
Star (classification)

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Star (classification)
TypeAstronomical Classification
SubtypesDwarf Star, Giant Star, Supergiant Star, Hypergiant Star
Related ConceptsStellar Evolution, Stellar Classification

Star (classification) refers to the categorization of stars based on their spectral characteristics, size, and luminosity. The most widely used classification system is the Morgan-Keenan (MK) system, which classifies stars based on temperature and luminosity.

Classification by Spectral Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Stars are classified by their spectral characteristics using the Harvard spectral classification system. This system categorizes stars into seven main types: O, B, A, F, G, K, and M. Each type is further divided into subclasses.

Classification by Size[edit | edit source]

Stars are also classified by their size. The main categories are dwarf stars, giant stars, supergiant stars, and hypergiant stars.

Classification by Luminosity[edit | edit source]

The Yerkes spectral classification system, also known as the MK system, classifies stars based on their luminosity. This system uses Roman numerals to indicate a star's luminosity class.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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