
Insigne des blessés civils

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Insigne des blessés civils

The Insigne des blessés civils is a French military decoration awarded to civilians who have been wounded or injured as a result of war or military operations. Established in 1916 during World War I, the insignia is a symbol of recognition for the sacrifices made by civilians in times of conflict.

History[edit | edit source]

The Insigne des blessés civils was created by the French government to honor civilians who had been injured while assisting the military or as a result of enemy actions. The decoration was intended to acknowledge the bravery and resilience of non-combatants who found themselves caught up in the chaos of war.

Design[edit | edit source]

The insignia features a red cross on a white background, symbolizing the medical care and assistance provided to the wounded. The design is simple yet powerful, representing the humanitarian values of compassion and solidarity in times of crisis.

Award Criteria[edit | edit source]

The Insigne des blessés civils is awarded to civilians who have sustained injuries directly related to military operations. Recipients may include individuals who were wounded while providing aid to the wounded, as well as those who were injured as a result of enemy attacks on civilian populations.

Recipients[edit | edit source]

Notable recipients of the Insigne des blessés civils include civilians who were injured during the two World Wars, as well as in more recent conflicts around the world. Their courage and sacrifice serve as a reminder of the impact of war on civilian populations.

See also[edit | edit source]


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