
Washington State Public Disclosure Commission

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== Washington State Public Disclosure Commission ==

The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) is a state agency in Washington responsible for overseeing and enforcing the state's campaign finance and disclosure laws. The PDC ensures transparency in political campaigns, lobbying activities, and financial disclosures by public officials.

History[edit | edit source]

The PDC was established in 1972 following the passage of Initiative 276, which was approved by Washington voters. The initiative aimed to promote transparency and accountability in government by requiring the disclosure of campaign contributions and expenditures, lobbying activities, and the financial affairs of public officials.

Functions[edit | edit source]

The primary functions of the PDC include:

  • **Campaign Finance Disclosure**: The PDC requires candidates, political committees, and parties to disclose contributions and expenditures. This information is made available to the public to ensure transparency in the electoral process.
  • **Lobbying Disclosure**: Lobbyists and lobbying firms must register with the PDC and report their activities, including expenditures and the issues they are lobbying for or against.
  • **Personal Financial Affairs Disclosure**: Public officials and candidates for public office must file personal financial affairs statements, disclosing their financial interests to prevent conflicts of interest.
  • **Enforcement**: The PDC has the authority to investigate potential violations of campaign finance and disclosure laws, impose fines, and refer cases to the Washington State Attorney General for further action if necessary.

Structure[edit | edit source]

The PDC is governed by a five-member commission appointed by the Governor of Washington. Commissioners serve staggered five-year terms and are responsible for setting policy and overseeing the agency's operations. The day-to-day activities of the PDC are managed by an executive director and staff.

Public Access[edit | edit source]

The PDC maintains an online database where the public can access campaign finance reports, lobbying disclosures, and personal financial statements. This database is designed to promote transparency and allow citizens to monitor the financial activities of candidates, public officials, and lobbyists.

Related Pages[edit | edit source]



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