Category:Public health
From Medical Encyclopedia
This category has the following 24 subcategories, out of 24 total.
Pages in category "Public health"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,046 total.
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- Abate
- Abha Saxena
- Abstinence, be faithful, use a condom
- Access to medicines
- Accidental
- Acheson Report
- Active immunization
- Active mobility
- Adaptive capacity
- Adolescent health
- Adult lifetime cannabis use by country
- Adulterant
- Adulterated food in the United States
- Advances in Nutrition
- Adverse childhood experiences
- Aedes albopictus
- Age adjustment
- Aims
- Air pollution
- Air pollution measurement
- Airborne transmission
- Airport malaria
- Albertine Winner
- Alberto P. León
- Alcohol advertising
- Alcohol and health
- Alcohol and sex
- Alcohol consumption recommendations
- Alcohol education
- Alcohol monopoly
- Alcohol packaging warning messages
- Alcohol use among college students
- Alcohol-related crime
- Alcoholism in adolescence
- Alcoholism in Ireland
- Alexander Langmuir
- Alexander Manson (physician)
- Alexander Peddie
- Alfred Grotjahn
- Alice Catherine Evans
- Alice Hamilton
- Allan Warner (physician)
- Alma E. Foerster
- Amenable
- American Samoa lose weight
- Amir Attaran
- Andrew Balfour
- Andrew Linton
- Ann M. Hardy
- Anna Charlotte Ruys
- Anne Hazen McFarland
- Anti-vaccinationism in chiropractic
- Anti-vaccine activism
- Antibiotic misuse
- Antibiotic resistance in gonorrhea
- Antibiotic Resistance Lab Network
- Antibiotic use in livestock
- Arguments for and against drug prohibition
- Asymptomatic carrier
- Atlantic Bubble
- Attack rate
- Aurolac
- Australian paradox
- Automatic soap dispenser
- Autopsy
- Availability
- Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
- Bacteriological water analysis
- Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale
- Balmis Expedition
- Baltimore Lead Paint Study
- Nita Barrow
- Beatrice A. Vieyra
- Behavior change
- Behavioural change theories
- Ben Mathes
- Bertrand P. Allinson
- Best Bones Forever
- Bibliography of Ebola
- Bindu Menon
- Biobot Analytics
- Biocontainment
- Biodefense
- Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005
- Bioenvironmental Engineering
- Biological plausibility
- Biomedical waste
- Biomonitoring
- Biosand filter
- Biostatistics
- Birth control in Africa
- Birth defect
- Black Report
- Blood donation restrictions on men who have sex with men
- Blue space
- Boil-water advisory
- Bonded medical place
- Bradford Hill criteria
- Brighton Collaboration
- British Doctors Study
- Broward Health
- Iain Buchan
- Bystander intervention
- Calderone Prize
- Cancer cluster
- Cancer prevention
- Cancer registry
- Cannabis in pregnancy
- Carcasses
- Cardiovascular health awareness in Nepal
- Carl Rogers Darnall
- Carla Vizzotti
- Caroline Deys
- Case fatality rate
- Carmen Castillo Taucher
- Catch It, Bin It, Kill It
- Cecilia Omaile Ojabo
- Cerebrovascular diseases in Australia
- Chain smoking
- Charcoal-burning suicide
- Charles Brennan
- Checkpoint (rapid HIV testing facility)
- Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science
- Chiang Been-huang
- Child mortality
- Chloramines
- Chlorination
- Chlorine-releasing compounds
- Cholera belt
- Chop-chop (tobacco)
- Christine C. Ferguson
- Chronic kidney disease
- Chrysomya putoria
- Cicely Williams
- Cigarette machine
- Cigarette smoking for weight loss
- Circumcision and HIV
- Clean
- Cleanness
- Cluster 5
- CO
- Cocooning (immunization)
- Cognitive epidemiology
- Coliform bacteria
- Coliform index
- Awa Marie Coll-Seck
- Coluthur Gopalan
- Commercial determinants of health
- Commissioner of Food and Drugs
- Commons:Category:Public health
- Communicable disease data
- Community advisory board
- Community education
- Community health
- Community health agent
- Community health centers in the United States
- Community health worker
- Community ophthalmology
- Community practice
- Community resilience
- Community-based participatory research
- Community-led total sanitation
- Community’s health
- Comprehensive sex education
- Condom effectiveness
- Condom fatigue
- Condom machine
- Conservation Through Public Health
- Contamination
- Cooling center
- Cordon sanitaire
- Cordon sanitaire (medicine)
- Cornelia Chase Brant
- Corona Rintawan
- CoronaVac
- COSMOS cohort study
- Council on Education for Public Health
- COVID 19 vaccination centers
- Covid Act Now
- COVID Alert
- COVID Tracker Ireland
- Covid Watch
- COVID-19 Advisory Board
- COVID-19 lockdowns
- COVID-19 misinformation by China
- COVID-19 misinformation by governments
- COVID-19 pandemic on Charles de Gaulle