
Karen Wheeler

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Karen Wheeler

Karen Wheeler is a fictional character from the popular science fiction-horror television series Stranger Things. She is portrayed by actress Cara Buono. Karen is the wife of Ted Wheeler and the mother of Mike, Nancy, and Holly Wheeler.

Character Background[edit | edit source]

Karen Wheeler is depicted as a typical suburban housewife living in the town of Hawkins, Indiana during the 1980s. She is shown to be caring and protective of her children, often getting involved in their lives and the strange occurrences happening in Hawkins.

Role in Stranger Things[edit | edit source]

Throughout the series, Karen Wheeler is shown to have a strained relationship with her husband Ted, who is often portrayed as aloof and uninvolved in the family's affairs. Karen becomes suspicious of her children's involvement in the mysterious events occurring in Hawkins, particularly with the disappearance of her son Will and the subsequent appearance of Eleven, a young girl with psychokinetic abilities.

Karen's character arc involves her navigating the challenges of motherhood while also dealing with the supernatural threats that plague Hawkins. She forms a bond with Joyce Byers, another mother in the town, as they work together to uncover the truth behind the strange occurrences.

Reception[edit | edit source]

Karen Wheeler's character has been praised for its portrayal of a complex and relatable mother figure in a supernatural setting. Cara Buono's performance has been lauded for bringing depth and nuance to the character.

References[edit | edit source]


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