Sarah Fortune

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Sarah Fortune is a fictional character in the popular video game League of Legends developed by Riot Games. She is commonly known by her in-game alias, Miss Fortune. Sarah Fortune is a marksman champion, known for her high damage output and area-of-effect abilities.

Background[edit | edit source]

Sarah Fortune hails from Bilgewater, a port city known for its lawlessness and pirate activity. She is the daughter of the renowned gun-dame Abigale Fortune. After her mother was brutally murdered by the pirate king Gangplank, Sarah swore vengeance. She meticulously planned and executed a scheme to overthrow Gangplank, ultimately succeeding in her quest for revenge.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Sarah Fortune's abilities are designed to deal significant damage to multiple enemies. Her skill set includes:

  • Double Up: A skill shot that hits one target and then bounces to hit another, dealing critical damage if the first target is killed.
  • Strut: A passive ability that grants her increased movement speed after avoiding damage for a short period.
  • Make It Rain: An area-of-effect ability that slows and damages enemies within its radius.
  • Bullet Time: Her ultimate ability, which unleashes a barrage of bullets in a cone, dealing massive damage to all enemies caught in the area.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

In League of Legends, Sarah Fortune is typically played in the bottom lane alongside a support champion. Her role is to farm minions to gain gold and experience, allowing her to purchase items that enhance her damage output. She excels in team fights due to her ability to deal damage to multiple enemies simultaneously.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Sarah Fortune is characterized by her confidence and determination. She is a charismatic leader who commands respect and fear in equal measure. Her quest for vengeance against Gangplank has shaped her into a formidable and ruthless combatant.

Cultural Impact[edit | edit source]

Sarah Fortune is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, often featured in promotional materials and merchandise. She has also appeared in various League of Legends spin-off media, including comics and animated shorts.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Sarah Fortune's design is inspired by classic pirate and gunslinger archetypes.
  • She has several alternate skins in the game, each offering a unique visual theme.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD