Myrtle Hazard

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Myrtle Hazard is a fictional character from the novel The Guardian Angel written by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., an American physician, poet, and polymath. The novel was first published in 1867 and is considered one of Holmes' significant literary works.

Character Overview[edit | edit source]

Myrtle Hazard is portrayed as a young, spirited, and independent woman who faces numerous challenges and adventures throughout the novel. Her character is central to the themes of personal growth, resilience, and the quest for identity.

Plot Summary[edit | edit source]

The story of The Guardian Angel revolves around Myrtle Hazard's journey from adolescence to adulthood. She is raised in a strict and oppressive household, which leads her to run away in search of freedom and self-discovery. Throughout her journey, Myrtle encounters various characters who influence her development, including her guardian angel, who provides guidance and support.

Themes[edit | edit source]

The novel explores several themes, including:

  • **Personal Growth**: Myrtle's journey is a metaphor for the process of self-discovery and maturation.
  • **Resilience**: Despite numerous obstacles, Myrtle's determination and strength help her overcome adversity.
  • **Identity**: The quest for personal identity is a central theme, as Myrtle seeks to understand herself and her place in the world.

Author[edit | edit source]

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. was a prominent figure in 19th-century American literature and medicine. He is best known for his poetry and essays, as well as his contributions to medical science.

Related Works[edit | edit source]

Holmes' other notable works include:

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Myrtle Hazard remains a memorable character in American literature, representing the struggles and triumphs of young women in the 19th century. The Guardian Angel continues to be studied for its literary and historical significance.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]

Template:Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD