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100 Lira (Italy).jpg
Lira coin.png
VE2 lira 1863.jpg
10 Lira (Turkey).jpg

Lira is a term that can refer to several different concepts, primarily related to currency and music. This article will explore the various meanings and uses of the term "Lira."

Currency[edit | edit source]

The term Lira has been used as the name of several currencies in different countries. The most notable examples include:

Italian Lira[edit | edit source]

The Italian lira (plural: lire) was the currency of Italy before the adoption of the euro in 2002. It was introduced in 1861 and was subdivided into 100 centesimi. The lira was replaced by the euro at a rate of 1,936.27 lire to 1 euro.

Turkish Lira[edit | edit source]

The Turkish lira (symbol: ₺; code: TRY) is the currency of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The lira is subdivided into 100 kuruş. The current lira was introduced in 2005, replacing the old lira at a rate of 1 new lira = 1,000,000 old lira.

Syrian Lira[edit | edit source]

The Syrian lira (code: SYP) is the currency of Syria. It is subdivided into 100 qirsh. The lira has been in use since 1919, replacing the Egyptian pound.

Lebanese Lira[edit | edit source]

The Lebanese lira (code: LBP) is the currency of Lebanon. It is also subdivided into 100 qirsh. The lira has been in use since 1939, replacing the Lebanese pound.

Music[edit | edit source]

The term Lira also refers to a type of musical instrument.

Lira (Instrument)[edit | edit source]

The lira (instrument) is a traditional stringed instrument that has been used in various forms across different cultures. It is similar to the lyre and is often associated with Byzantine music and folk music in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

Geography[edit | edit source]

The term Lira can also refer to a geographical location.

Lira, Uganda[edit | edit source]

Lira, Uganda is a city in Northern Uganda. It is the main municipal, administrative, and commercial center of Lira District. The city is located approximately 337 kilometers north of Kampala, the capital and largest city of Uganda.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]

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