Tuber microspermum

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Tuber microspermum, commonly known as the small-spored truffle, is a species of truffle in the Tuberaceae family. This fungus is found in soil rich in limestone, forming symbiotic relationships with the roots of various tree species, particularly those in the oak (Quercus) and hazel (Corylus) genera. Tuber microspermum is part of the ectomycorrhizal fungi, which are crucial for the nutrient uptake of their host plants, facilitating the exchange of nutrients and water between the soil and the plants.

Description[edit | edit source]

Tuber microspermum produces small, rounded fruiting bodies that are generally not visible above the ground. These truffles have a black or dark brown peridium (outer skin), which is smooth to slightly rough in texture. The gleba (fleshy interior) is pale cream to brown, marbled with white veins that do not change color upon exposure to air. The spores of Tuber microspermum are distinctive in their small size, hence the name "microspermum" (small-seeded). They are ellipsoid and feature a finely reticulate surface.

Habitat and Distribution[edit | edit source]

Tuber microspermum is primarily found in Europe, with occurrences reported in Italy, France, and parts of Eastern Europe. It prefers calcareous soils within broadleaf woodlands, thriving in moist, well-drained conditions. The presence of Tuber microspermum is often an indicator of healthy, undisturbed habitats where it forms beneficial associations with the roots of hardwood trees.

Culinary Use[edit | edit source]

While not as highly prized as its relatives, such as the white truffle or black truffle, Tuber microspermum is edible and used in local culinary traditions where it is found. It is often used to impart a subtle truffle flavor to dishes, including pasta, risotto, and omelettes. Due to its smaller size and less intense aroma, Tuber microspermum is more accessible and less expensive, making it a good introduction to the flavors of truffles for culinary enthusiasts.

Conservation[edit | edit source]

The conservation status of Tuber microspermum is not well-documented, but like many truffle species, it could be susceptible to habitat loss due to deforestation, urbanization, and changes in land use. Conservation efforts are important to maintain the symbiotic relationships it forms with trees and to preserve the biodiversity of woodland ecosystems.

See Also[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD