Martyrs' Day (Panama)

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Martyrs' Day is a national day of mourning in Panama which commemorates the events of January 9, 1964. On this day, a series of clashes occurred between Panamanian civilians and United States military forces in the Panama Canal Zone, resulting in the deaths of 21 Panamanians and 4 U.S. soldiers. This day is also known as Día de los Mártires in Spanish.

Background[edit | edit source]

The Panama Canal Zone was a territory within Panama that was controlled by the United States from 1903 to 1979. Tensions between Panamanians and the U.S. authorities in the Canal Zone had been escalating for years due to issues of sovereignty and national pride.

The Flag Incident[edit | edit source]

The immediate cause of the violence on January 9, 1964, was a dispute over the right to fly the Panamanian flag alongside the United States flag at Balboa High School in the Canal Zone. Panamanian students marched to the school to raise their flag, which led to a confrontation with U.S. students and eventually escalated into widespread violence.

The Clashes[edit | edit source]

The clashes began when the Panamanian students attempted to raise their flag and were met with resistance. The situation quickly escalated, and violence spread throughout the Canal Zone and into Panama City. The Panamanian government declared a state of emergency, and the U.S. military was called in to restore order.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

The events of Martyrs' Day had a profound impact on U.S.-Panamanian relations. The violence and the deaths of Panamanian civilians led to increased calls for the renegotiation of the treaties governing the Canal Zone. These events eventually contributed to the signing of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties in 1977, which set the stage for the eventual transfer of control of the Panama Canal to Panama on December 31, 1999.

Commemoration[edit | edit source]

Martyrs' Day is observed annually on January 9 in Panama. It is a day of national mourning and remembrance, with various ceremonies and events held to honor the memory of those who lost their lives. The day serves as a reminder of the struggle for Panamanian sovereignty and the sacrifices made by the martyrs.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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