List of hospitals in the Volta Region

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

List of hospitals in the Volta Region[edit | edit source]

The Volta Region is one of the sixteen administrative regions of Ghana. It is located in the eastern part of the country and is known for its diverse culture and scenic landscapes. The region is also home to several healthcare facilities that provide medical services to the local population. Below is a list of notable hospitals in the Volta Region.

Regional Hospitals[edit | edit source]

  • Ho Teaching Hospital - Located in Ho, the capital of the Volta Region, this hospital serves as a major referral center and provides a wide range of medical services, including specialized care.
  • Volta Regional Hospital - Also situated in Ho, this hospital offers comprehensive healthcare services and serves as a key medical facility in the region.

District Hospitals[edit | edit source]

Mission Hospitals[edit | edit source]

Private Hospitals[edit | edit source]

  • Comboni Hospital - Located in Sogakope, this private hospital offers specialized medical care and is known for its modern facilities.
  • Trafalgar Hospital - Situated in Ho, this private healthcare facility provides various medical services to the local community.

Specialized Hospitals[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]



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