Minnesota Correctional Facility – Faribault

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Template:Infobox prison

The Minnesota Correctional Facility – Faribault (MCF-Faribault) is a state prison located in Faribault, Minnesota. It is managed by the Minnesota Department of Corrections and houses male inmates. The facility is classified as a medium-security institution and has a capacity of approximately 2,000 inmates.

History[edit | edit source]

MCF-Faribault was established in 1989 to address the growing need for prison space in Minnesota. The facility was built on the grounds of the former Faribault State Hospital, which was a state institution for individuals with developmental disabilities. The transition from a hospital to a correctional facility was part of a broader effort to repurpose state properties for new uses.

Facility[edit | edit source]

The prison is designed to provide a secure environment while offering various programs aimed at rehabilitation and reducing recidivism. These programs include educational opportunities, vocational training, and substance abuse treatment. The facility also offers mental health services and support for inmates with special needs.

Programs[edit | edit source]

MCF-Faribault offers a range of programs to help inmates reintegrate into society upon release. These include:

Security[edit | edit source]

As a medium-security facility, MCF-Faribault employs various security measures to ensure the safety of both inmates and staff. These measures include perimeter fencing, surveillance systems, and controlled movement within the facility.

Notable Incidents[edit | edit source]

Over the years, MCF-Faribault has experienced several notable incidents, including escapes, assaults, and other security breaches. The facility has continually updated its security protocols to address these challenges and maintain a safe environment.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD