
Pakistan Army

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Flag of the Pakistani Army

Pakistan Army is the land-based service branch of the Pakistan Armed Forces. It was officially established on 14 August 1947, following the partition of India, inheriting the military assets and personnel of the British Indian Army that were stationed in what became Pakistan. The primary objective of the Pakistan Army is to ensure the national security and unity of Pakistan by defending it against external aggression or the threat of war. It can also be called upon to assist the civilian government during times of internal crisis.

History[edit | edit source]

The history of the Pakistan Army is deeply intertwined with the history of Pakistan itself. At the time of partition in 1947, the division of military assets between India and Pakistan was a contentious issue. Pakistan received a significant portion of the British Indian Army, but faced challenges such as a lack of senior officers and a proper military infrastructure. The early years were marked by the first Indo-Pakistani War of 1947-1948 over the disputed territory of Kashmir, which set the tone for the complex relationship between India and Pakistan.

Since its inception, the Pakistan Army has played a major role in the country's politics, having been involved in several coups that have led to military rule, most notably under Generals Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan, Zia-ul-Haq, and Pervez Musharraf. Despite controversies, the army has also been involved in various peacekeeping missions and has contributed troops to United Nations operations.

Structure[edit | edit source]

The Pakistan Army is structured into two main components: the combat arms and the services and support arms. The combat arms include the infantry, armored corps, artillery, engineers, and signals, while the services and support arms encompass medical, ordnance, and supply and transport functions among others. The Army is headed by the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), who is appointed by the President of Pakistan.

Operations[edit | edit source]

Over the years, the Pakistan Army has been involved in numerous operations, both within Pakistan and abroad. These include conventional warfare, counter-insurgency operations in the northwest of the country, and peacekeeping missions globally. The army has faced significant challenges in recent years, particularly in fighting the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other militant groups within its borders.

Training and Education[edit | edit source]

The Pakistan Army operates several training establishments, the most notable being the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) at Kakul, which trains officers. Other institutions include the School of Infantry and Tactics, the Command and Staff College, and the National Defence University, which provide professional development for soldiers and officers.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

The Pakistan Army is equipped with a mix of indigenous and foreign weaponry. Its inventory includes tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery pieces, and a wide array of small arms and light weapons. The army has also developed its own capabilities in producing arms and equipment through organizations such as the Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF).

Role in Society[edit | edit source]

The Pakistan Army plays a significant role in Pakistani society, not just in terms of defense but also in governance, education, and disaster relief. It has a large stake in the economy, with interests in real estate, heavy industries, and private security. The army's involvement in civilian affairs has been a subject of debate and criticism.

Challenges[edit | edit source]

The Pakistan Army faces numerous challenges, including maintaining its readiness in the face of evolving security threats, managing its relationship with the civilian government, and addressing international concerns about its role in regional security dynamics, particularly in relation to Afghanistan and India.


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