ulcer
DA23.Y - - - Other specified columnar metaplastic epithelium of the oesophagus
DA23.Z - - - Columnar metaplastic epithelium of the oesophagus, unspecified
DA24 - - Oesophagitis
DA24.0 - - - Infectious oesophagitis
DA24.00 - - - - Oesophageal phlegmon
DA24.0Y - - - - Other specified infectious oesophagitis
DA24.0Z - - - - Infectious oesophagitis, unspecified
DA24.1 - - - Eosinophilic oesophagitis
DA24.2 - - - Oesophagitis due to external causes
DA24.20 - - - - Chemical oesophagitis
DA24.21 - - - - Drug-induced oesophagitis
DA24.22 - - - - Radiation oesophagitis
DA24.2Z - - - - Oesophagitis due to external causes, unspecified
DA24.Y - - - Other specified oesophagitis
DA24.Z - - - Oesophagitis, unspecified
DA25 - - Oesophageal ulcer
DA25.0 - - - Oesophageal erosion
DA25.1 - - - Infectious oesophageal ulcer
DA25.10 - - - - Bacterial oesophageal ulcer
DA25.11 - - - - Fungal oesophageal ulcer
DA25.12 - - - - Parasitic oesophageal ulcer
DA25.13 - - - - Viral oesophageal ulcer
DA25.1Y - - - - Other specified infectious oesophageal ulcer
DA25.1Z - - - - Infectious oesophageal ulcer, unspecified
DA25.2 - - - Oesophageal ulcer due to allergic or immunologic disorder
DA25.3 - - - Oesophageal ulcer due to external causes
DA25.30 - - - - Chemical oesophageal ulcer
DA25.31 - - - - Drug-induced oesophageal ulcer
DA25.32 - - - - Radiation oesophageal ulcer
DA25.3Y - - - - Other specified oesophageal ulcer due to external causes
DA25.3Z - - - - Oesophageal ulcer due to external causes, unspecified
DA25.Y - - - Other specified oesophageal ulcer
DA25.Z - - - Oesophageal ulcer, unspecified
DA26 - - Vascular disorders of the oesophagus
DA26.0 - - - Oesophageal varices
DA26.00 - - - - Oesophageal varices with bleeding
DA26.01 - - - - Oesophageal varices without bleeding
DA26.0Z - - - - Oesophageal varices, unspecified
DA26.1 - - - Angiodysplasia or arteriovenous malformation of oesophagus
DA26.2 - - - Intramural haemorrhage of oesophagus
DA26.3 - - - Gastro-oesophageal laceration-haemorrhage syndrome
DA26.Y - - - Other specified vascular disorders of the oesophagus
DA26.Z - - - Vascular disorders of the oesophagus, unspecified
DA2Y - - Other specified diseases of oesophagus
DA2Z - - Diseases of oesophagus, unspecified
- Diseases of the stomach or the duodenum
- - Diseases of stomach
DA40 - - - Acquired anatomical alterations of the stomach
DA40.0 - - - - Gastric outlet obstruction
DA40.1 - - - - Gastric fistula, acquired
DA40.2 - - - - Gastric volvulus
DA40.3 - - - - Gastric diverticulum
DA40.4 - - - - Hourglass stricture and stenosis of stomach
DA40.5 - - - - Gastroptosis
DA40.Y - - - - Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the stomach
DA40.Z - - - - Acquired anatomical alterations of the stomach, unspecified
DA41 - - - Gastroduodenal motor or secretory disorders
DA41.0 - - - - Abnormal gastric motility
DA41.00 - - - - - Gastroparesis
DA41.0Y - - - - - Other specified abnormal gastric motility
DA41.0Z - - - - - Abnormal gastric motility, unspecified
DA41.1 - - - - Acute dilatation of stomach
DA41.2 - - - - Acid hypersecretion
DA41.3 - - - - Achlorhydria
DA41.Y - - - - Other specified gastroduodenal motor or secretory disorders
DA41.Z - - - - Gastroduodenal motor or secretory disorders, unspecified
DA42 - - - Gastritis
DA42.0 - - - - Autoimmune gastritis
DA42.1 - - - - Helicobacter pylori induced gastritis
DA42.2 - - - - Eosinophilic gastritis
DA42.3 - - - - Lymphocytic gastritis
DA42.4 - - - - Allergic gastritis
DA42.40 - - - - - Allergic gastritis due to IgE-mediated hypersensitivity
DA42.41 - - - - - Allergic gastritis due to non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity
DA42.4Y - - - - - Other specified allergic gastritis
DA42.4Z - - - - - Allergic gastritis, unspecified
DA42.5 - - - - Gastritis due to duodenogastric reflux
DA42.6 - - - - Menetrier disease
DA42.7 - - - - Gastritis of unknown etiology with specific endoscopic or pathological features
DA42.70 - - - - - Acute superficial gastritis of unknown aetiology
DA42.71 - - - - - Chronic superficial gastritis of unknown aetiology
DA42.72 - - - - - Acute haemorrhagic gastritis of unknown aetiology
DA42.73 - - - - - Chronic atrophic gastritis of unknown aetiology
DA42.74 - - - - - Metaplastic gastritis of unknown aetiology
DA42.75 - - - - - Granulomatous gastritis of unknown aetiology
DA42.76 - - - - - Hypertrophic gastritis of unknown aetiology
DA42.7Y - - - - - Other specified gastritis of unknown etiology with specific endoscopic or pathological features
DA42.8 - - - - Gastritis due to external causes
DA42.80 - - - - - Alcoholic gastritis
DA42.81 - - - - - Radiation gastritis
DA42.82 - - - - - Chemical gastritis
DA42.83 - - - - - Drug-induced gastritis
DA42.8Z - - - - - Gastritis due to external causes, unspecified
DA42.9 - - - - Gastric phlegmon
DA42.Y - - - - Other specified gastritis
DA42.Z - - - - Gastritis, unspecified
DA43 - - - Vascular disorders of the stomach
DA43.0 - - - - Gastric varices
DA43.1 - - - - Angiodysplasia of stomach
DA43.2 - - - - Arteriovenous malformation of stomach
DA43.3 - - - - Portal hypertensive gastropathy
DA43.4 - - - - Diffuse vascular ectasia of stomach
DA43.Y - - - - Other specified vascular disorders of the stomach
DA43.Z - - - - Vascular disorders of the stomach, unspecified
DA44 - - - Gastric polyp
DA44.0 - - - - Hyperplastic polyp of stomach
DA44.1 - - - - Fundic gland polyp of stomach
DA44.2 - - - - Hamartomatous polyp of stomach
DA44.Y - - - - Other specified gastric polyp
DA44.Z - - - - Gastric polyp, unspecified
DA4Y - - - Other specified diseases of stomach
- - Diseases of duodenum
DA50 - - - Acquired anatomical alterations of the duodenum
DA50.0 - - - - Obstruction of duodenum
DA50.1 - - - - Diverticulum of duodenum
DA50.2 - - - - Fistula of duodenum
DA50.3 - - - - Deformity of duodenum, acquired
DA50.Y - - - - Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the duodenum
DA50.Z - - - - Acquired anatomical alterations of the duodenum, unspecified
DA51 - - - Duodenitis
DA51.0 - - - - Helicobacter-pylori associated duodenitis
DA51.1 - - - - Eosinophilic duodenitis
DA51.2 - - - - Lymphocytic duodenitis
DA51.3 - - - - Allergic duodenitis
DA51.4 - - - - Duodenitis of unknown aetiology with specific endoscopic or pathologic features
DA51.40 - - - - - Acute haemorrhagic duodenitis of unknown aetiology
DA51.41 - - - - - Granulomatous duodenitis of unknown aetiology
DA51.4Z - - - - - Duodenitis of unknown aetiology with specific endoscopic or pathologic features, unspecified
DA51.5 - - - - Duodenitis due to external causes
DA51.50 - - - - - Alcoholic duodenitis
DA51.51 - - - - - Drug-induced duodenitis
DA51.52 - - - - - Chemical duodenitis
DA51.53 - - - - - Radiation duodenitis
DA51.5Y - - - - - Other specified duodenitis due to external causes
DA51.5Z - - - - - Duodenitis due to external causes, unspecified
DA51.6 - - - - Infectious duodenitis
DA51.60 - - - - - Duodenal phlegmon
DA51.6Y - - - - - Other specified infectious duodenitis
DA51.6Z - - - - - Infectious duodenitis, unspecified
DA51.Y - - - - Other specified duodenitis
DA51.Z - - - - Duodenitis, unspecified
DA52 - - - Vascular disorders of the duodenum
DA52.0 - - - - Duodenal varices
DA52.1 - - - - Angiodysplasia of duodenum
DA52.2 - - - - Arteriovenous malformation of duodenum
DA52.Y - - - - Other specified vascular disorders of the duodenum
DA52.Z - - - - Vascular disorders of the duodenum, unspecified
DA53 - - - Duodenal polyp
DA53.0 - - - - Hyperplastic duodenal polyp
DA53.Y - - - - Other specified duodenal polyp
DA53.Z - - - - Duodenal polyp, unspecified
DA5Y - - - Other specified diseases of duodenum
- - Ulcer of stomach or duodenum
DA60 - - - Gastric ulcer
DA60.0 - - - - Gastric erosion
DA60.1 - - - - Helicobacter pylori associated gastric ulcer
DA60.2 - - - - Helicobacter pylori associated and drug-induced gastric ulcer
DA60.3 - - - - Stress ulcer of stomach
DA60.4 - - - - Eosinophilic gastric ulcer
DA60.5 - - - - Lymphocytic gastric ulcer
DA60.6 - - - - Gastric ulcer due to external causes
DA60.60 - - - - - Alcohol-induced gastric ulcer
DA60.61 - - - - - Chemical gastric ulcer
DA60.62 - - - - - Drug-induced gastric ulcer
DA60.63 - - - - - Radiation gastric ulcer
DA60.6Y - - - - - Other specified gastric ulcer due to external causes
DA60.6Z - - - - - Gastric ulcer due to external causes, unspecified
DA60.7 - - - - Infectious secondary gastric ulcer
DA60.Y - - - - Other specified gastric ulcer
DA60.Z - - - - Gastric ulcer, unspecified
DA61 - - - Peptic ulcer, site unspecified
DA62 - - - Anastomotic ulcer
DA62.0 - - - - Anastomotic erosion
DA62.1 - - - - Helicobacter pylori associated anastomotic ulcer
DA62.2 - - - - Drug-induced anastomotic ulcer
DA62.3 - - - - Peptic anastomotic ulcer
DA62.Y - - - - Other specified anastomotic ulcer
DA62.Z - - - - Anastomotic ulcer, unspecified
DA63 - - - Duodenal ulcer
DA63.0 - - - - Duodenal erosion
DA63.1 - - - - Helicobacter-pylori associated duodenal ulcer
DA63.2 - - - - Helicobacter-pylori associated and drug-induced duodenal ulcer
DA63.3 - - - - Stress ulcer of duodenum
DA63.4 - - - - Eosinophilic duodenal ulcer
DA63.5 - - - - Duodenal ulcer due to external causes
DA63.50 - - - - - Drug-induced duodenal ulcer
DA63.51 - - - - - Radiation duodenal ulcer
DA63.52 - - - - - Chemical duodenal ulcer
DA63.5Y - - - - - Duodenal ulcer due to other specified external causes
DA63.5Z - - - - - Duodenal ulcer due to external causes, unspecified
DA63.6 - - - - Infectious duodenal ulcer
DA63.60 - - - - - Bacterial duodenal ulcer
DA63.61 - - - - - Viral duodenal ulcer
DA63.62 - - - - - Fungal duodenal ulcer
DA63.6Z - - - - - Infectious duodenal ulcer, unspecified
DA63.Y - - - - Other specified duodenal ulcer
DA63.Z - - - - Duodenal ulcer, unspecified
DA7Y - - Other specified diseases of the stomach or the duodenum
DA7Z - - Diseases of the stomach or the duodenum, unspecified
- Diseases of small intestine
DA90 - - Nonstructural developmental anomalies of small intestine
DA90.0 - - - Syndromic diarrhoea
DA90.1 - - - Congenital intestinal transport defect
DA90.2 - - - Congenital intestinal motility disorders
DA90.Y - - - Other specified nonstructural developmental anomalies of small intestine
DA90.Z - - - Nonstructural developmental anomalies of small intestine, unspecified
DA91 - - Obstruction of small intestine
DA91.0 - - - Intussusception of small intestine
DA91.1 - - - Volvulus of small intestine
DA91.2 - - - Intestinal adhesions or bands of small intestine with obstruction
DA91.3 - - - Obstructive ileus of small intestine due to impaction
DA91.30 - - - - Gallstone ileus of small intestine
DA91.31 - - - - Enterolith of small intestine
DA91.3Y - - - - Other specified obstructive ileus of small intestine due to impaction
DA91.3Z - - - - Obstructive ileus of small intestine due to impaction, unspecified
DA91.Y - - - Other specified obstruction of small intestine
DA91.Z - - - Obstruction of small intestine, unspecified
DA92 - - Other acquired anatomical alterations of small intestine
DA92.0 - - - Fistula of small intestine
DA92.1 - - - Pneumatosis intestinalis of small intestine
DA92.Y - - - Other specified other acquired anatomical alterations of small intestine
DA92.Z - - - Other acquired anatomical alterations of small intestine, unspecified
DA93 - - Motility disorders of small intestine
DA93.0 - - - Paralytic ileus
DA93.Y - - - Other specified motility disorders of small intestine
DA93.Z - - - Motility disorders of small intestine, unspecified
DA94 - - Noninfectious enteritis or ulcer of small intestine
DA94.0 - - - Primary ulcer of small intestine
DA94.00 - - - - Primary nonspecific ulceration of small intestine
DA94.01 - - - - Chronic non-specific multiple ulcers of small intestine
DA94.02 - - - - Cryptogenic multifocal ulcerous stenosing enteritis
DA94.0Y - - - - Other specified primary ulcer of small intestine
DA94.0Z - - - - Primary ulcer of small intestine, unspecified
DA94.1 - - - Drug-induced or toxic enteritis of small intestine
DA94.2 - - - Allergic or dietetic enteritis of small intestine
DA94.20 - - - - IgE mediated allergic enteritis of small intestine
DA94.21 - - - - Eosinophilic enteritis
DA94.22 - - - - Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome
DA94.2Y - - - - Other specified allergic or dietetic enteritis of small intestine
DA94.2Z - - - - Allergic or dietetic enteritis of small intestine, unspecified
DA94.3 - - - Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to other external causes
DA94.30 - - - - Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to foreign body
DA94.31 - - - - Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to radiation
DA94.32 - - - - Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to trauma
DA94.3Z - - - - Enteritis or ulcer of small intestine due to other external causes, unspecified
DA94.Y - - - Other specified noninfectious enteritis or ulcer of small intestine
DA94.Z - - - Noninfectious enteritis or ulcer of small intestine, unspecified
DA95 - - Coeliac disease
DA96 - - Intestinal malabsorption or protein-losing enteropathy
DA96.0 - - - Intestinal malabsorption
DA96.00 - - - - Bacterial overgrowth syndrome
DA96.01 - - - - Tropical sprue
DA96.02 - - - - Malabsorption or intolerance of specific nutrients
DA96.0Y - - - - Other specified intestinal malabsorption
DA96.0Z - - - - Intestinal malabsorption, unspecified
DA96.1 - - - Protein-losing enteropathy
DA96.Y - - - Other specified intestinal malabsorption or protein-losing enteropathy
DA96.Z - - - Intestinal malabsorption or protein-losing enteropathy, unspecified
DA97 - - Certain vascular disorders of small intestine
DA97.0 - - - Angiodysplasia of small intestine
DA97.1 - - - Arteriovenous malformation of small intestine
DA97.2 - - - Vasculitis of mesenteric arteries
DA97.3 - - - Varices of small intestine
DA97.Z - - - Certain vascular disorders of small intestine, unspecified
DA98 - - Polyps of small intestine
DA98.0 - - - Hamartoma of small intestine
DA98.1 - - - Hyperplastic polyp of small intestine
DA98.2 - - - Inflammatory fibroid polyp of small intestine
DA98.3 - - - Lymphoid hyperplasia of small intestine
DA98.Y - - - Other specified polyps of small intestine
DA98.Z - - - Polyps of small intestine, unspecified
DA9Y - - Other specified diseases of small intestine
DA9Z - - Diseases of small intestine, unspecified
- Diseases of appendix
DB10 - - Appendicitis
DB10.0 - - - Acute appendicitis
DB10.00 - - - - Acute appendicitis with generalised peritonitis
DB10.01 - - - - Acute appendicitis with localised peritonitis
DB10.02 - - - - Acute appendicitis without localised or generalised peritonitis
DB10.1 - - - Chronic appendicitis
DB10.Y - - - Other specified appendicitis
DB10.Z - - - Appendicitis, unspecified
DB11.7 - - Appendicular abscess
DB11 - - Certain specified diseases of appendix
DB11.0 - - - Megaloappendix
DB11.1 - - - Hyperplasia of appendix
DB11.2 - - - Appendicular concretions
DB11.3 - - - Diverticulum of appendix, acquired
DB11.4 - - - Fistula of appendix
DB11.5 - - - Intussusception of appendix
DB11.6 - - - Mucocele of appendix
DB1Y - - Other specified diseases of appendix
DB1Z - - Diseases of appendix, unspecified
- Diseases of large intestine
DB30 - - Obstruction of large intestine
DB30.0 - - - Intussusception of the large intestine
DB30.1 - - - Volvulus of large intestine
DB30.2 - - - Adhesions of large intestine with obstruction
DB30.3 - - - Impaction of large intestine
DB30.4 - - - Stenosis of the rectum
DB30.Y - - - Other specified obstruction of large intestine
DB30.Z - - - Obstruction of large intestine, unspecified
DB31 - - Other acquired anatomical alterations of large intestine
DB31.0 - - - Fistula of large intestine
DB31.1 - - - Pneumatosis intestinalis of large intestine
DB31.2 - - - Rectal prolapse
DB31.Y - - - Other specified other acquired anatomical alterations of large intestine
DB31.Z - - - Other acquired anatomical alterations of large intestine, unspecified
DB32 - - Motility disorders of large intestine
DB32.0 - - - Pseudo-obstruction of colon
DB32.1 - - - Slow transit constipation
DB32.2 - - - Megacolon
DB32.20 - - - - Toxic megacolon
DB32.2Y - - - - Other specified megacolon
DB32.2Z - - - - Megacolon, unspecified
DB32.3 - - - Acquired hypoganglionosis of large intestine
DB32.Y - - - Other specified motility disorders of large intestine
DB32.Z - - - Motility disorders of large intestine, unspecified
DB33 - - Certain noninfectious colitis or proctitis
DB33.0 - - - Primary ulcer of colon
DB33.1 - - - Microscopic colitis
DB33.10 - - - - Collagenous colitis
DB33.11 - - - - Lymphocytic colitis
DB33.1Y - - - - Other specified microscopic colitis
DB33.1Z - - - - Microscopic colitis, unspecified
DB33.2 - - - Allergic or dietetic colitis
DB33.20 - - - - Food protein-induced proctitis or colitis of infants
DB33.2Y - - - - Other specified allergic or dietetic colitis
DB33.2Z - - - - Allergic or dietetic colitis, unspecified
DB33.3 - - - Diversion colitis
DB33.4 - - - Colitis or proctitis due to external causes
DB33.40 - - - - Chemical colitis or proctitis
DB33.41 - - - - Radiation-induced colitis
DB33.42 - - - - Radiation proctitis
DB33.43 - - - - Drug-induced colitis
DB33.4Y - - - - Other specified colitis or proctitis due to external causes
DB33.4Z - - - - Colitis or proctitis due to external causes, unspecified
DB33.Y - - - Other specified noninfectious colitis or proctitis
DB33.Z - - - Certain noninfectious colitis or proctitis, unspecified
DB34 - - Certain vascular disorders of large intestine
DB34.0 - - - Angiodysplasia of colon
DB34.1 - - - Arteriovenous malformation of large intestine
DB34.2 - - - Vasculitis of large intestine
DB34.3 - - - Varices of large intestine
DB34.4 - - - Acute haemorrhagic rectal ulcer
DB34.Y - - - Other specified vascular disorders of large intestine
DB34.Z - - - Vascular disorders of large intestine, unspecified
DB35 - - Polyp of large intestine
DB35.0 - - - Hyperplastic polyp of large intestine
DB35.1 - - - Inflammatory polyp of large intestine
DB35.2 - - - Benign lymphoid polyp of large intestine
DB35.3 - - - Hamartomatous polyp
DB35.4 - - - Inflammatory fibroid polyp of large intestine
DB35.Y - - - Other specified polyp of large intestine
DB35.Z - - - Polyp of large intestine, unspecified
DB36 - - Certain infections of the large intestine
DB36.0 - - - Colonic abscess
DB36.1 - - - Rectal abscess
DB36.10 - - - - Perirectal abscess
DB36.11 - - - - Ischiorectal abscess
DB36.12 - - - - Rectal cellulitis
DB36.Y - - - Other specified infections of the large intestine
DB36.Z - - - Certain infections of the large intestine, unspecified
DB3Y - - Other specified diseases of large intestine
DB3Z - - Diseases of large intestine, unspecified
- Diseases of anal canal
- - Acquired anatomical alterations of the anal canal
DB50 - - - Fissure or fistula of anal regions
DB50.0 - - - - Anal fissure
DB50.1 - - - - Anal fistula
DB50.2 - - - - Anorectal fistula
DB50.Y - - - - Other specified fissure or fistula of anal regions
DB50.Z - - - - Fissure or fistula of anal regions, unspecified
DB51 - - - Stenosis of anal canal
DB52 - - - Ulcer of anus
DB53 - - - Anal prolapse
DB5Y - - - Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of the anal canal
DB5Z - - - Acquired anatomical alterations of the anal canal, unspecified
- - Haemorrhoids or perianal venous conditions
DB60 - - - Haemorrhoids
DB60.0 - - - - First degree haemorrhoids
DB60.1 - - - - Second degree haemorrhoids
DB60.2 - - - - Third degree haemorrhoids
DB60.3 - - - - Fourth degree haemorrhoids
DB60.Z - - - - Haemorrhoids, unspecified
DB61 - - - Perianal venous thrombosis
DB62 - - - Residual haemorrhoidal skin tags
DB6Y - - - Other specified haemorrhoids or perianal venous conditions
DB6Z - - - Haemorrhoids or perianal venous conditions, unspecified
DB70 - - Infections of the anal region
DB70.0 - - - Abscess of anal regions
DB70.00 - - - - Anal abscess
DB70.01 - - - - Anorectal abscess
DB70.02 - - - - Intrasphincteric abscess
DB70.0Y - - - - Other specified abscess of anal regions
DB70.0Z - - - - Abscess of anal regions, unspecified
DB70.Y - - - Other specified infections of the anal region
DB70.Z - - - Infections of the anal region, unspecified
DB71 - - Anal polyp
DB71.0 - - - Inflammatory anal polyp
DB71.1 - - - Lymphoid polyp
DB71.2 - - - Hypertrophied anal papillae
DB71.Y - - - Other specified anal polyp
DB71.Z - - - Anal polyp, unspecified
DB72 - - Certain specified diseases of anal canal
DB72.0 - - - Anal spasm
DB72.Z - - - Certain specified diseases of anal canal, unspecified
DB7Y - - Other specified diseases of anal canal
DB7Z - - Diseases of anal canal, unspecified
- Diseases of liver
DB90 - - Infectious liver disease
DB90.0 - - - Abscess of liver
DB90.Y - - - Other specified infectious liver disease
DB90.Z - - - Infectious liver disease, unspecified
DB91 - - Acute or subacute hepatic failure
DB91.0 - - - Acute or subacute hepatic failure due to hepatitis virus
DB91.1 - - - Other acute or subacute hepatic failure
DB91.Z - - - Acute or subacute hepatic failure, unspecified
DB92 - - Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
DB92.0 - - - Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease without non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
DB92.1 - - - Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
DB92.Y - - - Other specified non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
DB92.Z - - - Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, unspecified
DB93 - - Hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis
DB93.0 - - - Hepatic fibrosis
DB93.1 - - - Hepatic cirrhosis
DB93.2 - - - Certain specified fibrosis or cirrhosis of liver
DB93.20 - - - - Hereditary North American Indian childhood cirrhosis
DB93.21 - - - - Idiopathic copper-associated cirrhosis
DB93.Y - - - Other specified hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis
DB93.Z - - - Hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis, unspecified
DB94 - - Alcoholic liver disease
DB94.0 - - - Alcoholic fatty liver
DB94.1 - - - Alcoholic hepatitis
DB94.10 - - - - Alcoholic hepatitis with cirrhosis
DB94.1Y - - - - Other specified alcoholic hepatitis
DB94.1Z - - - - Alcoholic hepatitis, unspecified
DB94.2 - - - Alcoholic liver fibrosis
DB94.3 - - - Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver without hepatitis
DB94.Y - - - Other specified alcoholic liver disease
DB94.Z - - - Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified
DB95 - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease
DB95.0 - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with acute hepatic necrosis or acute hepatitis
DB95.1 - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis
DB95.10 - - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis, with cirrhosis
DB95.11 - - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis, without cirrhosis
DB95.1Y - - - - Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis
DB95.1Z - - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic hepatitis, unspecified
DB95.2 - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis
DB95.20 - - - - Chronic drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis
DB95.2Y - - - - Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis
DB95.2Z - - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with cholestasis, unspecified
DB95.3 - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fatty liver
DB95.30 - - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with chronic fatty liver disease
DB95.3Y - - - - Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fatty liver
DB95.3Z - - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fatty liver, unspecified
DB95.4 - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with granulomatous hepatitis
DB95.5 - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with fibrosis or cirrhosis of liver
DB95.6 - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with vascular disorders of the liver
DB95.7 - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease with liver tumours
DB95.Y - - - Other specified drug-induced or toxic liver disease
DB95.Z - - - Drug-induced or toxic liver disease, unspecified
DB96 - - Autoimmune liver disease
DB96.0 - - - Autoimmune hepatitis
DB96.1 - - - Primary biliary cholangitis
DB96.10 - - - - Primary biliary cholangitis with overlap syndrome
DB96.1Y - - - - Other specified primary biliary cholangitis
DB96.1Z - - - - Primary biliary cholangitis, unspecified
DB96.2 - - - Primary sclerosing cholangitis
DB96.20 - - - - Primary sclerosing cholangitis with cirrhosis
DB96.2Y - - - - Other specified primary sclerosing cholangitis
DB96.2Z - - - - Primary sclerosing cholangitis, unspecified
DB96.Y - - - Other specified autoimmune liver disease
DB96.Z - - - Autoimmune liver disease, unspecified
DB97 - - Certain specified inflammatory liver diseases
DB97.0 - - - Idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis
DB97.1 - - - Hepatic berylliosis
DB97.2 - - - Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
DB97.Y - - - Other specified inflammatory liver disease
DB97.Z - - - Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified
DB98 - - Vascular disorders of the liver
DB98.0 - - - Infarction of liver
DB98.1 - - - Peliosis hepatis
DB98.2 - - - Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of liver
DB98.3 - - - Portal vein thrombosis
DB98.4 - - - Splenic vein thrombosis
DB98.5 - - - Budd-Chiari syndrome
DB98.6 - - - Hepatic veno-occlusive disease
DB98.7 - - - Portal hypertension
DB98.70 - - - - Idiopathic portal hypertension
DB98.71 - - - - Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis
DB98.72 - - - - Partial nodular transformation of liver
DB98.73 - - - - Splanchnic arteriovenous fistula
DB98.7Y - - - - Other specified portal hypertension
DB98.7Z - - - - Portal hypertension, unspecified
DB98.8 - - - Passive congestion of liver
DB98.9 - - - Hepatic artery aneurysm
DB98.A - - - Hepatic haemorrhage
DB98.B - - - Ischaemia reperfusion injury of liver
DB98.Y - - - Other specified vascular disorders of the liver
DB98.Z - - - Vascular disorders of the liver, unspecified
DB99 - - Certain specified diseases of liver
DB99.0 - - - Chronic liver disease
DB99.1 - - - Hepatic cyst
DB99.10 - - - - Polycystic liver disease
DB99.1Y - - - - Other specified hepatic cyst
DB99.1Z - - - - Hepatic cyst, unspecified
DB99.2 - - - Hepatorenal syndrome
DB99.3 - - - Portopulmonary hypertension
DB99.4 - - - Hepatopulmonary syndrome
DB99.5 - - - Hepatic encephalopathy
DB99.6 - - - Intrahepatic cholestasis, not elsewhere classified
DB99.60 - - - - Cholestasis of parenteral nutrition
DB99.6Y - - - - Other specified intrahepatic cholestasis, not elsewhere classified
DB99.6Z - - - - Intrahepatic cholestasis, not elsewhere classified, unspecified
DB99.7 - - - Hepatic failure without mention whether acute or chronic
DB99.8 - - - Chronic hepatic failure
DB99.Y - - - Other diseases of liver
DB9Z - - Diseases of liver, unspecified
- Diseases of gallbladder or biliary tract
DC10 - - Acquired anatomical alterations of gallbladder or bile ducts
DC10.0 - - - Obstruction of gallbladder or bile ducts
DC10.00 - - - - Obstruction of cystic duct
DC10.01 - - - - Obstruction of gall bladder
DC10.02 - - - - Obstruction of bile duct
DC10.0Y - - - - Other specified obstruction of gallbladder or bile ducts
DC10.0Z - - - - Obstruction of gallbladder or bile ducts, unspecified
DC10.1 - - - Hydrops of gallbladder
DC10.2 - - - Fistula of gallbladder or bile duct
DC10.3 - - - Polyp of gallbladder
DC10.4 - - - Cholesterolosis of gallbladder
DC10.Y - - - Other specified acquired anatomical alterations of gallbladder or bile ducts
DC10.Z - - - Acquired anatomical alterations of gallbladder or bile ducts, unspecified
DC11 - - Cholelithiasis
DC11.0 - - - Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with acute cholecystitis
DC11.1 - - - Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with other cholecystitis
DC11.2 - - - Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct with cholangitis
DC11.3 - - - Calculus of gallbladder or cystic duct without cholecystitis or cholangitis
DC11.4 - - - Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis
DC11.5 - - - Calculus of bile duct with cholecystitis
DC11.6 - - - Calculus of bile duct without cholangitis or cholecystitis
DC11.7 - - - Intrahepatic cholelithiasis
DC11.Y - - - Other specified cholelithiasis
DC11.Z - - - Cholelithiasis, unspecified
DC12 - - Cholecystitis
DC12.0 - - - Acute cholecystitis
DC12.00 - - - - Acute on chronic cholecystitis
DC12.0Y - - - - Other specified acute cholecystitis
DC12.0Z - - - - Acute cholecystitis, unspecified
DC12.1 - - - Chronic cholecystitis
DC12.Y - - - Other specified cholecystitis
DC12.Z - - - Cholecystitis, unspecified
DC13 - - Cholangitis
DC14 - - Certain specified biliary diseases
DC14.0 - - - Haemorrhage of bile duct
DC14.1 - - - Postcholecystectomy syndrome
DC14.2 - - - Dyskinesia of sphincter of Oddi
DC14.3 - - - Adenomyomatosis of gallbladder
DC14.Y - - - Other biliary diseases
DC14.Z - - - Biliary disease, unspecified
DC1Y - - Other specified diseases of gallbladder or biliary tract
DC1Z - - Diseases of gallbladder or biliary tract, unspecified
- Diseases of pancreas
DC30 - - Cystic diseases of the pancreas
DC30.0 - - - Cyst of pancreas
DC30.1 - - - Pseudocyst of pancreas
DC30.Y - - - Other specified cystic diseases of the pancreas
DC30.Z - - - Cystic diseases of the pancreas, unspecified
DC31 - - Acute pancreatitis
DC31.0 - - - Acute idiopathic pancreatitis
DC31.1 - - - Acute alcohol-induced pancreatitis
DC31.2 - - - Acute biliary pancreatitis
DC31.3 - - - Acute drug-induced pancreatitis
DC31.4 - - - Hereditary acute pancreatitis
DC31.5 - - - Acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis
DC31.Y - - - Other specified acute pancreatitis
DC31.Z - - - Acute pancreatitis, unspecified
DC32 - - Chronic pancreatitis
DC32.0 - - - Calcific pancreatitis
DC32.1 - - - Groove pancreatitis
DC32.2 - - - Hereditary chronic pancreatitis
DC32.3 - - - Chronic alcohol-induced pancreatitis
DC32.4 - - - Chronic idiopathic pancreatitis
DC32.5 - - - Tropical pancreatitis
DC32.Y - - - Other specified chronic pancreatitis
DC32.Z - - - Chronic pancreatitis, unspecified
DC33 - - Autoimmune pancreatitis
DC34 - - Obstructive pancreatitis
DC35 - - Certain specified diseases of pancreas
DC35.0 - - - Atrophy of pancreas
DC35.1 - - - Secondary pancreatic insufficiency
DC35.2 - - - Pancreatic steatorrhoea
DC35.Z - - - Certain specified diseases of pancreas, unspecified
DC3Y - - Other specified diseases of pancreas
DC3Z - - Diseases of pancreas, unspecified
- Diseases of peritoneum
DC50 - - Peritonitis
DC50.0 - - - Primary peritonitis
DC50.00 - - - - Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
DC50.01 - - - - Other specified primary peritonitis
DC50.1 - - - Secondary peritonitis
DC50.10 - - - - Eosinophilic peritonitis
DC50.11 - - - - Mesenteric peritonitis
DC50.12 - - - - Chronic proliferative peritonitis
DC50.13 - - - - Peritonitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
DC50.14 - - - - Secondary peritonitis due to other diseases or agents
DC50.1Y - - - - Other specified secondary peritonitis
DC50.1Z - - - - Secondary peritonitis, unspecified
DC50.2 - - - Peritoneal abscess
DC50.Z - - - Peritonitis, unspecified
DC51 - - Certain specified disorders of peritoneum or retroperitoneum
DC51.0 - - - Chylous ascites
DC51.1 - - - Peritoneal adhesions
DC51.2 - - - Haemoperitoneum
DC51.Y - - - Other specified disorders of peritoneum or retroperitoneum
DC5Z - - Diseases of peritoneum, unspecified
- Diverticular disease of intestine
- - Diverticular disease of small intestine
DC70 - - - Diverticulitis of small intestine
DC70.0 - - - - Diverticulitis of small intestine with complication
DC70.00 - - - - - Diverticulitis of small intestine with perforation and abscess
DC70.0Y - - - - - Diverticulitis of small intestine with other specified complication
DC70.0Z - - - - - Diverticulitis of small intestine with unspecified complication
DC70.1 - - - - Diverticulitis of small intestine without complication
DC70.Z - - - - Diverticulitis of small intestine without specification of presence of complications
DC71 - - - Diverticulosis of small intestine
DC71.0 - - - - Diverticulosis of small intestine with haemorrhage
DC71.1 - - - - Diverticulosis of small intestine without haemorrhage
DC71.Z - - - - Diverticulosis of small intestine, unspecified
DC72 - - - Diverticulum of small intestine
DC72.0 - - - - Diverticulum of small intestine with haemorrhage
DC72.1 - - - - Diverticulum of small intestine without haemorrhage
DC72.Z - - - - Diverticulum of small intestine, no specification about presence or absence of haemorrhage
- - Diverticular disease of large intestine
DC80 - - - Diverticulitis of large intestine
DC80.0 - - - - Diverticulitis of large intestine with complication
DC80.00 - - - - - Diverticulitis of large intestine with perforation and abscess
DC80.0Z - - - - - Diverticulitis of large intestine with complication, unspecified
DC80.1 - - - - Diverticulitis of large intestine without complication
DC80.Z - - - - Diverticulitis of large intestine without specification of presence of complications
DC81 - - - Diverticulosis of large intestine
DC81.0 - - - - Diverticulosis of large intestine with haemorrhage
DC81.1 - - - - Diverticulosis of large intestine without haemorrhage
DC81.Z - - - - Diverticulosis of large intestine, unspecified
DC82 - - - Diverticulum of large intestine
DC82.0 - - - - Diverticulum of large intestine with haemorrhage
DC82.1 - - - - Diverticulum of large intestine without haemorrhage
DC82.Z - - - - Diverticulum of large intestine, unspecified
- - Diverticular disease of intestine of overlapping sites
DC90 - - - Diverticular disease of small and large intestine
- - Diverticular disease of unspecified part of intestine
DD00 - - - Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine
DD00.0 - - - - Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with complication
DD00.00 - - - - - Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with perforation and abscess
DD00.0Y - - - - - Other specified diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with complication
DD00.0Z - - - - - Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine with complication, unspecified
DD00.1 - - - - Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine without complication
DD00.Z - - - - Diverticulitis of unspecified part of intestine without specification of presence or absence of complications
DD01 - - - Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine
DD01.0 - - - - Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine with haemorrhage
DD01.1 - - - - Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine without haemorrhage
DD01.Z - - - - Diverticulosis of unspecified part of intestine, unspecified
DD02 - - - Diverticulum of unspecified part of intestine
DD02.0 - - - - Diverticular disease of unspecified part of intestine with haemorrhage
DD02.1 - - - - Diverticulum of unspecified part of intestine without complication
DD02.Z - - - - Diverticulum of unspecified part of intestine, unspecified
DD1Z - - Diverticular disease of intestine, unspecified
- Ischaemic vascular disorders of intestine
DD30 - - Acute vascular disorders of intestine
DD30.0 - - - Acute mesenteric arterial infarction
DD30.1 - - - Acute mesenteric arterial ischaemia
DD30.2 - - - Acute mesenteric venous occlusion
DD30.Y - - - Other specified acute vascular disorders of intestine
DD30.Z - - - Acute vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified
DD31 - - Chronic vascular disorders of intestine
DD31.0 - - - Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia
DD31.00 - - - - Ischaemic colitis
DD31.0Y - - - - Other specified non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia
DD31.0Z - - - - Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia, unspecified
DD31.Y - - - Other specified chronic vascular disorders of intestine
DD31.Z - - - Chronic vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified
DD3Y - - Other specified ischaemic vascular disorders of intestine
DD3Z - - Ischaemic vascular disorders of intestine, unspecified
- Hernias
DD50 - - Non-abdominal wall hernia
DD50.0 - - - Diaphragmatic hernia
DD50.1 - - - Pelvic hernia
DD50.2 - - - Intra-abdominal hernia
DD50.20 - - - - Primary intra-abdominal hernia
DD50.21 - - - - Secondary intra-abdominal hernia
DD50.2Y - - - - Other specified intra-abdominal hernia
DD50.2Z - - - - Intra-abdominal hernia, unspecified
DD50.Y - - - Other specified non-abdominal wall hernia
DD50.Z - - - Non-abdominal wall hernia, unspecified
DD51 - - Inguinal hernia
DD52 - - Femoral hernia
DD53 - - Umbilical hernia
DD54 - - Paraumbilical hernia
DD55 - - Epigastric hernia
DD56 - - Incisional hernia
DD57 - - Parastomal hernia
DD5Y - - Other specified hernias
DD5Z - - Hernias, unspecified
- Inflammatory bowel diseases
DD70 - - Crohn disease
DD70.0 - - - Crohn disease of upper gastrointestinal tract
DD70.1 - - - Crohn disease of small intestine
DD70.2 - - - Crohn disease of appendix
DD70.3 - - - Crohn disease of large intestine
DD70.4 - - - Crohn disease of anal region
DD70.5 - - - Crohn disease of both small and large intestine
DD70.6 - - - Crohn disease of anastomotic sites
DD70.Y - - - Crohn disease of other specified site
DD70.Z - - - Crohn disease, unspecified site
DD71 - - Ulcerative colitis
DD71.0 - - - Ulcerative pancolitis
DD71.1 - - - Left sided ulcerative colitis
DD71.2 - - - Ulcerative rectosigmoiditis
DD71.3 - - - Ulcerative proctitis
DD71.Y - - - Other specified ulcerative colitis
DD71.Z - - - Ulcerative colitis, unspecified
DD72 - - Indeterminate colitis
DD7Y - - Other specified inflammatory bowel diseases
DD7Z - - Inflammatory bowel diseases, unspecified
- Functional gastrointestinal disorders
DD90 - - Functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders
DD90.0 - - - Globus
DD90.1 - - - Functional swallowing disorder
DD90.2 - - - Functional heartburn
DD90.3 - - - Functional dyspepsia
DD90.4 - - - Functional nausea or vomiting
DD90.5 - - - Functional belching disorders
DD90.6 - - - Adult rumination syndrome
DD90.Y - - - Other specified functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders
DD90.Z - - - Functional oesophageal or gastroduodenal disorders, unspecified
DD91 - - Irritable bowel syndrome or certain specified functional bowel disorders
DD91.0 - - - Irritable bowel syndrome
DD91.00 - - - - Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation predominant
DD91.01 - - - - Irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea predominant
DD91.02 - - - - Irritable bowel syndrome, mixed type
DD91.03 - - - - Irritable bowel syndrome, unsubtyped
DD91.0Z - - - - Irritable bowel syndrome, type unspecified
DD91.1 - - - Functional constipation
DD91.2 - - - Functional diarrhoea
DD91.3 - - - Functional bloating
DD91.4 - - - Functional abdominal pain syndrome
DD91.Y - - - Other specified irritable bowel syndrome or functional bowel disorders
DD91.Z - - - Irritable bowel syndrome or functional bowel disorders, unspecified
DD92 - - Functional anorectal disorders
DD92.0 - - - Functional faecal incontinence
DD92.1 - - - Functional anorectal pain
DD92.2 - - - Functional defaecation disorders
DD92.Y - - - Other specified functional anorectal disorders
DD92.Z - - - Functional anorectal disorders, unspecified
DD93 - - Functional digestive disorders of infants, toddlers or children
DD93.0 - - - Infant regurgitation
DD93.1 - - - Infantile colic
DD93.2 - - - Infant dyschezia
DD93.Y - - - Other functional digestive disorders of infants, neonates or toddlers
DD93.Z - - - Functional digestive disorders of infants, toddlers or children, unspecified
DD94 - - Functional gallbladder disorder
DD95 - - Functional sphincter of Oddi disorder
DD9Y - - Other specified functional gastrointestinal disorders
DD9Z - - Functional gastrointestinal disorders, unspecified
- Postprocedural disorders of digestive system
DE10 - - Vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery
DE11 - - Dumping syndrome
DE12 - - Complication of external stoma of digestive organs
DE12.0 - - - Colostomy or enterostomy malfunction
DE12.Y - - - Other specified complication of external stoma of digestive organs
DE2Y - Other specified diseases of the digestive system
DE2Z - Diseases of the digestive system, unspecified

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD