Public Health Service Outstanding Unit Citation

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Public Health Service Outstanding Unit Citation ribbon.png

Public Health Service Outstanding Unit Citation is a prestigious award given to units within the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) that have demonstrated outstanding performance in support of the USPHS's missions and objectives. The citation recognizes the collective efforts and achievements of a unit, highlighting exemplary dedication and professionalism in public health service.

Criteria[edit | edit source]

The criteria for the Public Health Service Outstanding Unit Citation include exceptional performance in areas such as public health initiatives, response to public health emergencies, significant contributions to public health science, and outstanding support to the overall mission of the USPHS. Units that demonstrate innovative approaches, efficiency, and effectiveness in their operations are considered for this honor. The award is not given annually but rather as merited by the performance and achievements of a unit.

Eligibility[edit | edit source]

Eligibility for the Public Health Service Outstanding Unit Citation extends to any organized unit within the USPHS. This includes, but is not limited to, commissioned corps officer teams, divisions, and other groups that operate under the USPHS umbrella. Both uniformed and civilian personnel can be part of the awarded unit, recognizing the collaborative efforts across the service.

Award Components[edit | edit source]

The award consists of a unit citation emblem, which can be worn by the members of the unit on their uniform. Additionally, a certificate is typically awarded to the unit as a whole, acknowledging their collective contribution to public health service. The emblem and certificate serve as symbols of the unit's outstanding achievements and dedication to public health excellence.

Significance[edit | edit source]

The Public Health Service Outstanding Unit Citation not only recognizes the hard work and achievements of USPHS units but also serves to motivate other units within the service to strive for excellence. It highlights the importance of teamwork, innovation, and dedication in advancing public health goals and protecting the health of the nation.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD