
Veggie Galaxy

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Veggie Galaxy[edit | edit source]

Veggie Galaxy is a renowned vegetarian and vegan diner located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is known for its extensive menu that caters to both vegetarians and vegans, offering a wide range of dishes that are both delicious and nutritious.

History[edit | edit source]

Veggie Galaxy was established in 2011 by Adam Penn and Kathy Tanner. The duo aimed to create a diner-style restaurant that offered a variety of vegetarian and vegan options. Since its inception, the restaurant has gained popularity for its innovative menu and commitment to providing high-quality, plant-based meals.

Menu[edit | edit source]

The menu at Veggie Galaxy is diverse, featuring a range of dishes from breakfast classics to hearty dinner entrees. Some of the popular items include the Vegan Mac and Cheese, the Veggie Burger, and the Tofu Scramble. The restaurant also offers a variety of baked goods, all of which are made in-house and are completely vegan.

Philosophy[edit | edit source]

Veggie Galaxy operates on the philosophy of providing delicious, wholesome food that caters to different dietary needs and preferences. The restaurant is committed to using fresh, locally sourced ingredients and creating dishes that are not only tasty but also nutritious.

Location[edit | edit source]

Veggie Galaxy is located in the heart of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The restaurant's central location makes it a popular dining spot for both locals and tourists.

Reviews and Recognition[edit | edit source]

Veggie Galaxy has received numerous positive reviews and accolades for its innovative menu and commitment to quality. The restaurant has been featured in several publications and has been recognized as one of the best vegetarian and vegan restaurants in the area.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  • [Official Website of Veggie Galaxy]
  • [Review of Veggie Galaxy in Boston Magazine]
  • [Article about Veggie Galaxy in The Boston Globe]

External Links[edit | edit source]

  • [Veggie Galaxy on Instagram]
  • [Veggie Galaxy on Facebook]
  • [Veggie Galaxy on Twitter]

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