Magda Logomer

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Birth Register of Magda Logomer Herucina

Magda Logomer was a notable figure in the history of witchcraft trials in Croatia. She was accused of witchcraft in the 18th century and her case is one of the most well-documented instances of such trials in the region.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Magda Logomer was born in the early 18th century in the village of Križevci, which was part of the Habsburg Monarchy at the time. Little is known about her early life, but she was a commoner who lived a relatively obscure life until her trial.

Accusation and Trial[edit | edit source]

In 1758, Magda Logomer was accused of witchcraft by her neighbors. The accusations were based on various misfortunes that had befallen the community, which were attributed to her supposed magical practices. The trial took place in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia.

During the trial, she was subjected to intense interrogation and torture, a common practice in witchcraft trials of that era. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the court found her guilty based on the testimonies of her accusers and the confessions extracted under duress.

Outcome and Legacy[edit | edit source]

Magda Logomer was sentenced to death, but her case caught the attention of Maria Theresa, the Archduchess of Austria and ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy. Maria Theresa had been skeptical of witchcraft accusations and had previously issued decrees to limit such trials. Upon reviewing the case, she intervened and commuted Magda Logomer's sentence, ordering her release.

The intervention of Maria Theresa in Magda Logomer's case marked a significant turning point in the history of witchcraft trials in the region. It led to a decline in such trials and contributed to the eventual abolition of witchcraft prosecutions in the Habsburg Monarchy.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]



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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD