Vector control

From WikiMD's Wellness Encyclopedia

Vector control is a method used in public health to limit or eradicate the mammals, birds, insects or other arthropods which transmit disease pathogens. The most frequent type of vector control is mosquito control using a variety of strategies. Several of the "neglected tropical diseases" are spread by such vectors.

Types of vectors[edit | edit source]

Vectors may be mechanical or biological. Mechanical vectors pick up an infectious agent on the outside of their body and transmit it in a passive manner. Biological vectors harbor pathogens within their bodies and deliver pathogens to new hosts in an active manner, usually a bite. Biological vectors are often responsible for serious diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever and trypanosomiasis.

Methods[edit | edit source]

Vector control strategies vary and can be grouped into several categories: (1) Behavioral change, (2) Home improvement, (3) Insecticide-treated materials, (4) Biological control, (5) Chemical control, (6) Genetic control, (7) Environmental management.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Vector control Resources

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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD