
Roman ruins of Tróia

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Roman ruins of Tr%C3%B3ia

== Roman Ruins of Tróia ==

The Roman ruins of Tróia are an archaeological site located on the Tróia Peninsula in Portugal. These ruins are the remnants of an ancient Roman settlement that thrived from the 1st to the 6th century AD. The site is notable for its well-preserved fish salting production complex, which was one of the largest in the Roman Empire.

History[edit | edit source]

The settlement at Tróia was established during the Roman Empire and became an important center for the production of garum, a fermented fish sauce that was a staple in Roman cuisine. The site includes residential areas, industrial facilities, and necropolises, providing a comprehensive view of Roman urban and industrial life.

Archaeological Features[edit | edit source]

The Roman ruins of Tróia encompass several key features:

  • Fish Salting Complex: The most significant part of the site, consisting of large tanks where fish were salted and fermented to produce garum.
  • Residential Areas: Remains of houses and villas that provide insight into the living conditions of the inhabitants.
  • Baths: Public baths that were a common feature in Roman settlements, used for both hygiene and socializing.
  • Necropolises: Burial grounds that offer valuable information about the funerary practices and beliefs of the Roman population.

Preservation and Tourism[edit | edit source]

The site is managed by the Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritage and is open to the public. Efforts have been made to preserve the ruins and provide educational resources for visitors. The Roman ruins of Tróia are a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors interested in Roman history and archaeology.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]



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