Miss Beazley

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Miss Beazley (October 28, 2004 – May 17, 2014) was a Scottish Terrier owned by George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, and First Lady Laura Bush. She was one of the two dogs owned by the Bush family during their time in the White House, the other being Barney, another Scottish Terrier.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Miss Beazley was born in Crawford, Texas, and was given to Laura Bush as a birthday present by President Bush. She was named after a character from the children's book The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth.

Life in the White House[edit | edit source]

Miss Beazley moved into the White House in early 2005. She quickly became a beloved member of the First Family and was often seen in official photographs and videos. Miss Beazley, along with Barney, was featured in several of the White House's annual holiday videos, which were popular among the public.

Public Appearances[edit | edit source]

Miss Beazley made numerous public appearances during her time in the White House. She was often seen accompanying the First Family during events and was a favorite among visitors and staff. Her presence was part of the Bush family's effort to present a warm and approachable image to the public.

Death[edit | edit source]

Miss Beazley passed away on May 17, 2014, in Washington, D.C., after battling lymphoma. Her death was a significant loss to the Bush family, who remembered her fondly for her companionship and loyalty.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Miss Beazley remains a memorable part of the Bush family's time in the White House. She is remembered alongside other famous presidential pets who have lived in the White House and contributed to the personal side of the presidency.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD