List of healthcare providers in New York (Y1)

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Prab R Tumpati, MD, founder of WikiMD and W8MD's medical weight loss centers, is board certified sleep medicine, obesity, and aesthetic medicine physician.

FANTASTIC program! Truly a life changer! The first several months I lost on average 3 pounds a week!

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List of healthcare providers in New York (Y1) page 2

List of healthcare providers in New York
NY provider's name Address line 1 Address line 2 Other City State Zip NPI Phone number
Dr.Yonnette Persaud, NY 4915 10th Ave Brooklyn NY 112193301 1407109044 7188513700
Dr.Yonni Pellet, NY 10 E 102nd St New York NY 100296030 1891013033 2122416585
Dr.Yoo Jin Na, NY 41 E Post Rd White Plains NY 106014607 1982994034 9146811210
Dr.Yoohyun Kim, NY 111 Broadway Fl 2 New York NY 100061995 1922423656 2122639701
Dr.Yoojin Lee, NY 1320 Stony Brook Rd Suite 200 Stony Brook NY 117902215 1750645677 6314444200
Dr.Yoojin Lee, NY 100 Nicolls Rd Stony Brook NY 117940002 1750645677 6314444200
Dr.Yoon Seok Kang, NY 1550 Dr Martin L King Jr Blvd Bronx NY 104521503 1740505940 3472692366
Dr.Yoon Seok Kang, NY 5665 Riverdale Ave Bronx NY 104712105 1740505940 3479134242
Dr.Yoon K Kim, NY 2903 Union St Flushing NY 113542202 1235102559 7184633412
Dr.Yoon Seok Kang, NY 3200 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 104581063 1740505940 7185613200
Dr.Yoon Seok Kang, NY 1434 Williamsbridge Rd Bronx NY 104612507 1740505940 7186180401
Dr.Yoon Seok Kang, NY 8989 Union Tpke Glendale NY 113858010 1740505940 7188478500
Dr.Yoon S Yi, NY 14223 37th Ave Cf1 Flushing NY 113546508 1316967466 7189399858
Dr.Yoon Soo C Bae, NY 317 E 34th St Fl 11 New York NY 100164996 1023251014 2126867306282
Dr.Yoonsung Kim, NY 310 5th Ave Fl 2 New York NY 100013605 1982600185 2129710911
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 713 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102490 1659450278 5182130305
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 713 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102490 1659450278 5186402155
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 713 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102490 1659450278 5187135347
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 711 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102461 1659450278 5187823700
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 713 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102490 1659450278 5187823900
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 711 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102461 1659450278 5187823938
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 711 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102461 1659450278 5187833110
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 713 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102490 1659450278 5187833110
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 713 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102490 1659450278 5187855881
Dr.Yoram Amsalem, NY 254 Church St Suite 2 Saratoga Springs NY 128661076 1679702625 5188865080
Dr.Yoram Yossefy, NY 27005 76th Ave New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1841296969 7184707390
Dr.Yoram A Puius, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1639291099 7189204321
Dr.Yoram Beer, NY 713 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham NY 121102490 1659450278 51878331103236
Dr.Yorg Al Azzi, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1548572522 7189204321
Dr.Yorgos Strangas, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1053654764 2123059876
Dr.Yorgos Strangas, NY 610 W 158th St Community Health Center New York NY 100327104 1053654764 2125441867
Dr.York Sing Chan, NY 2116 Ave U Brooklyn NY 112293610 1891010286 7186161535
Dr.York-sung Yu, NY 5645 Main St Flushing NY 113555045 1407884653 7186701231
Dr.Yosef Seewald, NY 258 Saint Nicholas Ave New York NY 100275351 1942684956 2122220075
Dr.Yosef P Krespi, NY 100 E 77th St New York NY 100751850 1417042565 2124344500
Dr.Yosef S Golowa, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1811052590 7189204321
Dr.Yosef Taubenfeld, NY 450 Mamaroneck Ave Suite 411 Harrison NY 105282400 1285886556 9147323161
Dr.Yoshi Fujii, NY 16 E 40th St Rm 703 New York NY 100160113 1659511459 9173882031
Dr.Yoshifumi Naka, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1073554887 2123059876
Dr.Yoshihiro Miura, NY 3534 Riverdale Ave Bronx NY 104631804 1114476900 3474274228
Dr.Yoshihiro Katsuura, NY 535 E 70 St New York NY 100214823 1386987758 6467978471
Dr.Yoshiko Tamura, NY 1555 Long Pond Rd Rochester NY 146264122 1508857152 5857237000
Dr.Yoshimi Endo, NY 535 E 70 St New York NY 100214823 1215129630 2126061015
Dr.Yoshimi Endo, NY 535 E 70 St New York NY 100214823 1215129630 2127742474
Dr.Yoshimi Endo, NY 535 E 70 St New York NY 100214823 1215129630 2127747296
Dr.Yoshiya Yamada, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656094 1932189412 2126392000
Dr.Yoshiya Yamada, NY 225 E 126th St New York NY 100351406 1932189412 6469689064
Dr.Yosif Arabov, NY 683 Sunrise Hwy Lynbrook NY 115633246 1184043705 5164412155
Dr.Yosif Arabov, NY 3571 Long Beach Rd Oceanside NY 115725702 1184043705 5165316055
Dr.Yosif Arabov, NY 377 S Oyster Bay Rd Plainview NY 118033323 1184043705 5165379061
Dr.Yosif Arabov, NY 1033 Northern Blvd Roslyn NY 115761502 1184043705 5165379063
Dr.Yosif Arabov, NY 3631 Hempstead Tpke 63a Levittown NY 117561315 1184043705 5165379063
Dr.Yosif Arabov, NY 10229 Queens Blvd Forest Hills NY 113753258 1184043705 5168583723
Dr.Yosif Arabov, NY 5828 99th St Corona NY 113684306 1184043705 7185029867
Dr.Yossef C Blum, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1649430711 7189204321
Dr.You Guang Ding, NY 849 57th St Suite 801 Brooklyn NY 112203797 1346292786 7185766881
Dr.You-wen Qian, NY Elm And Carlton St Buffalo NY 142630001 1902003130 7168452300
Dr.Youbert Y Howil, NY 3400 Vickery Rd Syracuse NY 132124540 1518937200 3154223591
Dr.Youbert Y Howil, NY 225 Greenfield Pkwy Suite 105 Liverpool NY 130886656 1518937200 3154516911
Dr.Youn Jea Kim, NY 4979 Harlem Rd Amherst NY 142262547 1376908442 7169234380
Dr.Youn Ju Lee, NY 2015 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 104534303 1235603366 7182946200
Dr.Youn Soo Bang, NY 2015 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 104534303 1578010021 7182946200
Dr.Young J Ahn, NY 645 10th Ave New York NY 100362904 1871713727 2122654500
Dr.Young S Kim, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1447381751 2123059876
Dr.Young I Lee, NY 1 St Ave And 16th St New York NY 10003 1417119645 2124204107
Dr.Young K Elinskas, NY 6 Medical Park Dr Suite 205 Malta NY 120205053 1194027300 5188865080
Dr.Young T Zhou, NY 2950 Elmwood Ave Kenmore NY 142171304 1003874835 7164478237
Dr.Young H Kim, NY 2015 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 104534303 1134213234 7182997295
Dr.Young Park, NY 21422 73rd Ave Oakland Gardens NY 113642914 1083094189 7183473500
Dr.Young Whan Kim, NY 3130 Grand Concourse 1n Bronx NY 104581263 1639343411 7183650892
Dr.Young Choi Kim, NY 5645 Main St Flushing NY 113555045 1245212596 7186702000
Dr.Young Choi Kim, NY 506 6th St Brooklyn NY 112153609 1245212596 7187803659
Dr.Young J Shin, NY 223 Main St Beacon NY 125082770 1447220884 8454862703
Dr.Young J Shin, NY 230 N Rd Poughkeepsie NY 126011328 1447220884 8454862703
Dr.Young K Ro, NY 1 Elm St Tuckahoe NY 107073925 1700982055 9143370606
Dr.Young Don Oh, NY 171 Huguenot St New Rochelle NY 108017760 1033198833 9146075800
Dr.Young Don Oh, NY 210 Westchester Ave White Plains NY 106042901 1033198833 9146820700
Dr.Young Dong Kim, NY 5629 Cloverdale Blvd Bayside NY 113642047 1255814810 2013125797
Dr.Young Dong Kim, NY 309 Northwest Dr Farmingdale NY 117354935 1255814810 5164202900
Dr.Young Dong Kim, NY 475 Northern Blvd Suite 11 Great Neck NY 110214802 1255814810 5168290030
Dr.Young Ho Han, NY 3680 Hill Blvd Jefferson Valley NY 105351500 1831329127 9142457700
Dr.Young Il Seo, NY 7449 Morgan Rd Liverpool NY 130903973 1235559527 3154515400
Dr.Young Mi Lee, NY 150 E 32nd St New York NY 100166058 1558575647 2122633049
Dr.Young Mi Lee, NY 530 1st Ave New York NY 100166402 1558575647 2122637300
Dr.Young Mi Lee, NY 550 1st Ave New York NY 100166402 1558575647 2122637300
Dr.Young Mi Lee, NY 111 Broadway New York NY 100061901 1558575647 2122639700
Dr.Young Mi Lee, NY 355 W 52nd St Fl 7l New York NY 100196239 1558575647 2125986697
Dr.Young Mi Lee, NY 355 W 52nd St New York NY 100196239 1558575647 6467785555
Dr.Young Sun Diane Rhee, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1609847425 2123059876
Dr.Young-gwang Jeong, NY 1000 Montauk Hwy West Islip NY 117954927 1194122689 6313763000
Dr.Young-gwang Jeong, NY 2510 30th Ave Astoria NY 111022448 1194122689 7189321000
Dr.Young-mee Lee, NY 75 Beekman St Plattsburgh NY 129011438 1679681399 5185612000
Dr.Young-min Jang, NY 270 Park Ave Suite 1 Huntington NY 117432787 1841611290 6313512219
Dr.Youngjun Park, NY 1485 Dumont Ave Brooklyn NY 112084705 1275971004 7188274500
Dr.Youngmee Lee, NY 284 Pulaski Rd Greenlawn NY 117401602 1477606069 6314255265
Dr.Youngrin L Kim, NY 1000 S Ave Rochester NY 146202733 1386697498 5853410209
Dr.Youngrin L Kim, NY 1000 S Ave Suite 58 Rochester NY 146202733 1386697498 5853410456
Dr.Youngsook Kim, NY 2015 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 104534303 1184916603 7182946200
Dr.Yousaf Ali, NY 425 W 59th St Rheumatology Division Of Mount Sinai New York NY 100198022 1003891623 2124925500
Dr.Yousaf Ali, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296574 1003891623 2129873100
Dr.Yousaf Ali, NY 601 Elmwood Ave Rochester NY 146420001 1225053515 5852757424
Dr.Yousef Soofi, NY 1540 Maple Rd Williamsville NY 142213647 1053602201 7165683600
Dr.Yousef Soofi, NY 115 Flint Rd Williamsville NY 142213058 1053602201 7166267200
Dr.Yousef Soofi, NY 100 High St Buffalo NY 142031126 1053602201 7168595600
Dr.Yousef Soofi, NY 462 Grider St Buffalo NY 142153021 1053602201 7168983000
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 475 Seaview Ave Staten Island NY 103053436 1467707349 2124346980
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 300 Community Dr Ll Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5165622229
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5165623058
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5165623590
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 350 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5165623845
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5165624100
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5165624281
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5165624330
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5165624458
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 330 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5167082550
Dr.Youssef El Douaihy, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1467707349 5168765555
Dr.Youssef Alraei, NY 436 Bay Ridge Pkwy Brooklyn NY 112092702 1518078286 7189210700
Dr.Youstina H. Michael, NY 2601 Ocean Pkwy Brooklyn NY 112357745 1275947129 7186165352
Dr.Yousun Choe, NY 366 N Broadway Suite 405 Jericho NY 117532000 1821436148 9173715877
Dr.Yovan Gonzalez, NY 227 Madison St New York NY 100027537 1265795157 2122387000
Dr.Yovanny A Mcfield, NY 16 Guion Pl New Rochelle NY 108015502 1033165071 9146325000
Dr.Ype P De Jong, NY 1305 York Ave Fl 4 New York NY 100215663 1205009958 6469624000
Dr.Yu Chen, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656007 1144491390 2126392000
Dr.Yu Sung, NY 77 W Barney St Gouverneur NY 136421040 1205270006 3152871000
Dr.Yu Sung, NY 214 King St Ogdensburg NY 136691142 1205270006 3153933600
Dr.Yu Sung, NY 1 Hospital Dr Massena NY 136621056 1205270006 3157644200
Dr.Yu Sung, NY 191 N Main St Wellsville NY 148951150 1205270006 5855931100
Dr.Yu S Lin, NY 4802 10th Ave Brooklyn NY 112192916 1407042559 7182837732
Dr.Yu Wang, NY 70 Dubois St Newburgh NY 125504851 1194798736 8454584855
Dr.Yu Sun, NY 45 Ludlow St Suite 504 Yonkers NY 107051950 1396804480 9149633232
Dr.Yu Yang, NY 11045 Queens Blvd Suite 110 Forest Hills NY 113755519 1104260611 9178595536
Dr.Yu Cheng Huang, NY 3808 Union St Suite 8c Flushing NY 113545673 1235432188 7183535621
Dr.Yu Chin C Chen, NY 1 Atwell Rd Cooperstown NY 133261301 1760624670 6075473480
Dr.Yu Hsuan Lee, NY 309 Northwest Dr Farmingdale NY 117354935 1831666072 5164202900
Dr.Yu Hsuan Lee, NY 475 Northern Blvd Suite 11 Great Neck NY 110214802 1831666072 5168290030
Dr.Yu Hyon Kim, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1003029026 7189204321
Dr.Yu Jin Kim, NY 4161 Kissena Blvd Suite 5a Flushing NY 113553105 1881013159 7188869000
Dr.Yu Lin Chen, NY 601 Elmwood Ave Rochester NY 146420001 1265886527 5852757424
Dr.Yu Shin Oh, NY 315 Walt Whitman Rd Suite 311 Huntington Station NY 117464112 1811335086 6319230334
Dr.Yu Wing W Yeung, NY 470 Collins St Avon NY 144141466 1043556079 5852262640
Dr.Yu Wing W Yeung, NY 601 Elmwood Ave Rochester NY 146420002 1043556079 5852752100
Dr.Yu Wing W Yeung, NY 1000 S Ave Rochester NY 146202733 1043556079 5853416732
Dr.Yu Wing W Yeung, NY 1000 S Ave Rochester NY 146202733 1043556079 5853416779
Dr.Yu-chen Xue, NY 15144 82nd St Howard Beach NY 114141777 1841762713 7187382550
Dr.Yu-fan Zhang, NY 281 Broadway Fl 2 New York NY 100072056 1134454747 6465967386
Dr.Yu-jen Lai, NY 200 Belle Terre Rd Port Jefferson NY 117771928 1083787071 6314746000
Dr.Yu-jen Hwang, NY 281 Broadway Fl 2 New York NY 100072056 1235639667 6465967386
Dr.Yu-kang Chen, NY 253 S St New York NY 100027827 1801254180 2127204540
Dr.Yu-kuan Lin, NY 600 Stony Brook Ct Newburgh NY 125506524 1063706414 8454375000
Dr.Yu-ting Elizabeth Hung, NY 600 Mamaroneck Ave Suite 200 Harrison NY 105281635 1699922278 9147238100
Dr.Yu-ting Elizabeth Hung, NY 259 Heathcote Rd Scarsdale NY 105834523 1699922278 9147238100
Dr.Yuan K Jin, NY 121 Everett Rd Albany NY 122051407 1003460429 5184892524
Dr.Yuan Yao, NY 100 Nicholls Rd Nephrology Stony Brook NY 117940001 1811351539 6314441560
Dr.Yuan Li, NY 39 -16 Prince Street Suite 351 Flushing NY 113545361 1841261062 7183586768
Dr.Yuan Yao, NY 1508 Ave U Brooklyn NY 112293808 1417301375 7183763383
Dr.Yuan Yao, NY 833 58th St Brooklyn NY 112203609 1417301375 7186868888
Dr.Yuanli Xie, NY 128 Mott St Suite 206 207 New York NY 100135540 1871874453 2126800528
Dr.Yuanli Xie, NY 849 57th St Suite 7 Brooklyn NY 112203798 1871874453 3475337308
Dr.Yuanpu Zheng, NY 1530 Bedford Ave Suite 3 Brooklyn NY 112164117 1891073516 7188219262
Dr.Yuanting Hu, NY 757 60th St Fl 4 Brooklyn NY 112204209 1881183051 7187178788
Dr.Yuanxia Zhang, NY 4318 Robinson St Suite 1a Flushing NY 113553193 1881600823 7186667176
Dr.Yuanyuan Hu, NY 5928 Little Neck Pkwy Little Neck NY 113622532 1740739432 7182240566
Dr.Yuberkys Cabrera, NY 3940 Broadway Fl 2 New York NY 100321534 1477808103 2127815500
Dr.Yuchen He, NY 4235 Main St 3a Flushing NY 113554721 1346741790 7188867246
Dr.Yudelis Quinlan, NY 1500 Hempstead Tpke East Meadow NY 115541551 1942452438 5167397733
Dr.Yudelka Garcia, NY 589 3rd Ave New York NY 100162711 1144661570 2123217002
Dr.Yudelka Garcia, NY 375 White Plains Rd Eastchester NY 107092826 1144661570 8663892727
Dr.Yue Yu, NY 41 E Pond Rd White Plains NY 10601 1013232545 9142811260
Dr.Yue Hua Zhang, NY 1729 E 12th St Fl 5 Brooklyn NY 112291088 1538351010 7183693300
Dr.Yue Qiu Chen, NY 55 Old NYack Tpke Suite 605 Nanuet NY 109542454 1649228024 2018478079
Dr.Yue Qiu Chen, NY 255 Lafayette Ave Suffern NY 109014812 1649228024 8453575775
Dr.Yue Yi Li, NY 301 E 17th St New York NY 100033804 1508185117 2125982454
Dr.Yue-shan L Yang, NY 220 W New York Post Rd White Plains NY 106062914 1336534668 2013088995
Dr.Yuehjien R Gu, NY 100 Nicolls Rd Stony Brook NY 117948122 1902082209 6314441213
Dr.Yuehuei An, NY 13636 39th Ave Suite 7 Flushing NY 113545576 1467538348 7183217789
Dr.Yuen Wai Hui, NY 185 Canal St Frnt 6 New York NY 100134537 1922136589 2122261177
Dr.Yueting Shang, NY 4316 215th St Apt 1 Bayside NY 113612976 1093067498 3478033173
Dr.Yufang Johnson, NY 10 Hastings Dr Beacon NY 125082055 1992257976 8454401600
Dr.Yufang Johnson, NY 15 Fulton Ave Ll Poughkeepsie NY 126032315 1992257976 8454738996
Dr.Yufei Tu, NY 1000 Church Ave Brooklyn NY 112182710 1255607206 7188264000
Dr.Yugandhar Munnangi, NY 230 N Rd Poughkeepsie NY 126011328 1316913932 8454862703
Dr.Yugandhar Munnangi, NY 29 N Hamilton St Poughkeepsie NY 126012541 1316913932 84548627031707
Dr.Yuhchyau Chen, NY 601 Elmwood Ave Rochester NY 146420002 1730119603 5852752100
Dr.Yuhchyau Chen, NY 738 Library Rd Rochester NY 146420001 1730119603 5852752638
Dr.Yuhchyau Chen, NY 601 Elmwood Ave Rochester NY 146420002 1730119603 5852757424
Dr.Yuhchyau Chen, NY 111 Clara Barton St Dansville NY 144379503 1730119603 5853356001
Dr.Yuhchyau Chen, NY 262 Bank St Batavia NY 140201537 1730119603 5853443050
Dr.Yuhchyau Chen, NY 155 Bellwood Dr Suite 1 Rochester NY 146064226 1730119603 5854532700
Dr.Yuhei Kobayashi, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1134608508 7189204321
Dr.Yuichi Shimada, NY 1150 Saint Nicholas Ave New York NY 100323822 1134378060 2123054931
Dr.Yuichi Shimada, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1134378060 2123059876
Dr.Yuichiro Kuwama, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1316910623 2122416500
Dr.Yuji Kaku, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1518408962 2123059876
Dr.Yujin Guo, NY 2510 30th Ave Astoria NY 111022448 1710149927 7182674285
Dr.Yujin Lim, NY 1402 150th St Whitestone NY 113571750 1043585342 7183538933
Dr.Yujin Lim, NY 5645 Main St Flushing NY 113555045 1043585342 7186702000
Dr.Yujin Guo, NY 139 Centre St Suite 302 New York NY 100134554 1710149927 7188887703
Dr.Yujin Guo, NY 13620 38th Ave 8c Flushing NY 113544232 1710149927 7188887703
Dr.Yuk-wah N Chan, NY 1539 Main St Suite C 1st Floor Pleasant Valley NY 125697834 1972528099 8456359417
Dr.Yuka K Matsuzawa, NY 600 3rd Ave Fl 2 New York NY 100161919 1518224062 9175442880
Dr.Yuki Bekki, NY 5 E 98th St 12th Floor New York NY 100296501 1609367358 2122418035
Dr.Yukio Sonoda, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656094 1134104482 2126392000
Dr.Yukio Sonoda, NY 500 Westchester Ave West Harrison NY 106043200 1134104482 9143677000
Dr.Yuko Merchant, NY 17 E 102nd St New York NY 100295204 1134304108 2126598551
Dr.Yuko Merchant, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Place New York NY 100296500 1134304108 2126598551
Dr.Yul Rapoport, NY 1000 Montauk Hwy West Islip NY 117954927 1699935080 6313763000
Dr.Yuli Fradkin, NY 315 W 57th St Suite 401 New York NY 100193147 1255589461 6466859836
Dr.Yulia Kit, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656007 1124315486 2126392000
Dr.Yulia Uvaydov, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656007 1689217291 2126392000
Dr.Yulia A Kirkpatrick, NY 211 Church St Saratoga Springs NY 128661003 1295138238 5185838421
Dr.Yulianna E Russak, NY 115 E 57th St Suite 1220 New York NY 100222117 1962553875 6468737546
Dr.Yulin Wang, NY 13329 41st Rd Suite 2d Flushing NY 113553695 1629201942 9179080338
Dr.Yuliya A Shustorovich, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1174579478 2122416381
Dr.Yuliya A Shustorovich, NY 2510 30th Ave Long Island City NY 111022448 1174579478 2122416381
Dr.Yuliya A Shustorovich, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1174579478 2122416426
Dr.Yuliya A Shustorovich, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1174579478 2122418014
Dr.Yuliya Safyanovskaya, NY 530 1st Ave New York NY 100166402 1720317654 2122637300
Dr.Yuliya Safyanovskaya, NY 550 1st Ave New York NY 100166402 1720317654 2122637300
Dr.Yuliya Safyanovskaya, NY 111 Broadway New York NY 100061901 1720317654 2122639700
Dr.Yuliya Vinokurova, NY 111 Broadway Fl 2 New York NY 100061995 1568448132 2122639701
Dr.Yuliya M Nisonova, NY 227 E 41st St Fl 8 New York NY 100176927 1831489178 2122736521
Dr.Yuliya Lakhman, NY 160 E 53rd St New York NY 100225243 1013002906 2126100496
Dr.Yuliya Lakhman, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656007 1013002906 2126392000
Dr.Yuliya Gruber, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656007 1235578121 2126397203
Dr.Yuliya S Rehab, NY 1200 Driving Park Ave Newark NY 145131090 1043415326 3153322022
Dr.Yuliya S Rehab, NY 1200 Driving Park Ave Newark NY 145131057 1043415326 3153322266
Dr.Yuliya S Rehab, NY 2 Coulter Rd Clifton Springs NY 144321122 1043415326 3154621472
Dr.Yuliya S Rehab, NY 2 Coulter Rd Clifton Springs NY 144321122 1043415326 3154625711
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 300 Community Dr Ll Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5165622229
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5165623058
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5165623590
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 350 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5165623845
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5165624100
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5165624281
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5165624330
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5165624458
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 330 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5167082550
Dr.Yuliya Angelova, NY 10 E Merrick Rd Suite 201 Valley Stream NY 115805800 1801865852 5168257455
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1922551860 5168765555
Dr.Yuliya S Rehab, NY 1200 Driving Park Ave Newark NY 145131090 1043415326 5859221738
Dr.Yuliya N Lapierre, NY 602 Ivy St Fl 1 Elmira NY 149051646 1992081905 6077391529
Dr.Yuliya Lakhman, NY 650 Commack Rd Commack NY 117255404 1013002906 6316234300
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1922551860 6316473800
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1922551860 6319683100
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1922551860 6319683293
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1922551860 6319683636
Dr.Yuliya Nemchenko, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1922551860 6319863308
Dr.Yuliya Lakhman, NY 530 E 74th St New York NY 100213402 1013002906 6466081996
Dr.Yuliya Lakhman, NY 300 E 66th St New York NY 100656800 1013002906 6468885314
Dr.Yuliya Davydova, NY 269 10 Grand Central Pkwy Building 3 Suite A3 A4 Floral Park NY 110051045 1134369267 7182291166
Dr.Yuliya A Shustorovich, NY 2520 30th Ave Long Island City NY 111022448 1174579478 7182674230
Dr.Yuliya A Shustorovich, NY 2510 30th Ave Long Island City NY 111022448 1174579478 7182674390
Dr.Yuliya Babayeva, NY 9701 66th Ave Rego Park NY 113744245 1255766671 7182755200
Dr.Yuliya Tabibova, NY 1402 150th St Whitestone NY 113571750 1700184173 7183538933
Dr.Yuliya Roytman, NY 3511 Quentin Rd Brooklyn NY 112344230 1457325771 7183771021
Dr.Yuliya Feygis, NY 585 Schenectady Ave Brooklyn NY 112031822 1871587089 7186045000
Dr.Yuliya Gruber, NY 2601 Ocean Pkwy Brooklyn NY 112357745 1235578121 7186165352
Dr.Yuliya Giyaur, NY 2464 Coney Island Ave Suite 3 Brooklyn NY 112235009 1356326748 7186766464
Dr.Yuliya Angelova, NY 11915 Atlantic Ave Richmond Hill NY 114183216 1801865852 7188050700
Dr.Yuliya Royberman, NY 2411 E 2nd St Brooklyn NY 112236041 1073973137 7189095929
Dr.Yuliya S Jhanwar, NY 90 S Bedford Rd Mount Kisco NY 105493412 1689988628 9142411050
Dr.Yuliya Lakhman, NY 500 Westchester Ave West Harrison NY 106043200 1013002906 9143677105
Dr.Yuly Lyandres, NY 2001 Marcus Ave Suite E249 New Hyde Park NY 110421000 1821014762 5164375600
Dr.Yuly Chalik, NY 2632 E 14th St Suite 101 Brooklyn NY 112353916 1730191743 7183742100
Dr.Yuly Chalik, NY 10715 Jamaica Ave Richmond Hill NY 114182240 1730191743 7183752100
Dr.Yuly Lyandres, NY 10923 Jamaica Ave Richmond Hill NY 114182335 1821014762 7184410299
Dr.Yuly Gertsberg, NY 1720 E 13th St Suite 1 Brooklyn NY 112291920 1255485165 7189982929
Dr.Yulya Timashpolsky, NY 332 E 14th St New York NY 100034243 1114965019 2124813333
Dr.Yumi Kim, NY 1910 Richmond Rd Staten Island NY 103062552 1659383669 7189879777
Dr.Yuming Zhang, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1962837864 2123059876
Dr.Yun Feng, NY 139 Centre St Suite 502 New York NY 100134555 1891957916 2122261920
Dr.Yun Y Zheng, NY 100 Nicholls Rd Nephrology Stony Brook NY 117940001 1639606809 6314441560
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 27005 76th Ave New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1427294529 7184703377
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 27005 76th Ave New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1427294529 7184707000
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 27005 76th Ave New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1427294529 7184707137
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 27005 76th Ave New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1427294529 7184707260
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 27005 76th Ave New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1427294529 7184707330
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 27005 76th Ave New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1427294529 7184707362
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 27005 76th Ave Gf New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1427294529 7184707501
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 27005 76th Ave New Hyde Park NY 110401402 1427294529 7184707848
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 7559 263rd St Rm 132 Glen Oaks NY 110041150 1427294529 7184708023
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 75 -59 Glen Oaks NY 110041150 1427294529 7184708100
Dr.Yun J Cho, NY 2248 31st St Astoria NY 111052714 1568826568 7185719192
Dr.Yun J Cho, NY 2902 3rd Ave Bronx NY 104552601 1568826568 7185719276
Dr.Yun Freudenberg-hua, NY 10201 66th Rd Forest Hills NY 113752029 1427294529 7188304000
Dr.Yun Jeong Kim, NY 315 S Manning Blvd Albany NY 122081707 1841466356 5185251304
Dr.Yun Jeong Kim, NY 315 S Manning Blvd Albany NY 122081707 1841466356 5185251386
Dr.Yun Jeong Kim, NY 315 S Manning Blvd Albany NY 122081707 1841466356 5185251550
Dr.Yun-kuang Lai, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1740667989 7189204321
Dr.Yuna Rapoport, NY 437 5th Ave Fl 2 New York NY 100162205 1144516121 2126349644
Dr.Yung W Lee, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1528151784 7189204321
Dr.Yung W Lee, NY 2532 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 104584902 1528151784 8666338255
Dr.Yung W Lee, NY 2300 Westchester Ave Bronx NY 104625072 1528151784 8666338255
Dr.Yunhee Chung, NY 14218 38th Ave Suite 1b Flushing NY 113545654 1205948668 7184617700
Dr.Yunjia Tang, NY 4295 Hempstead Tpke Bethpage NY 117145713 1417153933 5165202374
Dr.Yunjia Tang, NY 100 Port Washington Blvd St Francis Hospital Roslyn NY 115761347 1417153933 5165626410
Dr.Yunjia Tang, NY 1000 N Village Ave Mercy Medical Center Rockville Center NY 115701000 1417153933 5167052097
Dr.Yunjia Tang, NY 1000 Montauk Hwy West Islip NY 117954927 1417153933 6313763990
Dr.Yunjia Tang, NY 50 Route 25a Smithtown NY 117871348 1417153933 6318623064
Dr.Yunkyoung Kim, NY 6851 Jericho Tpke Suite 150 Syosset NY 117914462 1689149924 5167171839
Dr.Yunkyoung Kim, NY 6010 Bay Pkwy Suite 901 Brooklyn NY 112046081 1689149924 7182387575
Dr.Yunkyoung Jeong, NY 7311 41st Ave Woodside NY 113773046 1427301902 7184240200
Dr.Yunuen Aguilera Garcia, NY 301 Prospect Ave Syracuse NY 132031807 1578842522 3154485480
Dr.Yunyun A Lo, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1346222304 2122416500
Dr.Yuping Chen, NY 136 21 Roosevelt Ave Suite 205 Flushing NY 113545507 1801986500 7183532536
Dr.Yupo Ma, NY 100 Nicolls Rd Stony Brook NY 117903407 1063412153 6314442222
Dr.Yuqi Mao, NY 7309 Seneca Rd N Suite 112 Hornell NY 148439691 1265842181 6075902424
Dr.Yuqing Zhang, NY 13636 39th Ave Suite 7 Flushing NY 113545576 1659536233 3478279251
Dr.Yura Stolyarsky, NY 3049 Ocean Pkwy Brooklyn NY 112358395 1104116375 7187049909
Dr.Yuri W Novitsky, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1679590525 2123059876
Dr.Yuri Yakubov, NY 1510 Jericho Tpke New Hyde Park NY 110404730 1770099681 5162165341
Dr.Yuri Usher, NY 114 Hards Ln Lawrence NY 115591315 1043408461 5166505756
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5186973000
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5186973061
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5186973540
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5186973555
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5188220746
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5188281400
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5188283327
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5188287601
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 71 Prospect Ave Hudson NY 125342907 1104147545 5188288307
Dr.Yuri A Stippa, NY 159 Jefferson Hts Suite C201 Catskill NY 124141204 1104147545 5189431943
Dr.Yuri S Fink, NY 60 Queens St Suite 100 Syosset NY 117913058 1275798720 6312719151
Dr.Yuri Yakubov, NY 100 Woods Rd Macy Pavillion Valhalla NY 105951530 1770099681 9149099018
Dr.Yurilka A Hernandez, NY 3940 Broadway Fl 2 New York NY 100321534 1295111003 2127815500
Dr.Yuriy Shepelyak, NY 515 Madison Ave Fl 6 New York NY 100225403 1194088948 2127526770
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 300 Community Dr Ll Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5165622229
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5165623058
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5165623590
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 350 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5165623845
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5165624100
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5165624281
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5165624330
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5165624458
Dr.Yuriy Davydov, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1023371887 5165624887
Dr.Yuriy Dekhkanov, NY 259 1st St Mineola NY 115013957 1235405432 5166638510
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 330 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5167082550
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1841515392 5168765555
Dr.Yuriy Takhalov, NY 270 Park Ave Suite 1 Huntington NY 117432787 1841515392 6313512219
Dr.Yuriy Dekhkanov, NY 301 E Main St 2 North Bay Shore NY 117068408 1235405432 6319683293
Dr.Yuriy Babadzhanov, NY 2918 Ave M Brooklyn NY 112104617 1962947754 7182520625
Dr.Yuriy Israel, NY 10816 72nd Ave Suite 2 Forest Hills NY 113755656 1154563682 7182610900
Dr.Yuriy Tsirlin, NY 4802 10th Ave Brooklyn NY 112192916 1659570323 7182836000
Dr.Yuriy Tsirlin, NY 4802 10th Ave Brooklyn NY 112192916 1659570323 7182837732
Dr.Yuriy Akilov, NY 7901 Broadway Elmhurst NY 113731329 1376643148 7183344000
Dr.Yuriy Babadzhanov, NY 2919 Ave S Brooklyn NY 112292544 1962947754 7185543680
Dr.Yuriy Kheyfits, NY 1851 72nd St Brooklyn NY 112045314 1225036650 7185819268
Dr.Yuriy Khanimov, NY 2601 Ocean Pkwy Brooklyn NY 112357745 1700942273 7186165352
Dr.Yuriy Pertsovsky, NY 2569 Ocean Ave Brooklyn NY 112294576 1326085168 7186457020
Dr.Yuriy O Ivanov, NY 2503 27th St Astoria NY 111022349 1790026011 7186872010
Dr.Yurong Cai, NY 380 2nd Ave New York NY 100105615 1972526671 2123751065
Dr.Yurong Cai, NY 305 7th Ave New York NY 100016008 1972526671 2126331242
Dr.Yurong Cai, NY 150 31 Union Tpke Flushing NY 113673927 1972526671 3474542050
Dr.Yury Khelemsky, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1780843227 2122416381
Dr.Yury Khelemsky, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1780843227 2122416426
Dr.Yury Khelemsky, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1780843227 2122418014
Dr.Yury Blitsman, NY 1000 N Village Ave Rockville Center NY 115701000 1235162843 5167052218
Dr.Yury Blitsman, NY 200 Belle Terre Rd Port Jefferson NY 117771928 1235162843 6314746000
Dr.Yury Blitsman, NY 77 N Centre Ave Suite 202 Rockville Centre NY 115703923 1235162843 6315031400
Dr.Yury Rotshteyn, NY 3111 Brighton 2nd St Suite L2 Brooklyn NY 112357524 1033346721 7183328633
Dr.Yury Koyen, NY 265 Ave X Brooklyn NY 112235939 1518023399 7183395151
Dr.Yury Zamdborg, NY 2005 Ocean Ave Brooklyn NY 112307335 1932112158 7183758052
Dr.Yury Rotshteyn, NY 2601 Ocean Pkwy Brooklyn NY 112357745 1033346721 7186165352
Dr.Yury Rotshteyn, NY 153 Bay 26th St Brooklyn NY 112144938 1033346721 7186454324
Dr.Yury Rotshteyn, NY 209 Ave P Apt A1 Brooklyn NY 112044910 1033346721 7186464500
Dr.Yury Rotshteyn, NY 446 Bay Ridge Pkwy Brooklyn NY 112092702 1033346721 7187488181
Dr.Yury J. Parra, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1992149769 7189204321
Dr.Yury Takhalov, NY 374 Stockholm St Brooklyn NY 112374006 1932370731 7189637266
Dr.Yuson Chong, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1003325564 5165623058
Dr.Yusra Farooqui, NY 475 Seaview Ave Staten Island NY 103053436 1770568040 2124346980
Dr.Yusuf Yazici, NY 111 Broadway New York NY 100061901 1669455085 2122639700
Dr.Yusuf Z Tatli, NY 321 E Albany St Herkimer NY 133502016 1508962986 3158672700
Dr.Yusuf Z Tatli, NY 178 Grandview Dr Cobleskill NY 120435144 1508962986 5182543456
Dr.Yusuf N Silk, NY 2215 Burdett Ave Troy NY 121802466 1265442172 5182713300
Dr.Yusuf N Silk, NY 2215 Burdett Ave Troy NY 121802466 1265442172 5182713554
Dr.Yusuf N Silk, NY 2215 Burdett Ave Suite 200 Troy NY 121802466 1265442172 5182713900
Dr.Yusuf M Dincer, NY 319 S Manning Blvd Suite 202 Albany NY 122081743 1508060880 5184350842
Dr.Yusuf M Dincer, NY 200 Washington Ave Ext Albany NY 122035335 1508060880 5187242788
Dr.Yusuf Z Tatli, NY 21 Railroad Ave Cooperstown NY 133261381 1508962986 6075477830
Dr.Yusuf Yazici, NY 333 E 38th St New York NY 100162772 1669455085 6463569400
Dr.Yusuf R Afifi, NY 45 Reade Pl Poughkeepsie NY 126013947 1336794619 8454315645
Dr.Yusuf R Afifi, NY 45 Reade Pl Poughkeepsie NY 126013947 1336794619 8454315699
Dr.Yusuf R Afifi, NY 45 Reade Pl Poughkeepsie NY 126013947 1336794619 8454548500
Dr.Yusuf R Afifi, NY 45 Reade Pl Poughkeepsie NY 126013947 1336794619 8454836001
Dr.Yusuf R Afifi, NY 45 Reade Pl Poughkeepsie NY 126013947 1336794619 8454836925
Dr.Yusufali Mamdani, NY 372 Central Park W Apt 1d New York NY 100258202 1669481750 2127219200
Dr.Yuval Yaari, NY 261 E 78th St Fl 2 New York NY 100751216 1023572120 2124725820
Dr.Yuval Hiltzik, NY 26 Research Way East Setauket NY 117333526 1518102607 6314440580
Dr.Yuval Hiltzik, NY 100 Nicholls Rd Stony Brook NY 117940001 1518102607 6314441660
Dr.Yuval Hiltzik, NY 100 Nicholls Rd Stony Brook NY 117940001 1518102607 6314441750
Dr.Yuval Hiltzik, NY 3400 Nesconset Hwy 102 East Setauket NY 117333526 1518102607 6319412000
Dr.Yuval Yaari, NY 1502 8th Ave Brooklyn NY 112155602 1023572120 7187680002
Dr.Yuvrajsinh J Parmar, NY 420 E 76th St New York NY 100213396 1164785002 2124345300
Dr.Yuvrajsinh J Parmar, NY 5645 Main St Flushing NY 113555045 1164785002 7186702000
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 7400 18th Ave Brooklyn NY 112045612 1508157876 7182369446
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 7400 18th Ave Suite A Brooklyn NY 112045612 1508157876 7182369446
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 263 7th Ave Brooklyn NY 112157247 1508157876 7182468515
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 506 6th St Brooklyn NY 112153609 1508157876 7182468600
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 263 7th Ave Brooklyn NY 112157247 1508157876 7182468600
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 263 7th Ave Brooklyn NY 112157247 1508157876 7182468614
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 263 7th Ave Brooklyn NY 112157247 1508157876 7182468700
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 506 6th St Brooklyn NY 112153609 1508157876 7187803000
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 506 6th St Brooklyn NY 112153609 1508157876 7187803677
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 506 6th St Brooklyn NY 112153609 1508157876 7187805125
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 506 6th St Brooklyn NY 112153609 1508157876 7187805130
Dr.Yuwei W Gu, NY 506 6th St Brooklyn NY 112153609 1508157876 7187805215
Dr.Yuwen Hu, NY 259 1st St Mineola NY 115013957 1588627947 5166632216
Dr.Yuwen Hu, NY 1 Health Way Oceanside NY 115721551 1588627947 8777688462
Dr.Yuxi Chen, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1750475018 7189204321
Dr.Yuxin Liu, NY 1 Gustave L Levy Pl New York NY 100296504 1164629242 2122418014
Dr.Yuxin Liu, NY 1470 Madison Ave New York NY 100296542 1164629242 2122418426
Dr.Yuxuan Jin, NY 111 Broadway Fl 2 New York NY 100061995 1053639997 2122639701
Dr.Yuxuan Jin, NY 530 Hicksville Rd Bethpage NY 117143415 1053639997 5165351900
Dr.Yuxuan Jin, NY 1401 Franklin Ave Garden City NY 115301613 1053639997 5165410300
Dr.Yuxuan Jin, NY 530 Hicksville Rd Bethpage NY 117143415 1053639997 5165765715
Dr.Yuxuan Jin, NY 530 Hicksville Rd Bethpage NY 117143415 1053639997 5166632169
Dr.Yuxuan Jin, NY 1401 Franklin Ave Garden City NY 115301613 1053639997 5167464080
Dr.Yuxuan Jin, NY 1401 Franklin Ave Garden City NY 115301613 1053639997 5168772323
Dr.Yuxuan Jin, NY 530 Hicksville Rd Bethpage NY 117143415 1053639997 5169375000
Dr.Yvanka L Pachas, NY 657 W 179th St Suite 659 New York NY 100335770 1376694885 2129282222
Dr.Yvanka L Pachas, NY 651 Academy St New York NY 100345003 1376694885 2129420043133
Dr.Yvel Duroseau, NY 105 Canal Landing Blvd Suite 1 Rochester NY 146265107 1659631943 5853684050
Dr.Yvelisse Suarez, NY 301 E 17th St New York NY 100033804 1902066855 2122637300
Dr.Yvelisse Suarez, NY 530 1st Ave New York NY 100166402 1902066855 2122637300
Dr.Yvelisse Suarez, NY 550 1st Ave New York NY 100166402 1902066855 2122637300
Dr.Yvelisse Suarez, NY 111 Broadway Fl 2 New York NY 100061995 1902066855 2122639701
Dr.Yvelisse Suarez, NY 16 Th St And 1st Ave New York NY 100033804 1902066855 2124202000
Dr.Yvelyne Abellard, NY 1154 E Tremont Ave Bronx NY 104602433 1285734202 7186647679
Dr.Yves E Casimir, NY 282 N Middletown Rd Pearl River NY 109651216 1235376401 2018380239
Dr.Yves P Gobin, NY 525 E 68th St New York NY 100654870 1124136338 2127465454
Dr.Yves Jean Gilles, NY 506 Malcolm X Blvd New York NY 100371802 1679685515 2129393501
Dr.Yves J Lafond, NY 110 W 6th St Oswego NY 131262507 1164467031 3153495511
Dr.Yves J Lafond, NY 522 S 4th St Suite 1200 Fulton NY 130692529 1164467031 3155985795
Dr.Yves M Duroseau, NY 7049 Austin St Forest Hills NY 113751033 1629094289 7182801245
Dr.Yves M Duroseau, NY 3111 Steinway St Astoria NY 111033908 1629094289 7184752345
Dr.Yvette C Tanhehco, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1093977399 2123059876
Dr.Yvette P Ortiz, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1497722078 2123059876
Dr.Yvette P Ortiz, NY 575 W 181st St New York NY 100335002 1497722078 2123423065
Dr.Yvette Calderon, NY 1 Ave At 16th St New York NY 10003 1790837201 2124202124
Dr.Yvette P Ortiz, NY 534 W 135th St New York NY 100318644 1497722078 2124912340
Dr.Yvette Calderon, NY 10 Union Sq E New York NY 100033314 1790837201 2128446000
Dr.Yvette B Talton, NY 3669 Countryside Ln Marion NY 145059781 1740525146 3159267733
Dr.Yvette Fruchter, NY 935 Northern Blvd Suite 102 Great Neck NY 110215309 1467981449 5164877116
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 300 Community Dr Ll Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5165622229
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5165623058
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5165623590
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 350 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5165623845
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5165624100
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5165624281
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5165624330
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5165624458
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 330 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5167082550
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 300 Community Dr Manhasset NY 110303816 1538349857 5168765555
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1538349857 6316473800
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1538349857 6319683100
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1538349857 6319683293
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1538349857 6319683636
Dr.Yvette M Libert, NY 301 E Main St Bay Shore NY 117068408 1538349857 6319863308
Dr.Yvette Brown-cuff, NY 3709 Flatlands Ave Brooklyn NY 112343507 1205901113 6465351545
Dr.Yvette Byer Henry, NY 121 Dekalb Ave Brooklyn NY 112015425 1306992409 7182508000
Dr.Yvette Gonzalez, NY 9749 Woodhaven Blvd Suite 2 Ozone Park NY 114162312 1063624609 7183239460
Dr.Yvette L Deerr, NY 1650 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 104577606 1548357197 7184668153
Dr.Yvette A Duchein, NY 111 E 210th St Mmc Faculty Practice Bronx NY 104672401 1962645663 7189204321
Dr.Yvette Davidov, NY 9932 66th Rd Rego Park NY 113744462 1083792782 7189971100
Dr.Yvette Smolin, NY 100 Woods Rd Valhala NY 105951530 1962449611 9144932844
Dr.Yvette Smolin, NY 100 Woods Rd Westchester Medical Center Advanced Physician Serv Valhalla NY 105951530 1962449611 9144937000
Dr.Yvette Smolin, NY 100 Woods Rd Valhala NY 105951530 1962449611 9144938793
Dr.Yvette Smolin, NY 545 Saw Mill River Rd Suite 3e Ardsley NY 105022157 1962449611 9147036727
Dr.Yvette Smolin, NY 100 Woods Rd Valhala NY 105951530 1962449611 9149099018
Dr.Yvona L Griffo, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656007 1952373284 2126392000
Dr.Yvonne W Lui, NY 150 E 32nd St New York NY 100166058 1538116645 2122633049
Dr.Yvonne W Lui, NY 301 E 17th St New York NY 100033804 1538116645 2122637300
Dr.Yvonne W Lui, NY 530 1st Ave New York NY 100166402 1538116645 2122637300
Dr.Yvonne W Lui, NY 550 1st Ave New York NY 100166402 1538116645 2122637300
Dr.Yvonne W Lui, NY 111 Broadway New York NY 100061901 1538116645 2122639700
Dr.Yvonne M Saenger, NY 161 Fort Washington Ave Fl 5 New York NY 100323729 1235363664 2123055098
Dr.Yvonne M Saenger, NY 622 W 168th St New York NY 100323720 1235363664 2123059460
Dr.Yvonne Y Chak, NY 170 William St New York NY 100382612 1063764108 2123125000
Dr.Yvonne M Saenger, NY 161 Fort Washington Ave New York NY 100323729 1235363664 2123425155
Dr.Yvonne W Lui, NY 16 Th St And 1st Ave New York NY 100033804 1538116645 2124202000
Dr.Yvonne L Kapinos, NY 1275 York Ave New York NY 100656007 1114256591 2126392000
Dr.Yvonne P Waldemar, NY 1630 E 15th St Suite 2 Brooklyn NY 112291193 1992782866 2127696286
Dr.Yvonne Zaharakis, NY 162 E 78th St New York NY 100750406 1407806664 2127942281
Dr.Yvonne C Jolly, NY 1150 State Route 5 And 20 Geneva NY 144569543 1982652608 3157895758
Dr.Yvonne Hardoon, NY 4295 Hempstead Tpke Bethpage NY 117145713 1356501001 5165796000
Dr.Yvonne Hardoon, NY 1000 Montauk Hwy West Islip NY 117954927 1356501001 5167052689
Dr.Yvonne C Coiteux, NY 1365 Washington Ave Albany NY 122061068 1598103103 5182625196
Dr.Yvonne Chow, NY 47 New Scotland Ave Albany NY 122083412 1699937300 5182625633
Dr.Yvonne Chow, NY 6 Medical Park Dr Suite 203 Malta NY 120205053 1699937300 5182641200
Dr.Yvonne R Fuller-fontenot, NY 1375 Washington Ave Suite 101 Albany NY 122061040 1861422362 5184384483
Dr.Yvonne C Coiteux, NY 400 Patroon Creek Blvd Suite 210 Albany NY 122065012 1598103103 5184598106
Dr.Yvonne L Harrison, NY 1415 Portland Ave Rochester NY 146213022 1174813620 5852661000
Dr.Yvonne L Harrison, NY 1415 Portland Ave Rochester NY 146213022 1174813620 5859220390
Dr.Yvonne C Jolly, NY 1425 Portland Ave Rochester NY 146213001 1982652608 5859223122
Dr.Yvonne L Harrison, NY 1425 Portland Ave Rochester NY 146213001 1174813620 5859223864
Dr.Yvonne L Harrison, NY 1425 Portland Ave Rochester NY 146213001 1174813620 5859224000
Dr.Yvonne L Harrison, NY 1425 Portland Ave Rochester NY 146213001 1174813620 5859229080
Dr.Yvonne C Strauss, NY 48 Main St Addison NY 148011210 1265627350 6073592228
Dr.Yvonne L Chesna, NY 2220 Vestal Pkwy Fl 2 Vestal NY 138501947 1346338506 6077527546
Dr.Yvonne Kwok-lin, NY 24 Research Way Suite 500 East Setauket NY 117333470 1831351428 6314446270
Dr.Yvonne Pineiro, NY 1228 E Main St Suite C Riverhead NY 119012677 1457533499 6316033400
Dr.Yvonne Pratt, NY 2 Frank St East Patchogue NY 117725908 1861573636 6317587827
Dr.Yvonne D Knapp, NY 1305 York Ave Suite 5 New York NY 100215663 1912160326 6469624710
Dr.Yvonne Mcfarlane-ferreira, NY 263 7th Ave Brooklyn NY 112157247 1689754772 7182468600
Dr.Yvonne Lawrence, NY 75 -59 Glen Oaks NY 110041150 1720060809 7184708100
Dr.Yvonne Eisner, NY 1894 Walton Ave Walton Family Health Center Bronx NY 104536018 1033119011 7185833060
Dr.Yvonne W Lui, NY 150 55th St Brooklyn NY 112202508 1538116645 7186307000
Dr.Yvonne M Buckner, NY 707 E Main St Middletown NY 109402650 1538209168 8453337575
Dr.Yvonne C Newland Pagan, NY 111 Maltese Dr Middletown NY 109402115 1215029491 8453424774
Dr.Yvonne Ankrah, NY 18 Rye Ridge Plz Rye Brook NY 105732820 1912924762 9142539252
Dr.Yvonne Brown, NY 1980 Crompond Rd Cortlandt Manor NY 105674144 1992732770 9147379000
Dr.Yvonne E Noel, NY 5925 15th Ave Brooklyn NY 112195009 1760454441 71897227001121
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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD