Joël Mergui

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Jo%C3%ABl Mergui par Claude Truong-Ngoc ao%C3%BBt 2013

Joël Mergui is a French physician and community leader, known for his significant contributions to the Jewish community in France. He has held various leadership positions within the Consistoire Central, the central organization representing the Jewish community in France.

Early Life and Education[edit | edit source]

Joël Mergui was born in Oran, Algeria, and later moved to France with his family. He pursued his medical studies in France, specializing in general medicine.

Medical Career[edit | edit source]

Mergui has had a distinguished career in medicine, practicing as a general physician. His medical expertise and dedication to patient care have earned him respect within the medical community.

Community Leadership[edit | edit source]

Joël Mergui is best known for his leadership within the Jewish community in France. He has been actively involved in the Consistoire Central, where he has served in various capacities, including as its president. Under his leadership, the Consistoire has worked to support Jewish religious life, education, and cultural activities in France.

Contributions to Jewish Community[edit | edit source]

Mergui has been instrumental in promoting Jewish education and preserving Jewish heritage in France. He has overseen the construction and renovation of numerous synagogues and Jewish schools. His efforts have also focused on interfaith dialogue and combating antisemitism.

Personal Life[edit | edit source]

Joël Mergui is married and has children. He continues to balance his professional medical career with his responsibilities as a community leader.

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD