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Stor-Stina (1801–1854), born Christina Larsdotter, was a Swedish woman known for her exceptional height. Standing at approximately 213 cm (7 ft) tall, she became a notable figure in the 19th century, both within Sweden and internationally, due to her height. Stor-Stina, which translates to "Big Stina" in English, lived in the village of Brännäs in the Västerbotten county of Sweden. Her life and stature have made her a subject of interest in Swedish folklore and history.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Christina Larsdotter was born in 1801 in Brännäs, Västerbotten, Sweden. Little is known about her early life, but her extraordinary growth was evident from a young age. Living in a rural part of Sweden, her family were farmers, and she grew up in modest circumstances.

Life as a Phenomenon[edit | edit source]

In the early 19th century, people with unusual physical characteristics often became public spectacles, and Stor-Stina was no exception. Her height attracted attention, and she was invited to exhibit herself in various fairs and exhibitions across Sweden and Europe. Despite the challenges and exploitation faced by people exhibited in this manner during the era, records suggest that Stor-Stina managed to gain a degree of financial independence through her exhibitions.

Cultural Impact[edit | edit source]

Stor-Stina's story is not just a tale of personal curiosity but also reflects the societal attitudes towards difference and spectacle in the 19th century. Her life has been documented in various historical texts, and she remains a figure of interest in studies related to the history of human exhibitions, Swedish folklore, and the treatment of individuals with extraordinary physical characteristics.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Today, Stor-Stina is remembered in Sweden through books, documentaries, and museum exhibits that explore her life and the broader context of human exhibitions in the 19th century. Her story is a reminder of the diversity of human experiences and the ways in which society has historically navigated difference.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD