
Nitro group

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Nitro Group

A Nitro group is a functional group in organic chemistry consisting of a nitrogen atom attached by single bonds to two oxygen atoms. The nitro group is often denoted by the chemical symbol -NO2. The nitrogen atom in the nitro group is typically trivalent, but can be pentavalent. The nitro group is a strong electron-withdrawing group, which makes the compound containing it more reactive.

History[edit | edit source]

The nitro group was first discovered in the 19th century by chemists who were studying nitroglycerin, a powerful explosive. The term "nitro" is derived from the Greek word "nitron," which means "native soda," and the Latin word "glauber," which means "to flow."

Structure and Bonding[edit | edit source]

The nitro group is planar and forms a resonance structure. The nitrogen atom is sp2 hybridized and the oxygen atoms are also sp2 hybridized. The nitrogen atom carries a formal positive charge and each oxygen atom carries a formal negative charge. The nitro group is a strong electron-withdrawing group due to the presence of the highly electronegative oxygen atoms.

Properties[edit | edit source]

Compounds containing a nitro group are often highly reactive and can be explosive. The nitro group is a strong electron-withdrawing group, which can increase the reactivity of the compound. The presence of a nitro group can also significantly alter the physical properties of the compound, such as its boiling point and melting point.

Uses[edit | edit source]

The nitro group is widely used in organic synthesis to introduce nitrogen into organic molecules. It is also used in the production of explosives, such as nitroglycerin and TNT. In addition, the nitro group is used in the manufacture of dyes and pharmaceuticals.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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