
Shawn Decker

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Shawn Decker

Shawn Decker is an American musician and activist known for his work in raising awareness about HIV/AIDS. He was born on September 8, 1975, in Charlottesville, Virginia. Decker was diagnosed with HIV at a young age due to a blood transfusion he received for his hemophilia.

Decker gained national attention in the 1980s when he co-authored a book titled My Pet Virus with his wife, Gwenn Barringer. The book chronicled his experiences living with HIV and provided insights into the challenges faced by individuals with the virus.

In addition to his writing, Decker is also a musician and has released several albums, including Anarchy and Plague Songs. His music often addresses themes related to HIV/AIDS awareness and advocacy.

Decker is a prominent advocate for HIV/AIDS education and prevention. He has spoken at numerous schools and events to share his story and promote safe practices to prevent the spread of the virus.

In recognition of his contributions to the HIV/AIDS community, Decker has received several awards, including the Ryan White Award for his advocacy work.

Personal Life[edit | edit source]

Shawn Decker currently resides in Charlottesville, Virginia, with his wife, Gwenn Barringer. The couple continues to work together on HIV/AIDS advocacy projects and education initiatives.

References[edit | edit source]


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