Karl H. Timmermann

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Timmermann-Karl-Lt-US Army-March1945

Karl H. Timmermann

Karl H. Timmermann was a renowned United States Marine Corps officer who played a significant role during World War II. Born on December 23, 1919, in New York City, Timmermann enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1941. He was assigned to the 2nd Marine Division and participated in several crucial battles during the Pacific campaign.

One of Timmermann's most notable achievements was his leadership during the Battle of Tarawa in November 1943. As a platoon leader, he displayed exceptional bravery and tactical acumen, earning him the Navy Cross for his actions during the intense fighting on the small Pacific island.

Following his heroics at Tarawa, Timmermann continued to serve with distinction in the Pacific theater. He participated in the Battle of Saipan and the Battle of Tinian, where his leadership skills and combat prowess were once again evident.

After the war, Timmermann remained in the Marine Corps, rising through the ranks and eventually retiring as a colonel. He passed away on September 10, 1997, leaving behind a legacy of courage and dedication to his country.


Karl H. Timmermann's contributions to the Marine Corps and his heroism in battle have been widely recognized. His leadership at Tarawa and other key engagements during World War II exemplified the Marine Corps values of honor, courage, and commitment.

Timmermann's story continues to inspire new generations of Marines and serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have served in the defense of freedom.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD