PKD Foundation

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PKD Foundation.png

The PKD Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to finding treatments and a cure for polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Established in 1982, the foundation is headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri. It is the only organization in the United States solely dedicated to PKD research and patient support.

Mission[edit | edit source]

The mission of the PKD Foundation is to promote programs of research, advocacy, education, support, and awareness in order to discover treatments and a cure for PKD and improve the lives of all it affects.

History[edit | edit source]

The PKD Foundation was founded by Jared J. Grantham and Joseph H. Bruening in 1982. The foundation was created to address the lack of research and support for individuals affected by polycystic kidney disease. Over the years, the foundation has grown significantly, funding millions of dollars in research and providing resources and support to patients and families.

Research[edit | edit source]

The PKD Foundation funds research aimed at understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms of PKD, developing new treatments, and ultimately finding a cure. The foundation supports a variety of research initiatives, including grants to researchers, partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, and collaborations with other organizations.

Advocacy[edit | edit source]

The PKD Foundation advocates for policies and funding that support PKD research and patient care. The foundation works with lawmakers, government agencies, and other stakeholders to raise awareness of PKD and to secure funding for research and patient support programs.

Education and Support[edit | edit source]

The PKD Foundation provides a range of educational resources and support services for patients and families affected by PKD. These include informational materials, webinars, support groups, and a helpline. The foundation also hosts events such as the annual Walk for PKD, which raises funds and awareness for the disease.

Awareness[edit | edit source]

Raising awareness of PKD is a key component of the PKD Foundation's mission. The foundation works to educate the public, healthcare professionals, and policymakers about the impact of PKD and the need for research and support. Awareness campaigns include public service announcements, social media outreach, and community events.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD