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Vejovis is a deity from ancient Roman mythology. He is often associated with healing, protection, and the prevention of harm. Vejovis is also known as Veiovis or Veive, and is considered to be a youthful and powerful god.

Mythology[edit | edit source]

In Roman mythology, Vejovis is believed to be the son of Jupiter and Maia. He is often depicted as a young boy holding a staff or a thunderbolt, symbolizing his connection to his father, Jupiter, who is the king of the gods. Vejovis is also associated with snakes, which are believed to be his sacred animals.

According to mythological accounts, Vejovis played a significant role in protecting the Roman people from harm and evil forces. He was often invoked during times of illness or danger, as he was believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and bring about healing.

Worship[edit | edit source]

Vejovis was primarily worshipped in ancient Rome, particularly during the Republican era. His cult had a small but dedicated following, and his worship was often associated with the protection of the Roman state and its citizens.

Temples dedicated to Vejovis were built in various parts of Rome, with the most famous one located on the Capitoline Hill. These temples served as places of worship and offerings were made to honor the god. The worship of Vejovis also involved various rituals and ceremonies, which were performed by priests and priestesses.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Vejovis' influence extended beyond the realm of mythology and religion. In Roman society, he was often associated with the concept of justice and the punishment of wrongdoers. As a result, his name was sometimes invoked during legal proceedings to ensure fair judgment.

Today, Vejovis is not widely known or worshipped. However, his legacy can still be seen in various aspects of Roman culture and history. His symbol, a lightning bolt, is often used to represent power and protection. Additionally, his association with healing and protection continues to inspire individuals seeking solace and guidance.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD