
Northern Aleppo offensive (February 2016)

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Breaking siege of Nubl and Al-Zahraa (7)

== Northern Aleppo offensive (February 2016) ==

The Northern Aleppo offensive (February 2016) was a significant military campaign during the Syrian Civil War. The offensive was launched by the Syrian Armed Forces and their allies, including Hezbollah, with the support of Russian Air Force against various rebel factions in the northern part of the Aleppo Governorate. The primary objective of the offensive was to cut off rebel supply lines from Turkey and to encircle the rebel-held parts of Aleppo city.

Background[edit | edit source]

The Syrian Civil War began in 2011, leading to a complex and multi-sided conflict involving numerous factions. By early 2016, the situation in Aleppo had become particularly dire, with the city divided between government forces and various rebel groups. The northern countryside of Aleppo was a crucial area for the rebels, serving as a supply route from Turkey.

The Offensive[edit | edit source]

The offensive began on February 1, 2016, with intense aerial bombardments by the Russian Air Force. The Syrian Army and allied forces advanced from multiple directions, targeting key towns and villages held by the rebels. Significant battles occurred in areas such as Nubl and Zahraa, which had been under siege by rebel forces for several years.

Key Battles[edit | edit source]

  • Nubl and Zahraa - The lifting of the siege on these predominantly Shia towns was a major victory for the government forces.
  • Mallah Farms - Control of this area was crucial for cutting off rebel supply lines to Aleppo city.
  • Kafr Naya and Mayer - These towns were strategic points for both the government and rebel forces.

Impact[edit | edit source]

The offensive had a significant impact on the dynamics of the Syrian Civil War. It resulted in the encirclement of rebel-held parts of Aleppo city, leading to a prolonged siege that eventually culminated in the government's recapture of the entire city in December 2016. The offensive also strained relations between Turkey and Russia, as Turkey supported some of the rebel groups targeted in the campaign.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

Following the offensive, the Syrian government consolidated its control over the northern Aleppo countryside. The success of the campaign bolstered the morale of government forces and their allies, while dealing a severe blow to the rebel factions. The offensive also highlighted the crucial role of Russian air support in the Syrian government's military strategy.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]

Template:SyrianCivilWar Template:Syrian conflict detailed Template:Syrian Civil War detailed Template:MiddleEast-mil-stub


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