William Henry Christman

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William Henry Christman

William Henry Christman was a notable figure in American history, particularly known for his role in the American Civil War. Born on December 25, 1843, in Philadelphia, Christman enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War. He served as a private in Company G of the 67th Pennsylvania Infantry.

Military Service[edit | edit source]

Christman's military service began when he enlisted on March 25, 1864. He was stationed at Camp Parole in Annapolis, Maryland, where he served as a nurse for wounded soldiers. Christman's dedication and compassion towards his fellow soldiers earned him respect among his peers.

Arlington National Cemetery[edit | edit source]

Tragically, William Henry Christman became the first military burial at what would later become Arlington National Cemetery. He passed away on May 11, 1864, due to chronic diarrhea while still stationed at Camp Parole. His burial at Arlington marked the beginning of a historic and significant site that would become the final resting place for many American soldiers.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Christman's legacy lives on through his contribution to the establishment of Arlington National Cemetery. His sacrifice and service symbolize the dedication and honor of all those who have served in the United States military.


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