Nectria haematococca

From WikiMD's Food, Medicine & Wellness Encyclopedia

Nectria haematococca, also known as Fusarium solani, is a species of fungus that belongs to the family Nectriaceae. It is a common soil inhabitant and is known to cause plant diseases, particularly in legumes.

Taxonomy[edit | edit source]

Nectria haematococca was first described by the French mycologist Marie-Anne Libert in 1832. The species name haematococca is derived from the Greek words haima (blood) and kokkos (grain), referring to the red perithecia produced by the fungus.

Description[edit | edit source]

Nectria haematococca is a filamentous fungus that produces multicellular, septate hyphae. The hyphae are typically hyaline and can form a dense mycelium. The fungus produces conidia in structures called pycnidia, which are flask-shaped and embedded in the mycelium. The conidia are typically oval and hyaline.

Ecology[edit | edit source]

Nectria haematococca is a saprophyte, meaning it obtains its nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter. It is commonly found in soil and plant debris. The fungus is also a known plant pathogen, causing diseases in a variety of plants, particularly legumes. It can cause root rot, wilting, and damping-off in susceptible plants.

Pathogenicity[edit | edit source]

Nectria haematococca is a significant pathogen of many economically important crops, including peas, beans, and soybeans. The fungus can infect plants through wounds or natural openings, and can cause significant yield losses in affected crops.

Management[edit | edit source]

Management of Nectria haematococca typically involves a combination of cultural practices, chemical control, and the use of resistant varieties. Cultural practices include crop rotation and the removal of infected plant debris. Chemical control can involve the use of fungicides, while resistant varieties can be developed through plant breeding.

See also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD