List of U.S. states by median home price

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

The List of U.S. states by median home price provides an overview of the median value of homes in each of the United States. This list is an important indicator of housing affordability and economic status across different regions of the country. The median home price is a valuable metric for potential home buyers, economists, and policy makers, reflecting the middle value of the housing market in each state.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The median home price is calculated by listing all sales prices of homes in a particular area and then finding the middle value, such that half of the homes are priced higher and half are priced lower. This measure is often preferred over the average home price because it is less affected by extremely high or low values, providing a more accurate reflection of the typical home buying experience.

Factors Influencing Home Prices[edit | edit source]

Several factors can influence the median home price in different states, including but not limited to:

  • Economic conditions: Economic growth, employment rates, and income levels can significantly affect home prices.
  • Interest rates: Lower interest rates generally increase the affordability of homes, pushing up demand and prices.
  • Location: Proximity to major cities, attractions, and infrastructure can also impact home prices.
  • Supply and demand: The number of homes available versus the number of buyers can cause fluctuations in home prices.
  • Government policies: Tax incentives, subsidies, and zoning laws can all influence home prices.

List of States by Median Home Price[edit | edit source]

The following is a list of U.S. states sorted by their median home price as of the latest available data. Note that these figures can vary widely from year to year based on local and national economic conditions.

Rank State Median Home Price (USD)
1 California $712,430
2 Hawaii $683,000
3 Massachusetts $460,000
4 Washington $438,000
5 Colorado $424,000
... Mississippi $140,000
... West Virginia $119,800

See Also[edit | edit source]

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Understanding the median home price by state can help identify trends in the real estate market and guide both personal and governmental financial decisions. It is a crucial aspect of the broader economic landscape, influencing a wide range of economic and social policies.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD