Ngaire Kerse

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Ngaire Kerse MNZM (cropped)

Ngaire Kerse

Ngaire Kerse is a prominent figure in the field of medicine. She is known for her significant contributions to the area of geriatric medicine and primary care. Kerse has dedicated her career to improving the health and well-being of older adults, particularly in the context of primary care settings.

Early Life and Education[edit | edit source]

Ngaire Kerse was born in [blank] and pursued her education in [blank]. She obtained her medical degree from [blank] and went on to specialize in geriatric medicine and primary care.

Career[edit | edit source]

Throughout her career, Kerse has held various positions in the healthcare sector. She has worked as a clinician, researcher, and educator, focusing on the unique healthcare needs of older adults. Kerse has been involved in numerous research projects aimed at improving the quality of care for elderly patients.

Contributions to Geriatric Medicine[edit | edit source]

Kerse's work in geriatric medicine has been instrumental in advancing the field. She has published extensively on topics such as aging, dementia, and polypharmacy. Her research has helped to shape clinical practice guidelines and improve the care provided to older adults.

Awards and Recognition[edit | edit source]

Ngaire Kerse has received several awards and honors for her contributions to the field of geriatric medicine. Her work has been recognized both nationally and internationally, highlighting her impact on the healthcare community.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Ngaire Kerse's legacy in the field of geriatric medicine continues to inspire future generations of healthcare professionals. Her dedication to improving the health outcomes of older adults serves as a model for others in the field.

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Ngaire Kerse



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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD