Zhan Shichai

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Zhan Shichai by Lai Afong (cropped)

Zhan Shichai (1840s – 5 November 1893) was a Chinese giant and strongman who became famous under the stage name "Chang the Chinese Giant" in the Victorian era. Born in Fuzhou, Fujian province, Zhan Shichai was noted for his impressive height, reported to be over 8 feet (2.44 meters) tall, although modern research suggests he was likely closer to 7 feet 9 inches (2.36 meters).

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Little is known about Zhan Shichai's early life before he became an international sensation. He was born in the 1840s in Fuzhou, a city with a rich cultural history in the southeastern province of Fujian, China. His growth in height was extraordinary, and by his late teens, he had reached a stature that was remarkable even by today's standards.

Career[edit | edit source]

Zhan Shichai's height caught the attention of a British merchant in the 1860s, who saw potential in exhibiting Zhan as a curiosity in the West. He was subsequently taken to Europe, where he adopted the stage name "Chang the Chinese Giant." Zhan's performances were not limited to showcasing his height; he was also known to demonstrate his strength, making him a popular figure in the Victorian freak show circuit, a form of entertainment that thrived on the public's fascination with the unusual and the exotic.

Throughout his career, Zhan traveled extensively, visiting countries across Europe and North America. He was often accompanied by his manager and interpreter, who helped navigate his interactions with the Western world. Zhan's appearances were well-received, drawing large crowds eager to witness his towering presence in person.

Later Life and Death[edit | edit source]

After decades of touring, Zhan Shichai settled in Bournemouth, England, where he lived until his death on 5 November 1893. His later years were quieter, away from the public eye, and he passed away from health complications related to his size.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Zhan Shichai's life story is a fascinating glimpse into the world of 19th-century entertainment and the complexities of cultural exchange between the East and West. His experiences reflect broader themes of exploitation and curiosity that characterized the era's approach to difference and diversity. Today, Zhan is remembered not only for his physical stature but also for the impact he had on Victorian society and the enduring interest in the lives of those who were deemed extraordinary by their contemporaries.


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Contributors: Prab R. Tumpati, MD